Luke 22:42
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And said, “Faither! gif thou be willin, pit this cup frae me! Yet, no my wull, but thine be dune!”
اكتشف Luke 22:42
Luke 22:32
“But I hae besocht for ye, that yere faith disna fail: whan ye hae turned again, lift up yere brethren!”
اكتشف Luke 22:32
Luke 22:19
And, takin a laif, and giean thanks, he brak it, and gied to them, sayin, “This is my body, that is gien for you; sae do ye, to remember me!”
اكتشف Luke 22:19
Luke 22:20
And iʼ the same way, the cup eftir supper, sayin, “This cup is the New Covenant, in my blude, that is to be teemed out for you.
اكتشف Luke 22:20
Luke 22:44
And comin intil an agony, yet mair earnestly he prayed; and he swat as it had been mickle draps oʼ blude, faʼin doon to the grunʼ.
اكتشف Luke 22:44
Luke 22:26
“But it isna sae wiʼ you; but he that is the greatest amang ye, lat him be as a younger ane; and he that rules, as gin he serʼt.
اكتشف Luke 22:26
Luke 22:34
But he said, “I tell ye, Peter, the cock winna craw this day, till ye thrice deny that ye ken me!”
اكتشف Luke 22:34
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