Lucas 8:15
Bible in Tzotzil de Chenalhó with Deuterocanon
Yan li bec' trigo ic'ot ta lequil banamile, ja' li boch'otic scotol yo'nton ta xch'unic sc'op Diose, ti chc'ot lec ta yo'ntonique, ti jun yo'nton chch'unic oe, jech lec ta satinic.
Explore Lucas 8:15
Lucas 8:14
Li bec' trigo ic'ot ta ch'ixtique, ja' li boch'otic laj xa ya'yic sc'op Diose, ti ja' batem ta yo'nton sc'ulejalique xchi'uc li c'usitic oy li' ta banamile xchi'uc ti c'usitic tsc'an yo'ntonique. Jech te net'bil chc'ot o li sc'op Dios ya'yojique. Jech mu xch'iaj, mu satin o.
Explore Lucas 8:14
Lucas 8:13
Li bec' trigo ic'ot ta tontique, ja' li boch'otic ja' to cha'yic sc'op Diose. Xcuxet no'ox yo'ntonic ta xch'unic. Pero mu xac' lec yisim ta yo'ntonic, jayibuc no'ox c'ac'al ta xch'unic. C'alal ta xtal vocol ta stojolique, toj chibajel chc'ot yo'ntonic.
Explore Lucas 8:13
Lucas 8:25
Li Jesuse jech laj yalbe li yajchanc'optaque: —¿Bu oy li xch'unojel avo'ntonique? —xut. Toj ch'ayel ic'ot yo'ntonic, xchi'uc toj xi'el ic'otic. Jech laj yalbe sbaic: —¿Boch'o vinical li'i? Yu'un c'alal ta ic', c'alal ta nab tspas ta mantal, pero ch'unbil smantal —xut sbaic.
Explore Lucas 8:25
Lucas 8:12
Li bec' trigo ic'ot ta bee, ja' li boch'otic ta xa'yic sc'op Diose. Pero ta ora ta xtal li pucuje, ta sloq'uesbe ta yo'ntonic li sc'op Dios laj ya'yique, yu'un jech mu xch'unic, jech mu xcolic.
Explore Lucas 8:12
Lucas 8:17
Ja' jech mu'yuc c'usi nac'al chcom ti mu xich' vinajesele; mu'yuc c'usi mucul chcom ti mu'yuc boch'o tsna'e.
Explore Lucas 8:17
Lucas 8:47-48
Li antse laj yil ti mu xu' nac'al chcom li c'usi la spase, jech ital ta stojol li Jesuse; xt'elt'un xa ta xi'el tal squejan sba ta stojol. Jamal laj yalbe smelol ta stojol scotol cristianoetic c'u yu'un ti la spicbe sc'u'e, xchi'uc ti ta ora imac o li xchamele. Li Jesuse jech laj yalbe: —Tseb, lacol xa ta sventa xch'unojel avo'nton. Junuc avo'nton batan —xut.
Explore Lucas 8:47-48
Lucas 8:24
La stijic ta ora li Jesuse, jech laj yalbeic: —¡Jchanubtasvanej, Jchanubtasvanej, ta xa xijcham! —xutic. Ilic li Jesuse, la spajes li iq'ue xchi'uc li nabe; jech ich'abi, solel xch'ijan icom.
Explore Lucas 8:24