Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 50:15

Rescue Story - a 3-Day Devotional in Partnership With Ted Barrett and Zach Williams
3 Days
Zach Williams’ song, “Rescue Story” is about how Jesus lifts us up from the ashes. Every time we run away from Him, He is louder than our shame. Jesus is patient with us - He’s been preparing us for our rescue since before birth. Join me in this reading plan to reflect on our rescue stories, inspired by Zach Williams’ music. –Ted Barrett, Minister and Umpire for Major League Baseball

Developing a Steward’s Mindset
3 Days
Living life as a kingdom steward is not merely a task; it is a worldview. A worldview is a lens through which you look at all things. Just as a prescription set of glasses made to work with a specific person’s eyes will bring into focus that which had previously been out of focus, kingdom stewardship reveals how the world around us truly is. Learn more from Tony Evans.

Joy In The Mourning
4 Days
Enduring the loss of a pet is a difficult transitional challenge. Pets are members of families and when one passes away, it can be a hard event to recover from. Although feelings of grief are present, remember that GOD’s promises are still true. In this Plan readers will be encouraged to stand on God’s word, because even in despairing times , God provides Joy in the Mourning.

Financial Discipleship - the Bible on Ownership
5 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about ownership. Most of us live our lives believing we own many things, but the Bible has a very different perspective. This 5-day plan will help readers gain a biblical understanding of who really owns “their” stuff, apply it to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.

Tough Questions With Pastor Mike Novotny, Round 14
5 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers.

Prayer: Powerful and Effective
5 Days
Watch this video plan to learn how your prayers can be powerful and effective.

Highly Favoured: 6 Lessons About Our Powerful God's Covenant with You
6 Days
Throughout the Bible, God promises, “You will be my people and I will be your God.” When we belong to Jesus, two astonishing things are true: We already have God’s favour, and it is both better and harder than we imagine. This plan, based on Stuart J. Foster's book, will help you discover God’s unshakeable love and grasp the power of God’s covenant relationship with you.

7 Benefits Of Being A Kingdom Steward
6 Days
God seeks stewards in His kingdom. Everything created belongs to Him. He desires us to utilize the gifts He has given us to build His kingdom. However, many of us want to do things our way, trying to take possession of these gifts as though they were our own. But it might help to know of the benefits of letting go, allowing God to use you as a kingdom steward.