Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 14
The Holy____
5 Days
Who is the Holy Spirit? Come journey with us as we dive deep into learning all about the Holy Spirit. We want to you receive a fresh encounter and fresh revelation and to be empowered to live in and carry out His Kingdom in our everyday lives.
WEAVER - God Wastes Nothing but Weaves Everything for His Glory and Our Good
5 Days
God wastes nothing (our life circumstances, trials, or past) but weaves everything together for His glory and our good. Scripture passages with their applications are like multi-colored and textured threads woven to create a tapestry of God’s Truth and purpose in our lives.
Escaping the Ordinary
5 Days
It's easy to get bogged down by the mundane routine of everyday life. In this plan, you'll discover how to look up and notice God's glory al around you, and how to make your life a reflection of it every day.
God's Extraordinary Lessons in Ordinary Things
5 Days
Be alert to your surroundings: everyday appearances of people, places, and things that are signs of God working and speaking to you.
To Follow Jesus by Rocky Fleming
5 Days
What does it mean to deny self and take up our cross to follow Jesus? This five-day series by Rocky Fleming explores the challenges a disciple must face and the cost of following Jesus.
We Were Sexual Before We Were Sinful
6 Days
You have been written into a wonderful story. God’s story is one that includes Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. However, our conversations surrounding sex often focus on the fall - in reality, we were sexual before we were sinful! In this plan, we'll look at what scripture says about God's creation and design for sex.
Fearless Devotional
7 Days
2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” A powerful truth, but not one that is easy to walk in. Sometimes it seems like fear is stalking us, just waiting to take control of our lives. We don’t have to live this way. This week-long devotional from Seacoast Church will encourage you to stand firm in the face of fear. Through God’s power and his promises to us, we can learn what it means to be Fearless.
Six Steps to a More Engaging Prayer Life
7 Days
John Wesley is credited for saying, “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” Although we may or may not be called to pioneer a global Christian reformation, prayer gives us immediate access to God. This miracle-working God is longing to meet us in prayer to partner with Him in reforming our spheres of influence! This plan includes an acrostic to help you bolster up your prayer life.
Navigating Change: Following the Footsteps of Jesus
7 Days
If you’re a follower of Jesus, you take your cues for life from Him. And, if you are a human, the reality is you are going to experience tons of change and transitions over the course of your life. That’s why, over the next seven days, we will watch Jesus lead Himself and others through the final moments of His earthly ministry to develop a practical theology for transitioning through seasons of life well.