Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Hosea 2:14

Exploring Your Gifts
4 Days
How do you make the most of your gifts? What has God put on your heart? What does He want you to do? Written specifically for emerging adults, college students, and young leaders, this reading plan will help you understand your passion and pursue what God has in store for you.

You Are Loved
4 Days
God loves you. Whoever you are, wherever you are in your life, God loves you! In this month, when we celebrate love, don't forget that God's love for you is greater than every other love. In this four day series, immerse yourself in God's love.

Proper Healing From Pain
5 Days
Too often the intensity of pain and grief can push us to bypass proper healing. When we do this, we shortcut what God wants to do in us and never fully heal. This plan will guide you through passages of Scripture that will encourage the process of healing. You can come out on the other side of your storm a more mature person with a deeper understanding of God.

Jesus and Women
5 Days
Imagine walking dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you." Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you. Over five days, join biblical culturalist, Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus' world.

Real Hope: Loneliness
5 Days
You can feel lonely by yourself or in the biggest crowd, surrounded by people and still feel lonely. It is a feeling that doesn’t discriminate and can come upon us at a moment’s notice. But how do we cope with it? Can we see God in these moments? This plan aims to help us consider our response to loneliness and how we can seek God in these moments.

Walking in the Wilderness
5 Days
A series by Heidi Wysman. Mountaintops are fun but we can’t stay there forever. Most of us will go back to the wilderness many times. But the wilderness doesn’t have to be a frightening place.Through this study we discover that the wilderness can be a place of beauty, a place of empowerment, a place where God is.

Sweetly Loved
5 Days
Did you know that you have an Admirer? Whether you are single, married, widowed, divorced, or in a relationship, there is One who longs to lavish you with love and He will never stop pursuing you. In this 5 day Bible Plan, April Rodgers will highlight the many ways that God gives and receives love. You are sweetly loved!

Satisfied in the Midst of Singleness
5 Days
Many singles are expecting to be fulfilled through the love and intimacy from their future spouse. If we seek satisfaction from any source other than God, we will find ourselves continuously thirsting. What does it look like to be satisfied in the Lord? This is PART 5 of the PureHeart Challenge – a 5-Part Bible Plan for men and women on the topic of sexuality and purity.

Get Me Out of the Wilderness!
5 Days
If you've said recently, "I'm so over this - get me out of here!", you're not alone. We often end up where we never planned to be, feeling isolated and discouraged. Throughout the Bible, men and women end up in a place they didn't choose. Yet, some amazing stories happened in those wilderness moments, and yours just might be next!