Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 17:15
10 Days
Are you longing for deeper—deeper intimacy with the Lord of love? In this plan, I share practical steps to personal revival and spiritual intimacy with God. I pray that your journey into His magnificent heart will take you deeper than you dreamed possible on this side of Heaven.
The God Who Stays - a Ten-Day Devotional Plan From Matthew West
10 Days
Circumstances change. Political climates change. Relationships with others change. Financial statuses change. Behaviors change. Other peoples’ opinions change. The Bible tells us we can face an ever-changing world knowing that we have a never-changing Savior. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8.)” Join me as we dive into the Word and gain a deeper understanding for the God who stays. -Matthew West
Ten Unsung Bible Heroes & Their Priceless Legacy
10 Days
Nobody knows their names, but without them, the Bible would be incomplete. We call them heroes because through what they did, they impacted destinies and pleased God. In God’s eyes, our titles don’t matter, but what does matter is our level of surrender to Him. So, no matter how insignificant your calling may look, when you surrender yourself to God, you can leave a priceless legacy for generations to come.
Wealthy Women Prosper
10 Days
Wealthy Women Prosper, by BWFwoman for manifestHERdaily takes you deeper into the "how" behind becoming a wealthy woman, what a wealthy life looks like, & how to access limitless supply. Prepare yourself to walk boldly into wealth, which is a part of your divine inheritance as a child of God. This plan focuses on the truth about prosperity and the Word of God for you.
Healings of Jesus
12 Days
Explore the ways Jesus showed his power and compassion as he healed people while he was on earth. A short video highlights one of those Jesus healed for each day of the 12-part plan.
Forever Open | the Gospel of Luke
12 Days
Life with Jesus is an ongoing journey. In the next two weeks, follow Jesus through the Gospel of Luke, learning from his life and teachings as you encounter him in God’s Word. A plan for Catholic pilgrims during the Year of Jubilee, made in partnership with LUMO, Scripture for the visual age.
Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage
14 Days
Shaunti Feldhahn studied thousands of men and women to learn the most important things that matter to an abundant, happy marriage. It turns out, her research findings match what the Bible has said all along. This reading plan highlights those key Biblical secrets that we often miss — and which, once we apply them, usually make an immediate, wonderful difference. See more of her research, books, or speaking at
Unlimited Purpose
14 Days
Unlimited Purpose helps you see God's amazing plans for your life through his gift of grace. By exploring his purpose for you, you can deepen your relationship with him and allow his power to work through you. This is a reading plan for every Christian, especially if you long to discover greater direction in your faith journey. The Unlimited Purpose reading plan explores the vision and heart God has for you.
The Gospel According To Luke
14 days
This reading plan explores the third Gospel. Luke described Jesus Christ as the one who saves. Humanity is lost and desperate, without help or hope, in need of salvation. The third Gospel reminds us that Jesus died to save us.
Driven: Compelled to Missions by Christ’s Love
14 Days
What drives you to live beyond yourself, to embrace Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations? Jesus reached beyond His own people and calls His followers to do the same. These Bible stories will engage you in God’s vision and reveal what Michael Jordan, an Israelite servant girl, a Samaritan leper and others teach us about our own mission—and being compelled by Christ’s love.