Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 13:9
The 5-Star Entrepreneur
3 Days
In this YouVersion plan, entrepreneur, coach, and former pastor Dr. Chris Bowen will delve into entrepreneurship, financial freedom, and tips and tricks surrounding your effectiveness in both. Are you ready to step into your destiny and fulfill the plans God has for your life by being obedient through your finances? Let’s get started.
Bound By Freedom
5 Days
Just as God first breathed the spirit of life into man in Eden, so we rely on Him to sustain us still. We survive by His power, through His word, and for His glory. To believe the Gospel is to live; to live is to obey. This is the freedom for which Jesus set us free.
DC28:20—Getting Equipped: The Character Traits of a Follower of Jesus
5 Days
In this five-day plan (derived from the first week of DC28:20, a series of discipleship curricula), you will consider the goals of discipleship as you seek to follow and emulate Jesus.
Foundational Principles for Spiritual Growth
5 Days
We all want more peace, to be more joyful, to embody more of the character of Christ, but it's not easy, right? A life of real transformative growth is possible! However, we have to get the foundation right. This plan sets out a few of the foundational truths necessary for us to build a life of tangible and continuous spiritual growth.
Heart of God by Zach Williams: A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
Have you ever wondered how God feels about you? After listening to Zach Williams' new song, I was inspired to look at the love our Heavenly Father has for us. I invite you to join me as we examine what the Bible teaches us about God's heart. We will discover His great love for us and what we should do with the love he lavishes upon us.
People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 2:3-17
5 Days
Near the end of his life, John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel. And it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers caught in the aftermath, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.
Joshua - More Than Warriors
6 Days
The book of Joshua completes the redemptive mission God began in Genesis - to set aside a people through which all the nations would be blessed. Through Christ, we are a part of that blessing. We know who we are. We know what God did for us. We know what to do. This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 10 of a 10 part series.
A World On The Move
7 Days
People are on the move today more than ever. Some move of their own will. But there are millions of people who are displaced—forced to move by circumstances beyond their control. So let’s learn from those on the move around the world and see what God will teach us as we consider who our neighbors are, what God is doing in places like Singapore and Wheaton, IL (USA), the challenges and opportunities found in cities, and 7 statistics that remind us Who is in control. Even as the world moves, He always remains constant!
The Supremacy Of Love
7 Days
Without question, what our world needs more than anything else is love. If people loved each other, really loved each other, there would be no more war, crime, abuse, injustice, poverty, hunger, homelessness, deprivation, or immorality. Love is the one ingredient that could revolutionize society. Love is the greatest quality of human life. Love is the supreme quality, the most excellent way for us to live. In this 7-day plan, explore the different aspects of love, including how to love others, remaining in Christ's love, God's agape love for us, and why love is greater than faith and hope.