Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Samuel 24:1

A Tool In God's Hands
5 Days
God is always looking to use men and women for His glory. The Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord go throughout the Earth looking for someone through whom He will show Himself strong (2 Chronicles 16:9). In the selection of the people He uses, God does not consider giftings or personal achievements, but availability and readiness of heart. Based on his book – “And they shall be called the Sons of God,” Tolu Oyewole teaches in this devotional plan that God is not looking for VIPs, but He is looking for SVPs – Servants, Visionaries, and Partners. You will learn, based on the examples of the heroes of the Bible, what it means to be a servant, to have a genuine vision and to partner with the Holy Spirit.

Searching for a King
5 Days
Explore Israel's dark past in this plan looking at the United Kingdom and the men who led Israel to its golden age. See archeology and geography verify the Bible's authenticity on this journey. Look through history at the kings that led the nation of Israel as we draw application from their highs and lows and put it to use in our lives today.

Spiritual Life Skills for Any Workplace
5 Days
Whether you work in a Christian or secular environment, working alongside others gives you the incredible opportunity to witness for Jesus. As this 5-day plan shows you practical ways to honor God in your workplace, you’ll grow in your ability to bear spiritual fruit in your workplace, serve your colleagues, and raise up other leaders.

Christmas Gift Shopping Guide
5 Days
How do you choose a gift for someone during Christmas time? What makes a gift special? It is knowing that the giver went out of their way. Or in Mark Batterson's words, a "gift of inconvenience". In this Plan, we will explore ways to make sure that you give meaningful gifts this Christmas.

Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of David
5 Days
A series by Heidi Wysman. David is one of the most referenced people in the Bible with sixty-six chapters dedicated to him. By studying David’s life, we discover that God is writing the story of our salvation. We may feel like we have very little to offer God, but that’s based on our limited perspective. When God calls, He empowers us.

The Man After God's Heart
5 Days
From the beginning, God intended for us to be in His presence. The Garden of Eden exemplified perfect communion until sin disrupted it. Throughout history, God has restored communion, from leading the Israelites to establishing His presence in the tabernacle and temple, culminating in Jesus’ arrival and sacrifice. Now, the Holy Spirit resides in every believer, making us God's temple.

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.

Mighty Mercy
7 Days
Are you someone who feels strongly about crimes against innocent people? How do you feel when a perpetrator gets away with it? Is there a place for mercy in the context of justice? I hope that this Plan will give you a new understanding of showing godly mercy in the fallen world around us.

Living As If God Exists (Because He Does)
10 Days
The world tells tales that deny God. We believe many of them. The Bible tells a different story, but to understand that story we have to live it. Inspired by D. L Moody Center’s Go Dark, Shine Bright campaign, this 10-day Bible Plan challenges you to set aside stories that keep the Lord at arm’s length by engaging in practices that will ground your life in God’s story.

Summoned: Stepping Up to Live and Lead With Jesus
14 Days
You have been summoned. Life is complicated, and sometimes we feel stuck or adrift. But God has been at work in your life, and he's still working in you. God is calling men to a deeper life of faith, surrender and commitment. You can learn to recognize where he's leading you and what he's calling you to become.