Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 6:43
The Counsel Of The Lord Shall Stand.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful heart transforming devotional. Let God examine the ground of your heart. Choose to submit to His Word and Counsel. Only God can intimately understand, weigh and judge the heart of man. Only His Word can sift through the intentions and motives of the heart. Let go of the past and let God heal you. Let His Word every aspect of your heart.
Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life
4 Days
There are many things that we should do in addition to prayer, but there is nothing that we can effectively do without prayer. We should learn to live a quality prayer life just like Jesus did.
Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus
5 Days
The Bible talks a lot about "growing" - learning more about Jesus, following him more closely, obeying him more naturally, and becoming more like him in our attitudes and actions. "Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus" includes verses about seeds, roots, plants, trees, and fruit, all great images for thinking about what it means to live for Jesus.
Designed to Last
5 Days
We’re Dino and Ashley Petrone, and we have a passion for healthy, God-centered marriages. We pray that by sharing our own experiences of confronting our failures, seeking after the future, and being intentional, we can encourage others by suggesting ways to move forward with a God-centered marriage.
Fighting the Fires of Dangerous Thoughts.
5 Days
Do you ever work yourself up over conversations that you have with people . . . in your head? Do you ever play out worst case scenarios for things that could possibly go wrong in the future? Our thoughts can be like dangerous wildfires, if we let them. In this devotional, we’ll learn how God can help us extinguish those wildfire thoughts.
Jesus, I Need You Part 6
6 Days
It’s important to know Jesus and what is important to Him so we understand our need for Him. Reflecting on what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, will help us draw closer to Him. This is part six of eight in the "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries. These plans can be done in any order. See also" Jesus, I Need You" (companion prayer).
Lord, Look Inside My Heart
6 Days
Often, we can be overwhelmed by the symptoms of sin in our lives but afraid to look at the root of our sin. This plan will teach us how to examine the roots of our actions and the fruits they produce. ‘Heart of a Woman’ (a full-length Bible study) and ‘Lord, Look Inside My Heart’ (abridged paperback) are available online.
Jesus…at Home in Your Heart
6 Days
Your home is not your physical address. Your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. As a Christian, it’s the most sacred part of your life, where Christ lovingly resides. Contentment is found when Jesus fully occupies every room and holds the keys to your heart. Join me on a journey to transform your heart into a home of comfort, stability, and peace. At home with Him!
How to Face Life's Challenges
6 Days
Stephen Foster presents this six-day plan on how Jesus’ teachings unlock some of life’s major challenges. Each day equips you with Biblical application relating to different challenges like worry, failure, anger, loving enemies, judging others, and facing temptation. Be encouraged to approach these struggles with confidence in the love, power, and wisdom of Jesus, who is worthy of our worship even amidst the very real difficulties of life.
Extravagant – When Worship Becomes Lifestyle
7 Days
The word extravagant comes from the Latin, extravagari, meaning to “wander outside or beyond.” It describes working outside of prescribed lines, even recklessly so. The woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume was someone prepared to go “outside the lines” of what was deemed acceptable in her passion to demonstrate her love for Jesus. Read to learn more about a lifestyle of extravagant worship!