Luke 13:24
Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling
Strive ye to enter by the strait gate; for I say to you, many seek to enter [in], and they shall not be able.
Explore Luke 13:24
Luke 13:11-12
And lo! a woman, that had a spirit of sickness eighteen years, and was crooked [or bowed down], and neither in any manner might look upward. Whom when Jesus had seen, he called [her] to him, and said to her, Woman, thou art delivered of thy sickness.
Explore Luke 13:11-12
Luke 13:13
And he set [or put] on her his hands, and anon she stood upright, and glorified God.
Explore Luke 13:13
Luke 13:30
And lo! they that were the first, be the last; and they that were the last, be the first.
Explore Luke 13:30
Luke 13:25
For when the husbandman is entered, and the door is closed, ye shall begin to stand withoutforth, and knock at the door, and say, Lord, open to us. And he shall answer, and say to you, I know you not, of whence ye be.
Explore Luke 13:25
Luke 13:5
I say to you, nay; but also all ye shall perish, if ye do not penance.
Explore Luke 13:5
Luke 13:27
And he shall say to you, I know you not, of whence ye be; go away from me, all ye workers of wickedness.
Explore Luke 13:27
Luke 13:18-19
Therefore he said, To what thing is the kingdom of God like? and to what thing shall I guess it to be like? It is like to a corn of sinapi, which a man took, and cast into his garden [or into his yard]; and it waxed, and was made into a great tree, and fowls of the air rested in the branches thereof.
Explore Luke 13:18-19