Jhone 4
Jesus taaks wi a Samaritan wumman
1Tha Pharisees heerd that Jesus wus getherin mair follaers roon hïm ner Jhone, an he wus baptisin thaim. 2(Tha mair ïn fect ït wusnae Jesus, but hïs follaers, that wus daein tha baptisin.) 3But whaniver tha Loard heerd thïs, he upt an left Judea an went awa hame yinst mair tae Galilee. 4Noo he beed tae gang throu Samaria. 5Sae he cum tae thïs toon ïn Samaria wi tha name o Sychar, nearhan tha wee bït o grun that Jacob haed gien tae Joseph. 6Jacob's wal wus thonner, an Jesus, daen oot frae aa hïs trevelin, sut doon agin tha wal. An ït wus aboot tha mïddle o tha day. 7Noo a Samaritan wumman cum fer a go o wattèr oot o tha wal, an Jesus saed til hir, “Gie iz a drïnk o yer wattèr.” 8(Hïs follaers wur awa ïntae tha toon tae buy mait.) 9Tha wumman saed bak tae hïm, “Hoo cum ye'r axin me fer a drïnk, an you a Jew, an me a Samaritan wumman?” (Fer tha Jews haed nae truck wi tha Samaritans.) 10Jesus gien hir tha answer, “If ye haed onlie but knowed whut God haes tae gie, an wha's axin ye fer tha drïnk, ye wud hae axt hïm, an he wud hae gien ye tha leevin wattèr.” 11“Sïr,” qo she, “Ye hae naethin tae lave tha wattèr oot wi, an tha wal ïs brave an deep. Whar dae ye get thïs leevin wattèr frae? 12Dae ye thïnk ye'r a bïgger man ner oor forefaither Jacob, that gien iz tha wal an drunk frae ït hissel, laik hïs sinns daen forbye, an hïs beese anaa?” 13Jesus saed til hir, “Oniebodie that taks a drïnk o thïs wattèr wull aye hae a druith on thaim agane. 14But oniebodie that taks a drïnk o tha wattèr that A gie hïm wull niver hae a druith agane. Deed, ay, tha wattèr A gie hïm wull be a wattèr spoot, wallin up tae ayelastin life.” 15Tha wumman saed tae hïm, “Weel sïr, gie's a drap o thïs wattèr then, sae A'll niver hae a druith on me agane, ner hae tae keep cumin bak here fer tae draa wattèr.” 16He toul hir, “Awa an caa yer husban an cum bak here.” 17“A hae nae husban,” she answert. Jesus saed til hir, “Ye'r richt thair, whaniver ye say ye hinnae a husban. 18Tha truith o tha mettèr ïs, ye hae haed five husbans an tha man ye'r leevin wi jist noo ïs no yer husban ava. Sae ye wur richt ïn whut ye saed.” 19“Sïr,” tha wumman saed, “Ye maun be a proaphit! 20Oor forefaithers wurshipt on thïs muntin, but yous Jews houl that we hae tae woarship ïn Jerusalem.” 21Jesus saed, “Believe you me, wumman, tha time's cumin whan ït'll no be on thïs here muntin, ner ïn Jerusalem ether, that yis'll be woarshippin tha Faither! 22Yous Samaritans dïnnae ken whut yis ir woarshippin; we Jews dae ken whut we'r woarshippin, fer salvation ïs frae tha Jews. 23Yit tha oor's cumin, an ït's here noo, whan tha true woarshippers wull woarship tha Faither ïn spïrit an truith, fer thaim's tha soart tha Faither's lukkin fer tae woarship hïm. 24God ïs spïrit, an thaim that woarship hïm, maun woarship ïn spïrit an truith.” 25Tha wumman saed, “A ken that tha Messiah - hïm the' caa Christ - ïs cumin. Whaniver he cums he'll mak aa thïngs clear tae iz.” 26Saed Jesus til hir, “A'm hïm. Tha verie yin that's taakin tae ye!”
