Mattha 16:24
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Then Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “If oniebodie wants tae follae eftèr me, he maun ferget aboot hissel aathegither, tak up hïs cross an stïck clase tae me.
Explore Mattha 16:24
Mattha 16:18
A tell ye, frae noo on you ir Petèr, an on thïs roak A wull big ma kirk, an aa tha pooers o hell wull no owercum ït.
Explore Mattha 16:18
Mattha 16:19
A wull gie ye tha keys o tha Kïngdom o Heiven; an whutiver ye bine on irth wull be bun ïn heiven, an whutiver ye lowse on irth wull be lowsed ïn heiven.”
Explore Mattha 16:19
Mattha 16:25
Fer whaiver wants tae save hïs life wull loass ït, but hïm that loasses hïs life on ma accoont wull fin ït.
Explore Mattha 16:25
Mattha 16:26
Whut guid wull ït be fer a bodie ïf he gets tha hale warl, an yit loasses hïs ain sowl? Shair thair's naethin a man cud gie tae get bak hïs ain sowl, ïs thair?
Explore Mattha 16:26
Mattha 16:15-16
“But whut aboot yersels?” he axt. “Wha dae you say that A am?” Simon Petèr saed bak, “You ir tha Christ, tha Sinn o tha leevin God.”
Explore Mattha 16:15-16
Mattha 16:17
Jesus saed, “Blisst ir ye, Simon sinn o Jonah, fer thïs wus no revealt tae ye bi onie human bein, but bi ma Faither ïn heiven.
Explore Mattha 16:17