Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 14:28
Bible & Possessions
6 Days
When managing money and possessions, according to Biblical principles, it is important to develop an objective view and to cut the ‘umbilical cord’ with which we are attached to what we possess or otherwise risk being possessed by our possessions. Realising that God owns it all, will help us become detached to possessions and more attached to God.
What Jesus Said About the Cost of Discipleship
6 Days
Being a child of God, a follower and disciple of Jesus is a wonderful privilege. But every Christian must understand that there is a cost – it is not always easy to be a follower of Jesus. This study is about the cost of discipleship.
Everyday Disciple 1 - Counting the Cost
6 Days
As Jesus made clear, being his disciple involves a challenging choice. You must weigh up the costs and benefits of serving Jesus and decide whether you are willing to sacrifice your life and desires to follow Him. This Plan will assist you in making this choice. We will start with the costs of being a disciple, but we will certainly get to the benefits.
What Jesus Said About Total Surrender and Death to Self
6 Days
So often we are following the Lord Jesus, but there are significant parts of our lives that hinders the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.
Moorings – Anchor for the Soul
7 Days
“Mooring” a nautical term, refers to an anchor to which a ship is secured to prevent it from being carried away by the waves. Mooring serves as a primer for our soul’s contemplation. As you ponder over these reflections, may God reveal His eternal truths and perspective to you so that Christ remains as the anchor in your life.
7 Days
Still haven't made up your mind about God? Not really sure what you believe? Spend the next seven days exploring the Bible and see what God reveals to you about his true nature. This is your opportunity to read the story for yourself and decide what you believe. The idea of God is too important for you to still be undecided.
(Un)Natural Mom
7 Days
Discover that God has made every kind of mother to reflect something of Himself, including world-renowned Hettie Brittz's popular parenting style profile. (Un)Natural Mom frees you to stop pursuing the myth of the "natural mom" and become the mom God has equipped you to be.
Choices And Changes: Successful Goal Setting
7 Days
Boris Joaquin (with Renz Mansujeto), developed this Bible reading plan to guide young people with their goal setting on their new seasons in life or at the end their life transitions with three important safe, predictable set of questions that can become mind habit for reflections to change certain things before launching toward their life purpose and goals.
Fake Or Follower
7 Days
Are you living “religiously” out of obligation and a desire to please others, or are you living with a passion to follow Jesus? This week, we will dig deep to ask our hearts and minds the tough questions. I pray that these seven devotionals will help you awaken to the love of Jesus Christ—because faking it can never compare to the joy we find when we truly follow Him.
The Discipline Of Planning
7 Days
Is it necessary to plan after praying about a matter? The Bible is replete with examples about the way in which our patriarchs of faith undergirded their steps of faith with as much planning and preparation, as prayer. They involved God every step of the way. God’s wisdom enlightened finer aspects, as they sought His guidance and direction.