Luik 11:13
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
An sae ïf sïnfu fowk laik yersels know hoo tae gie guid thïngs tae yer weans, hoo much mair wull yer heivenlie Faither gie tha Halie Spïrit tae thaim that axes hïm!”
Explore Luik 11:13
Luik 11:9
An A say: Keep on axin, an ït wull be gien tae ye, keep on lukkin an ye'll fin whut ye'r eftèr, keep on rappin an tha dure wull be apent tae ye.
Explore Luik 11:9
Luik 11:10
Fer iveriebodie that axes wull get; hïm that keeps on lukkin wull fin whut he's eftèr; an tae hïm that keeps on rappin, tha dure wull be apent.
Explore Luik 11:10
Luik 11:2
An he saed tae thaim, “Whan ye pray, say: ‘[Oor] Faither [that bides Abain], Halie be yer name. Micht yer Kïngdom cum shuin, [An yer wull be daen on irth, jist tha wye ït ïs Abain.]
Explore Luik 11:2
Luik 11:4
An forgie iz oor wrangdaeins, laik we forgie thaim that daes wrang agin us. An dïnnae róad iz ïntae temptation, [but save iz frae aa ïll.]’ ”
Explore Luik 11:4
Luik 11:3
Gie iz theday eneuch breid tae dae iz.
Explore Luik 11:3
Luik 11:34
Yer ee ïs tha lamp o yer bodie, an ïf yer ee ïs guid, yer hale bodie ïs fu o licht; but whan yer ee ïs baad, yer hale bodie's fu o dairkness.
Explore Luik 11:34
Luik 11:33
Naebodie lichts a lamp an pits ït unnèr a boul fer tae hide ïts licht, but the' pit ït up on a stan whar aa can see ïts licht.
Explore Luik 11:33