Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Corinthians 6:18
Your Brain on Porn – Break Free From a Lust and Porn Addiction
7 Days
Porn has rewired your brain in such a way that it has locked you into bondage. For true and lasting freedom, your mind must be renewed. This short, 7-day journey will help you: - Learn the neuroscience of how porn takes over your brain and fuels addiction. - Discover the scientific and biblical insights that reveal the damage caused by lust. - Learn how to apply Romans 12:2 with the powerful BRACE tool practically.
Week of Prayer For Christian Unity 2018
8 Days
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a yearly reminder of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). The theme for the week of prayer in 2018, "Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power" is inspired by Exodus 15:6.
My Identity in Christ
9 Days
Our identity is defined by personal attributes such as character, gender and colour of skin, but also by the groups that we belong to. You may ask yourself: how do I view myself? How do others see me? The most important question however is: How does God see me? Who am I in Christ?
New Life
10 Days
If you are a new believer and new follower of Christ - this plan is for you. There is a quality of life that God wants us to enjoy, but it’s a quality of life we only really get to know when we get to know Him. Welcome to your new life!
Loving Our Enemies
10 Days
Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” If the 2.2 billion Christians in the world did so, a contagious revolution would commence. Have you learned how? This greatest moral ethic in the history of humanity can only be embodied by people who allow Him to live “with” them in a genuine interactive relationship. In these lessons learn the infrastructure needed within our beings to spontaneously and authentically love our enemies.
Staying Connected With God
10 Days
Did you know the Bible says we must glue ourselves to God? Love joins us to God. Love attaches itself and does not let go. The best of both divine and human love is “hesed” steadfast or enduring love. If we stay attached to God, we will live. If we come unglued, it will not be good. Here are ten ways we stay connected with God. Let’s do it!
What Is God's View on Marriage?
10 Days
People have different views on marriage. Some find it extraordinarily old-fashioned, others find it extremely romantic, and others are hurt by their spouse’s infidelity or their parents’ divorce. But above all these opinions or experiences is God’s Word which has a lot to say about marriage. Discover in this reading plan what God’s view on marriage is.
Bro Code Devotional: Part 1 of 3
10 Days
Men, here's your daily hangout with the ultimate alpha male - Jesus Christ. This 10-day journey is your time to get to know yourself better by getting to know Him best. This is no read-and-repeat devotional. It's a bare-knuckles adventure written to tell you the truth. Give it a shot, and God bless you, Brothers.
Hope and Holiness
10 Days
No amount of rules, filters, and accountability partners can free you from sexual sin. Only by understanding your identity in Christ can you truly find the healing you need. This 10-day study follows 1st Corinthians, chapter 6, and teaches how we can have hope and holiness.
10 Days
Jesus didn’t die just so you could get a free ticket into heaven, He died to set you free on this side of eternity. Over the next 10 days we will go on a life-changing journey as we discover the enemy’s strategy to keep us trapped in the cycles of sin and learn the tools that we have been given to step into a life of FREEDOM.