Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 15:1

And He Believed God.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life transforming account of Abraham. Before God changed his name — Abram believed God. Before the manifestation of the promise — Abram believed God. Abram chose to believe God, despite what his situation looked like. No matter what the situation may look like — you must choose to ignore life’s distractions and fix your focus on God.

Hey God, Can We Talk? I Want to Be Closer to You
3 Days
If we want to have deep and intimate conversations with God, what would the incremental steps look like at the beginning of the relationship? Thankfully, we can read about the growing intimacy that Abraham had with God through some very interesting conversations in Genesis 15, 17, and 18. This plan will dive into these chapters to provide some keys ways we can grow closer to God.

God Provides: “Making Major Life Choices" - Abram's Reward
3 Days
The God Provides series offers a rich, dramatic journey through theater-quality, short films which show us wisdom, truth, encouragement and practical steps to deepen a relationship of trust with God. In this video, you'll see the contrasts between the wise choices of Abram and the foolish choices of Lot providing valuable lessons for today—contentment with less versus wanting more; loving people versus loving things; and giving versus taking.

God Provides: "Mine or His"- Abraham and Isaac
3 Days
The God Provides series offers a rich, dramatic journey through theater-quality, short films which show us wisdom, truth, encouragement and practical steps to deepen a relationship of trust with God. This session highlights the true story of Abraham and Isaac, his son. God used this test of obedience to see whether or not Abraham trusted Him fully and would, in faith, obediently make everything he had available for God’s use.

Turning Mistakes Into Miracles
3 Days
When you look back at your life, do you see a long litany of mistakes? Are there moments that cause you deep pain or regret? It’s time to see those moments from God’s perspective. Because your greatest errors can reveal the true depth of His grace. Join Bible teacher Berni Dymet to walk through Abraham’s story in Genesis – and discover how God can turn your mistakes into miracles!

Slowing Down for the Season
3 Days
In the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas, it can be easy to forget what (and for whom!) this season is all about. These devotionals are an invitation to slow down—even if only for 5 minutes—to read Scripture, engage your senses, and contemplate reflective questions.

Clear Vision: Fulfilling What God Reveals to You by Faith
4 Days
What has God been showing you lately? Has He been revealing your purpose, truth, or potential opportunities? Wherever you are, you need to know that God has a plan for your life and that He wants to show you how to accomplish it with a clear vision. In this devotional you will discover how Biblical characters before you fulfilled God's vision successfully, and how can you, too!
Kong Hee: Stepping Into Your Purpose
5 Days
When you receive a vision from God, you will often experience an initial sense of intimidation or inadequacy. Entering into God’s vision requires faith! In Genesis, God called Abraham to step out of his tent to see clearly what great things He had in store for him. Likewise, you need to step out from your personal comfort zone in order to pursue God’s plan and purpose over your life!
Kong Hee: God’s Vision For You
5 Days
God has a vision for your life! By trusting God and placing your faith in Him, you can believe without any doubt that He will accomplish all that He has envisioned for you. When Abraham thought his situation was hopeless, God brought him outside the tent and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars.” There were thousands of stars shining brilliantly in the night sky, each one representing an amazing promise that He has made toward Abraham, as well as to you! And He remembers every single one!

Kong Hee: God's Vision For You
5 Days
Like Abraham, you may have received a dream or a vision from God; but along the way, life gets you down and you lose perspective of what truly matters. God knew that Abraham was disheartened and needed a fresh perspective of his life. So God took him out of his tent and told him to count the stars in the sky (Gen. 15:5). Today, as you look up from your discouragement, and gaze upon the stars, know that each one of them represents God’s promises and His never-ending faithfulness toward you!