Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 2:17
Honoring Christ In Technology
3 Days
This 3-Day Bible study is one in a series of 19 others related to Making Jesus Culture. We look at how to honor and worship God through all elements of culture, including the home, family, church, business, media/arts, government, and education. Accompanying these studies is over 300-Hours of video footage from 150 of today's top Christian thinkers on creativity, innovation, and invention at
The Just Shall Live By Faith
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, faith-filled devotional. The just shall live by faith. As you read His Word, God will unveil His Principles and Precepts for you to follow. His Word will transform your old way of thinking and give you a whole new framework to follow — His Framework. Let God transform you and order your steps as you read this powerful and timely message.
God Owns My Business
3 Days
When it comes to entrepreneurship, it’s easy to claim ownership over the things we’ve built. But what if life is more than your business, your ideas, and your profits? What if there’s something greater in store if we turn everything in our hands over to the One who already holds it all? See what it means to be God’s Co-Founder and how to work with God’s Goods for God’s Return.
Watermark Gospel | Introduction
3 Days
In Luke 24, Jesus taught his disciples that every story in the Bible points directly to him! We simply need to look for the gospel pattern of "suffering followed by glory." That is, we need to look for something that points to his suffering on the cross, followed by something that points to the glory of Jesus' resurrection! In this plan, learn to find Jesus in every Bible story!
Jesus, the King: The Resurrection Story
3 Days
The story of Jesus’s path to the cross is important for all people to consider—especially followers of Christ. Over the next three days, we will look at the metanarrative of the gospel story and what it means to be his disciples. Let’s dive in!
How To Hear God's Voice
3 Days
As we go through life there are many voices that can influence our behavior, thoughts, and even the direction we take. Among those voices speaking to us is God, the devil, people, our families, and our own thoughts. The words you listen to begin to shape who you are and the decisions you make. More than any other distraction God wants to connect with us through our communication with Him.
Overcoming Insecurities
3 Days
Everyone battles with insecurities. I know I did, and they don't stop showing up because you overcome them once. In fact, deeper ones only get revealed as you continue to grow. Insecurities will always try and stop you from walking in faith, but throughout the years, God has taught me how to overcome them. Start this plan to find out how you can too.
Adam: 3 Days Rediscovering Our Beginning
3 Days
Join pastor and bestselling author Colin Smith on this 3-day overview of the life of Adam. Discover the origin of humanity, our purpose, and the reason why we need redemption.
Humble Month
3 Days
Humility as the Key to Divine Blessing? It sounds contradictory in our achievement-oriented society. What’s wrong with being proud of our accomplishments when we use the talents God has given us? In this reading plan, we will show you why humble behavior is the best thing you can do.
Marriage as God Intended
3 Days
Whether you’re married or want to be married, this three-day reading plan is a helpful guide to discover God’s good design for the lifelong devotion of a husband and wife. Kip’ Chelashaw stirs our hearts to mirror Jesus’ love for His bride, the Church, by exploring the five Ps of marriage still relevant to us in the 21st century: partnership, procreation, proclamation, purity, and pleasure.