¶“I will completely consume and sweep away all things
From the face of the earth [in judgment],” says the LORD.
“I will consume and sweep away man and beast;
I will consume and sweep away the birds of the air
And the fish of the sea,
And the stumbling blocks (idols) along with the wicked;
And I will cut off and destroy man from the face of the earth,” declares the LORD.
“I will also stretch out My hand [in judgment] against Judah
And against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
And I will cut off and destroy the remnant of Baal from this place,
And the names and remembrance of the idolatrous priests along with the [false] priests,
And those who bow down and worship the host of heaven [the sun, the moon, and the stars] on their housetops
And those who bow down and swear [oaths] to [and pretend to worship] the LORD and [yet also] swear by [the pagan god called] Milcom [god of the Ammonites],
And those who have turned back from following the LORD,
And those who have not sought the LORD [as their most important need] or inquired of Him.”
¶[Hush!] Be silent before the Lord GOD [there is no acceptable excuse to offer]!
For the day [of the vengeance] of the LORD is near,
For the LORD has prepared a sacrifice (Judah),
He has set apart [for His use] those who have accepted His invitation [the Chaldeans who rule Babylon]. [Hab 2:20]
“Then it will come about on the day of the LORD’S sacrifice
That I will punish the princes and the king’s sons
And all who are clothed in [lavish] foreign apparel [reflecting their paganism]. [Num 15:38, 39]
“On that day I will also punish all those who leap over the temple threshold,
Who fill their [pagan] lord’s temple with violence and deceit.
“On that day,” declares the LORD,
“There will be the sound of crying from the Fish (Damascus) Gate [in the northern wall of Jerusalem where invaders enter]
And wailing from the Second Quarter [of the city],
And a loud crash from the hills.
“Wail [in anguish], you inhabitants of the Mortar (Valley of Siloam),
For all the merchants of Canaan will be silenced and destroyed;
All who weigh out silver will be cut off.
“It will come about at that time
That I will search Jerusalem with lamps
And I will punish the men
Who [like old wine] are stagnant in spirit,
Who say in their hearts,
‘The LORD will not do good, nor will He do evil.’
“Furthermore, their wealth will become plunder
And their houses a desolation.
Yes, they will build houses but not live in them,
And plant vineyards but not drink their wine.” [Deut 28:30, 39; Amos 5:11, 12]
¶The great [judgment] day of the LORD is near,
Near and coming very quickly.
Listen! The [voice of the] day of the LORD!
The warrior cries out bitterly [unable to fight or to flee].
That day is a day of [the outpouring of the] wrath [of God],
A day of trouble and distress,
A day of destruction and devastation,
A day of darkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick darkness, [Jer 30:7; Joel 2:11; Amos 5:18]
A day of trumpet and the battle cry [of invaders]
Against the fortified cities
And against the high corner towers (battlements).