Luke 8:15
Contemporary English Version
Those seeds that fell on good ground are the people who listen to the message and keep it in good and honest hearts. They last and produce a harvest.
Explore Luke 8:15
Luke 8:14
The seeds that fell among the thornbushes are also people who hear the message. But they are so eager for riches and pleasures that they never produce anything.
Explore Luke 8:14
Luke 8:13
The seeds that fell on rocky ground are the people who gladly hear the message and accept it. But they don't have deep roots, and they believe only for a little while. As soon as life gets hard, they give up.
Explore Luke 8:13
Luke 8:25
Then Jesus asked the disciples, “Don't you have any faith?” But they were frightened and amazed. They said to each other, “Who is this? He can give orders to the wind and the waves, and they obey him!”
Explore Luke 8:25
Luke 8:12
and the seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message. But the devil comes and snatches the message out of their hearts, so they will not believe and be saved.
Explore Luke 8:12
Luke 8:17
There is nothing hidden that will not be found. There is no secret that will not be well known.
Explore Luke 8:17
Luke 8:47-48
The woman knew that she could not hide, so she came trembling and knelt down in front of Jesus. She told everyone why she had touched him and that she had been healed at once. Jesus said to the woman, “You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace!”
Explore Luke 8:47-48
Luke 8:24
So they went to Jesus and woke him up, “Master, Master! We are about to drown!” Jesus got up and ordered the wind and waves to stop. They obeyed, and everything was calm.
Explore Luke 8:24