Luke 24

1But in one day of the week full early, they came to the grave, and brought sweet smelling spices, that they had arrayed [or which they had made ready].
2And they found the stone turned away from the grave.
3And they went in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
4And it was done, the while they were astonied in thought of this thing, lo! two men stood beside them in shining cloth [or shining clothing].
5And when they dreaded, and bowed their semblance into the earth, they said to them, What seek ye him that liveth with dead men? [or What seek ye the living with the dead?]
6He is not here, but is risen. Have ye mind, how he spake to you, when he was yet in Galilee,
7and said, For it behooveth man’s Son to be betaken into the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and the third day to rise again.
8And they bethought on his words.
9And they went again from the grave, and told all these things to the eleven, and to all [the] others.
10And there was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary of James, and other women that were with them, that said to the apostles these things [or that said these things to the apostles].
11And these words were seen to them as madness, and they believed not to them.
12But Peter rose up, and ran to the grave; and he bowed down, and saw the linen clothes lying alone. And he went by himself, wondering on that that was done.
13And lo! twain of them went in that day into a castle, that was from Jerusalem the space of sixty furlongs, by name Emmaus.
14And they spake together of all these things that had befallen.
15And it was done, the while they talked, and sought by themselves, Jesus himself nighed, and went with them.
16But their eyes were holden, that they knew him not.
17And he said to them, What be these words, that ye speak together wandering, and ye be sorrowful?
18And one, whose name was Cleopas, answered, and said [to him], Thou thyself art a pilgrim in Jerusalem, and hast thou not known, what things be done in it in these days?
19To whom he said, What things? And they said to him, Of Jesus of Nazareth, that was a man prophet, mighty in work and word before God and all the people;
20and how the high priests and our princes betook him into condemnation [or into damnation] of death, and crucified him.
21But we hoped, that he should have again-bought Israel. And now on all these things the third day is today, that these things were done.
22But also some women of ours made us afeared, which before day-[light] were at the grave;
23and when his body was not found, they came, and said, that they saw also a sight of angels, which said, that he liveth.
24And some [men] of ours went to the grave, and they found so as the women said, but they found not him.
25And he said to them, A! fools, and slow of heart to believe in all things that the prophets have spoken.
26Whether it behooved not Christ to suffer these things, and so to enter into his glory?
27And he began at Moses and at all the prophets, and declared [or expounded] to them in all scriptures, that were of him.
28And they came nigh to the castle, whither they went. And he made countenance that he would go further.
29And they constrained him, and said, Dwell with us, for it draweth to night, and the day is now bowed down. And he entered [in] with them.
30And it was done, while he sat at the meat with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and took [or gave] to them.
31And the eyes of them were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished from their eyes.
32And they said together, whether our heart was not burning in us, while he spake to us in the way, and [he] opened to us [the] scriptures?
33And they rose up in the same hour, and went again into Jerusalem [or to Jerusalem], and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,
34saying, that the Lord is risen verily, and appeared to Simon.
35And they told what things were done in the way, and how they knew him in breaking of bread.
36And while they spake these things, Jesus stood in the middle of them, and said to them, Peace to you; I am, do not ye dread.
37But they were afraid and aghast, and guessed them to see a spirit.
38And he said to them, what be ye troubled, and thoughts come up into your hearts?
39See ye my hands and my feet, for I myself am. Feel ye, and see you; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see that I have.
40And when he had said this thing, he showed hands and feet to them.
41And yet while they believed not, and wondered for joy, he said, Have ye here anything [or Have ye any-thing here] that shall be eaten?
42And they proffered [or offered] to him a part of a fish roasted, and a honeycomb.
43And when he had eaten before them, he took that that left [or the remnants], and gave to them;
44and [he] said to them, These be the words that I spake to you, when I was yet with you; for it is need that all things be fulfilled, that be written in the law of Moses, and in prophets, and in psalms, of me.
45Then he opened to them wit, that they should understand [the] scriptures.
46And he said to them, For thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and rise again from death the third day;
47and penance, and remission of sins to be preached in his name to all folks, beginning at Jerusalem.
48And ye be witnesses of these things.
49And I shall send the promise of my Father into you; but sit ye in the city, till ye be clothed with virtue from on high.
50And he led them forth into Bethany, and when his hands were lifted up, he blessed them.
51And it was done, the while he blessed them [or while he blessed them], he departed from them, and was borne into heaven.
52And they worshipped, and went again into Jerusalem with great joy,
53and were evermore in the temple, praising and blessing God.

المحددات الحالية:

Luke 24: WBMS

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