Jesus' follaers ir dumfoonèrt
27Jist then hïs follaers cum bak, an the' wur stoondit that Jesus wus taakin wi a wumman. But naebodie axt hïm, “Whut dae ye want wi hir?” or “Whut ir ye daein taakin tae hir?” 28Sae tha wumman set hir wattèr jar doon, an went aff bak ïntae tha toon. Thair she telt tha fowk, 29“Cum an see thïs man that toul me aa A iver daen. Cud thïs no be tha Christ?” 30Sae oot the' cum frae tha toon an made thair wye up tae hïm. 31While thïs wus gaun on, hïs follaers kep at hïm, sayin, “Rabbi, wud ye no tak a bite tae ait?” 32But he toul thaim, “A hae mait tae ait that yis ken naethin aboot.” 33Then hïs follaers saed tae yin anither, “Cud oniebodie hae brocht hïm mait whaniver we wur awa?” 34“Ma mait,” saed Jesus, “ïs daein tha wull o hïm that sent me, an tae get hïs wark aa daen. 35Dae yis no say, ‘Fower mair month an then tha hairvest’? A'm tellin ye but, cast yer een oot ower tha fiels! The' ir ripe an readie fer tha hairst. 36Tha shearer wull get hïs wages pyed, an wull gether tha craps fer ayelastin life, sae tha sower an tha shearer wull be gled thegither. 37Sae ït's tha truith whut the' say, ‘Yin man saas an tha tither yin shears’. 38A sent ye fer tae shear whut ye hinnae wrocht at. Ithers hae daen aa tha haird wark, an yous hae got tha guid o thair labourin.”
Monie Samaritans believe ïn Jesus
39A guid wheen o tha Samaritans frae thon toon believed ïn hïm becas o tha wumman's wutness whaniver she telt thaim, “He toul me iveriethin A iver daen.” 40Sae whaniver tha Samaritans cum tae see hïm, the' plaidit wi hïm tae stap a bït lang'r wi thaim. Sae he stapt wi thaim twa days. 41Monie mair believed ïn Jesus fer whut he saed. 42An the' toul tha wumman eftèr, “We ir no believin ïn hïm onie mair jist becas o whut you telt iz. We hae heerd hïm fer oorsels, an noo we ken that thïs man ïs tha Saviour o tha warl.”
Jesus maks a heidyin's sinn bettèr
43Noo eftèr twa days, Jesus tuk hïs leave an gan aff tae Galilee. 44(Fer as Jesus hissel haed brocht tae thair notysh, nae proaphit ïs iver weel thocht o ïn hïs ain hametoon.) 45An whaniver he cum tae Galilee, tha fowk thonner gien hïm a guid walcum. Fer the' haed saen iveriethin he daen ïn Jerusalem at tha Faist o tha Passower, whaniver the' wur up at ït thairsels. 46Jesus stapt aff agane at Cana ïn Galilee, whar he haed turnt tha wattèr ïntae wine. An thïs heidyin frae tha Palace wus thair, whase sinn wus lyin seeck at Capernaum. 47Whaniver tha man heerd that Jesus wus bak ïn Galilee frae Judea, he cum plaidin wi Jesus tae cum doon an mak hïs sinn bettèr. Hïs sinn wus gye faur throu. 48“Ye see yous fowk, less ye get signs an wunnèrs tae luk at,” Jesus telt hïm, “ye'll niver believe.” 49Tha man frae tha Palace saed, “O sïr, cum doon noo, afore ma weefla slips awa.” 50Saed Jesus, “Gan yer wa. Yer sinn wull leeve.” Tha man tuk Jesus at hïs wurd an went on hame. 51Whan he wus on tha róad, hïs sarvints cum oot tae meet hïm an tell hïm hïs weefla wus aa richt. 52Sae he axt at whut oor o tha day hïs sinn tuk a turn fer tha bettèr, an the' toul hïm, “Tha faivir quït at yin o'clock yestèrday.” 53Then tha faither knowed richt awa that ït wus tha verie time o day that Jesus saed tae hïm, “Yer sinn wull leeve.” Sae he becum a believer tae, hïm an aa ïn hïs hoose. 54Thïs wus tha saicont mïracle Jesus wrocht fer a sign, eftèr cumin bak frae Judea ïntae Galilee.
