John 3:16
EasyEnglish Bible 2024
God loved the people in the world so much that he gave his one and only Son to save them. As a result, everyone who believes in the Son will not die. Instead, they will live for ever with God.
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John 3:17
God did not send his Son into the world because he wanted to punish people. He sent his Son to save the people in the world from punishment.
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John 3:3
Jesus replied, ‘I tell you this. Unless a person is born from above, they cannot understand the kingdom of God.’
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John 3:18
God will not punish anyone who believes in his Son. But if people refuse to believe in the Son, God has already decided that he must punish them. They have not believed in God's one and only Son.
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John 3:19
God's Son has brought light into the world. But some people did not love the light. They loved the dark instead. That was because they were doing evil things. That is why God has decided to punish those people.
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John 3:30
Jesus must become greater, but I must become less important.
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John 3:20
Everyone who does evil things hates the light. A person like that will not come to the light because he is afraid. He does not want the bad things that he has done to show clearly.
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John 3:36
Anyone who believes in the Son has life with God for ever. But anyone who refuses to obey the Son will never have life with God. God will continue to be angry with people like that.’
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John 3:14
Long ago Moses lifted up the metal snake in the wilderness to save his people. In the same way, people must lift up the Son of Man on a cross.
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John 3:35
The Father loves the Son. He has given his Son authority over all things.
Разгледайте John 3:35