Genesis 8
1Forsooth the Lord had mind of Noah, and of all living beasts, and of all work beasts, that were with him in the ship; and [he] brought a wind on the earth. And [the] waters were decreased, or assuaged,
2and the wells of the sea were closed, and the windows of heaven were closed, and rains of heaven were ceased.
3And [the] waters turned again from off the earth, and went again, and began to be decreased, or assuaged, after an hundred and fifty days.
4And the ship rested in the seventh month, in the seven and twentieth day of the month, on the hills [or mounts] of Armenia.
5And soothly the waters went and decreased till to the tenth month, for in the tenth month, in the first day of the month, the tops of [the] hills appeared.
6And when forty days had passed, Noah opened the window of the ship which he had made,
7and sent out a crow, which went out, and turned not again till the waters were dried on [the] earth.
8Also Noah sent out a culver after him, to see if the waters had ceased then on the face of the earth;
9and when the culver found not where her foot should rest, she turned again to him into the ship, for the waters were on all [the] earth; and Noah held forth his hand, and brought the culver taken into the ship.
10Soothly when other seven days were abided afterward, again he sent out a culver from the ship;
11and she came to him at eventide, and bare in her mouth a branch of an olive tree with green leaves. There-fore Noah understood that the waters had ceased or abated on earth;
12and nevertheless he abode seven other days, and sent out a culver, which turned not again to him.
13Therefore in the six hundred and one year of the life of Noah, in the first month, in the first day of the month, [the] waters were decreased on earth; and Noah opened the roof of the ship, and beheld, and saw that the face of the earth was dried.
14In the second month, in the seven and twentieth day of the month, the earth was made dry.
15Soothly the Lord spake to Noah; and said,
16Go out of the ship, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and the wives of thy sons with thee;
17and lead out with thee all living beasts that be with thee of each flesh, as well in volatiles, as in unreason-able beasts, and all reptiles or all creeping beasts that creep on [the] earth; and enter ye on the earth, increase ye, and be ye multiplied on earth.
18Therefore Noah went out, and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons with him;
19but also all living beasts, and work beasts, and birds, and reptiles that creep on [the] earth, by their kind, went out of the ship.
20Forsooth Noah builded an altar to the Lord, and he took of all clean beasts and birds, and offered burnt sacrifices on the altar.
21And the Lord savoured the odour of sweetness, and said to him, I shall no more curse the earth for men, for the wit and thought of man’s heart be ready, either prone, into evil from young waxing age; therefore I shall no more smite each living soul, as I did;
22in all the days of [the] earth, seed and ripe corn, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, shall not rest.
Цяпер абрана:
Genesis 8: WBMS

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Wycliffe’s Bible with Modern Spelling ©2017
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Wycliffe’s New Testament ©2001, 2011
Wycliffe’s Old Testament ©2001, 2010
Genesis 8
1Forsooth the Lord had mind of Noah, and of all living beasts, and of all work beasts, that were with him in the ship; and [he] brought a wind on the earth. And [the] waters were decreased, or assuaged,
2and the wells of the sea were closed, and the windows of heaven were closed, and rains of heaven were ceased.
3And [the] waters turned again from off the earth, and went again, and began to be decreased, or assuaged, after an hundred and fifty days.
4And the ship rested in the seventh month, in the seven and twentieth day of the month, on the hills [or mounts] of Armenia.
5And soothly the waters went and decreased till to the tenth month, for in the tenth month, in the first day of the month, the tops of [the] hills appeared.
6And when forty days had passed, Noah opened the window of the ship which he had made,
7and sent out a crow, which went out, and turned not again till the waters were dried on [the] earth.
8Also Noah sent out a culver after him, to see if the waters had ceased then on the face of the earth;
9and when the culver found not where her foot should rest, she turned again to him into the ship, for the waters were on all [the] earth; and Noah held forth his hand, and brought the culver taken into the ship.
10Soothly when other seven days were abided afterward, again he sent out a culver from the ship;
11and she came to him at eventide, and bare in her mouth a branch of an olive tree with green leaves. There-fore Noah understood that the waters had ceased or abated on earth;
12and nevertheless he abode seven other days, and sent out a culver, which turned not again to him.
13Therefore in the six hundred and one year of the life of Noah, in the first month, in the first day of the month, [the] waters were decreased on earth; and Noah opened the roof of the ship, and beheld, and saw that the face of the earth was dried.
14In the second month, in the seven and twentieth day of the month, the earth was made dry.
15Soothly the Lord spake to Noah; and said,
16Go out of the ship, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and the wives of thy sons with thee;
17and lead out with thee all living beasts that be with thee of each flesh, as well in volatiles, as in unreason-able beasts, and all reptiles or all creeping beasts that creep on [the] earth; and enter ye on the earth, increase ye, and be ye multiplied on earth.
18Therefore Noah went out, and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons with him;
19but also all living beasts, and work beasts, and birds, and reptiles that creep on [the] earth, by their kind, went out of the ship.
20Forsooth Noah builded an altar to the Lord, and he took of all clean beasts and birds, and offered burnt sacrifices on the altar.
21And the Lord savoured the odour of sweetness, and said to him, I shall no more curse the earth for men, for the wit and thought of man’s heart be ready, either prone, into evil from young waxing age; therefore I shall no more smite each living soul, as I did;
22in all the days of [the] earth, seed and ripe corn, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, shall not rest.
Цяпер абрана:

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Wycliffe’s Bible with Modern Spelling ©2017
Wycliffe’s Apocrypha ©2013, 2015
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Wycliffe’s New Testament ©2001, 2011
Wycliffe’s Old Testament ©2001, 2010