Цяпер абрана:
Jhone 4: USNT
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© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020
Jhone 4
Jesus taaks wi a Samaritan wumman
1Tha Pharisees heerd that Jesus wus getherin mair follaers roon hïm ner Jhone, an he wus baptisin thaim. 2(Tha mair ïn fect ït wusnae Jesus, but hïs follaers, that wus daein tha baptisin.) 3But whaniver tha Loard heerd thïs, he upt an left Judea an went awa hame yinst mair tae Galilee. 4Noo he beed tae gang throu Samaria. 5Sae he cum tae thïs toon ïn Samaria wi tha name o Sychar, nearhan tha wee bït o grun that Jacob haed gien tae Joseph. 6Jacob's wal wus thonner, an Jesus, daen oot frae aa hïs trevelin, sut doon agin tha wal. An ït wus aboot tha mïddle o tha day. 7Noo a Samaritan wumman cum fer a go o wattèr oot o tha wal, an Jesus saed til hir, “Gie iz a drïnk o yer wattèr.” 8(Hïs follaers wur awa ïntae tha toon tae buy mait.) 9Tha wumman saed bak tae hïm, “Hoo cum ye'r axin me fer a drïnk, an you a Jew, an me a Samaritan wumman?” (Fer tha Jews haed nae truck wi tha Samaritans.) 10Jesus gien hir tha answer, “If ye haed onlie but knowed whut God haes tae gie, an wha's axin ye fer tha drïnk, ye wud hae axt hïm, an he wud hae gien ye tha leevin wattèr.” 11“Sïr,” qo she, “Ye hae naethin tae lave tha wattèr oot wi, an tha wal ïs brave an deep. Whar dae ye get thïs leevin wattèr frae? 12Dae ye thïnk ye'r a bïgger man ner oor forefaither Jacob, that gien iz tha wal an drunk frae ït hissel, laik hïs sinns daen forbye, an hïs beese anaa?” 13Jesus saed til hir, “Oniebodie that taks a drïnk o thïs wattèr wull aye hae a druith on thaim agane. 14But oniebodie that taks a drïnk o tha wattèr that A gie hïm wull niver hae a druith agane. Deed, ay, tha wattèr A gie hïm wull be a wattèr spoot, wallin up tae ayelastin life.” 15Tha wumman saed tae hïm, “Weel sïr, gie's a drap o thïs wattèr then, sae A'll niver hae a druith on me agane, ner hae tae keep cumin bak here fer tae draa wattèr.” 16He toul hir, “Awa an caa yer husban an cum bak here.” 17“A hae nae husban,” she answert. Jesus saed til hir, “Ye'r richt thair, whaniver ye say ye hinnae a husban. 18Tha truith o tha mettèr ïs, ye hae haed five husbans an tha man ye'r leevin wi jist noo ïs no yer husban ava. Sae ye wur richt ïn whut ye saed.” 19“Sïr,” tha wumman saed, “Ye maun be a proaphit! 20Oor forefaithers wurshipt on thïs muntin, but yous Jews houl that we hae tae woarship ïn Jerusalem.” 21Jesus saed, “Believe you me, wumman, tha time's cumin whan ït'll no be on thïs here muntin, ner ïn Jerusalem ether, that yis'll be woarshippin tha Faither! 22Yous Samaritans dïnnae ken whut yis ir woarshippin; we Jews dae ken whut we'r woarshippin, fer salvation ïs frae tha Jews. 23Yit tha oor's cumin, an ït's here noo, whan tha true woarshippers wull woarship tha Faither ïn spïrit an truith, fer thaim's tha soart tha Faither's lukkin fer tae woarship hïm. 24God ïs spïrit, an thaim that woarship hïm, maun woarship ïn spïrit an truith.” 25Tha wumman saed, “A ken that tha Messiah - hïm the' caa Christ - ïs cumin. Whaniver he cums he'll mak aa thïngs clear tae iz.” 26Saed Jesus til hir, “A'm hïm. Tha verie yin that's taakin tae ye!”
