Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Revelation 7:17
Faith Comes By Hearing
3 Days
The theme of these guided audio meditations will help find healing as you open your eyes to opportunities to share and for people to hear. Opportunities for you to take a stress-free walk down a path with God. A beautiful path without fear to remind you of God’s filling joy, his presence, and his eternal pleasures.
Everyday Life in Revelation: Part 5 The People
3 Days
Join this three day study as we look at the people described in Revelation 7. Who are they? What is their role in Revelation? How are they related to you? These questions will be discussed in this study.
God's Promises For The Hungry Heart, Twelve
4 Days
Promises! Who doesn't want certainty. We CAN depend on God! It has been said there are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testaments. The following verses can help you draw near to the Lord and rest. God's word has promises you want in your heart regarding dating, anger, hope, money, trust, suffering and even sex. Stop relying on empty promises people make. Lean on God's promises.
Tough Questions With Pastor Mike: Round 4
4 days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers, but be prepared to dig into God's Word too!
Diversity: Flourishing As One Body
5 Days
In today’s world, the topic of diversity is messy, difficult, and often divisive. In this five-day study, we explore what the Bible says about the subject, from celebrating our diversity of talents to the grand vision of every tribe, tongue, and nation joining together to worship God. Written by the staff of HOPE International, a Christ-centered nonprofit, this study draws on their experience working across multiple countries and cultures.
Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms Part 7
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 7 of12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows.
The Book of Revelation: Video Devotions From Time of Grace
5 days
Dive into the captivating and confusing biblical book of Revelation and learn that this book is meant to be a book of peace and comfort for you because the main theme is this: Jesus wins!
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–20–The Revelation
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the twentieth part "The Revelation." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.
5 Days
Marriage is a sacred creation by our Father in Heaven. Scripture is full of instruction for our marriages. God knew that it would not always be easy, but it is clear that He holds marriage in high esteem. Let's explore what God has to say about marriage and along the way, see what He might have to say to us about our marriage.
How God Uses “Ordinary People” to Change the World
5 Days
Everyone has a deep desire to make a difference with their lives. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. In this 5-day devotional, Fellowship of Christian Athletes executive Jeff Martin reminds us how God uses ordinary people to change the world.