Jesus' follaers ir dumfoonèrt
27Jist then hïs follaers cum bak, an the' wur stoondit that Jesus wus taakin wi a wumman. But naebodie axt hïm, “Whut dae ye want wi hir?” or “Whut ir ye daein taakin tae hir?” 28Sae tha wumman set hir wattèr jar doon, an went aff bak ïntae tha toon. Thair she telt tha fowk, 29“Cum an see thïs man that toul me aa A iver daen. Cud thïs no be tha Christ?” 30Sae oot the' cum frae tha toon an made thair wye up tae hïm. 31While thïs wus gaun on, hïs follaers kep at hïm, sayin, “Rabbi, wud ye no tak a bite tae ait?” 32But he toul thaim, “A hae mait tae ait that yis ken naethin aboot.” 33Then hïs follaers saed tae yin anither, “Cud oniebodie hae brocht hïm mait whaniver we wur awa?” 34“Ma mait,” saed Jesus, “ïs daein tha wull o hïm that sent me, an tae get hïs wark aa daen. 35Dae yis no say, ‘Fower mair month an then tha hairvest’? A'm tellin ye but, cast yer een oot ower tha fiels! The' ir ripe an readie fer tha hairst. 36Tha shearer wull get hïs wages pyed, an wull gether tha craps fer ayelastin life, sae tha sower an tha shearer wull be gled thegither. 37Sae ït's tha truith whut the' say, ‘Yin man saas an tha tither yin shears’. 38A sent ye fer tae shear whut ye hinnae wrocht at. Ithers hae daen aa tha haird wark, an yous hae got tha guid o thair labourin.”
Monie Samaritans believe ïn Jesus
39A guid wheen o tha Samaritans frae thon toon believed ïn hïm becas o tha wumman's wutness whaniver she telt thaim, “He toul me iveriethin A iver daen.” 40Sae whaniver tha Samaritans cum tae see hïm, the' plaidit wi hïm tae stap a bït lang'r wi thaim. Sae he stapt wi thaim twa days. 41Monie mair believed ïn Jesus fer whut he saed. 42An the' toul tha wumman eftèr, “We ir no believin ïn hïm onie mair jist becas o whut you telt iz. We hae heerd hïm fer oorsels, an noo we ken that thïs man ïs tha Saviour o tha warl.”
Jesus maks a heidyin's sinn bettèr
43Noo eftèr twa days, Jesus tuk hïs leave an gan aff tae Galilee. 44(Fer as Jesus hissel haed brocht tae thair notysh, nae proaphit ïs iver weel thocht o ïn hïs ain hametoon.) 45An whaniver he cum tae Galilee, tha fowk thonner gien hïm a guid walcum. Fer the' haed saen iveriethin he daen ïn Jerusalem at tha Faist o tha Passower, whaniver the' wur up at ït thairsels. 46Jesus stapt aff agane at Cana ïn Galilee, whar he haed turnt tha wattèr ïntae wine. An thïs heidyin frae tha Palace wus thair, whase sinn wus lyin seeck at Capernaum. 47Whaniver tha man heerd that Jesus wus bak ïn Galilee frae Judea, he cum plaidin wi Jesus tae cum doon an mak hïs sinn bettèr. Hïs sinn wus gye faur throu. 48“Ye see yous fowk, less ye get signs an wunnèrs tae luk at,” Jesus telt hïm, “ye'll niver believe.” 49Tha man frae tha Palace saed, “O sïr, cum doon noo, afore ma weefla slips awa.” 50Saed Jesus, “Gan yer wa. Yer sinn wull leeve.” Tha man tuk Jesus at hïs wurd an went on hame. 51Whan he wus on tha róad, hïs sarvints cum oot tae meet hïm an tell hïm hïs weefla wus aa richt. 52Sae he axt at whut oor o tha day hïs sinn tuk a turn fer tha bettèr, an the' toul hïm, “Tha faivir quït at yin o'clock yestèrday.” 53Then tha faither knowed richt awa that ït wus tha verie time o day that Jesus saed tae hïm, “Yer sinn wull leeve.” Sae he becum a believer tae, hïm an aa ïn hïs hoose. 54Thïs wus tha saicont mïracle Jesus wrocht fer a sign, eftèr cumin bak frae Judea ïntae Galilee.
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