Yoohana 18
Iskare Yeesso khabatta
(Mattaayo 26:47-56, Marko 14:43-50, Luuka 22:47-53)
1Inkoo Yeesso weysi massiche ka, abattitiis khabaayi irte, Ankhari Keediroon maaheen. Intaas la gosoo a kajire. Usu ichoow abattitiis ba gosaas goya geleen.
2Eti Yeessó ꞌdub goocho Yuuda layadeeh la meel a garta. Iꞌdi tahe Yeesso ichoow abattitiis ba, geeddi buurenye intaas iskaꞌheleen.
3Yuuda ꞌdeerka iskartoo Rooma ichoow rabittoo minki Waakhe buure yuubisso soowoyaayi yimiyye, gos goya soogele. Kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow Farissaayo ꞌdooꞌdaas sooergaté. ꞌDooꞌd la bir ichoow oorassoo khoro bolkho ichoow taa laka a khabe.
4Yeesso wihi tuummane usu rubeytiis iyateeh a garta gone, orcho yimiyye wihi us worsate, “Ayyo yowattaan?”
5Wihi icho ilaabeen, “Yeessohi ilkerengeetti Naasarete yowanna.”
Ulla wihi us ilaabe, “A ani gon.” Yuudahi Yeessó ꞌdub goocho la icho a leetoolla.
6Chirri Yeesso, “A ani gon!” yidah ka, iche tuummamba yombo inokhatte, kufte.
7Yeesso toro inokhte, worsate, “Ayyo yowattaan?”
Iche la wihi iche ilaabte “Yeessohi ilkerengeetti Naasarete yowanna.”
8Yeesso la wihi us ilaabe, “A atin isoocheeke, a ani rubeytaaya. Chirri atin ani iyowattaan, reera addan ꞌdiicha a irti.” 9Waha la a yadeehe, ꞌdee wihi us ꞌhor yidah buuhicha. Wihi us ꞌhor yidah la a mehe ya, “Aabbahaaw ꞌdooꞌdi at dahanteey soogelisse koo kalday laka ma ikabaabiin.”
10Siimonhi Beetero layadeehe birlab khabe la, birlabiis sooꞌhiire, falfati kuhaanihi weyti ween guꞌdde, nabahti miigeet ngꞌure. Falfata la Maalkus iche layadeeh.
11Yeesso la wihi us Beetero iyidah, “Birlabaah min ilaab! Kol sinati Aabbaheey isoogooche ani ikawaarine koogtahe?”
Yeesso Aanas liigeecha
12ꞌDeerka koobbinti iskarti Rooma eti iskartaas itoollo khabtaayi ichoow weynaanti Yaꞌhuud Yeesso khabteen. Hidhideene, 13koloo etoo magahiis Aanas layadeeh ikeeneen. Aanas la a seyyoh Kayaafahi guꞌhaas ka kuhaanihi weyti ween eheet. 14Kayaafa la usú goorat ewweenki Yaꞌhuud waaniche, “A haaggantahe chirri etoo kalday meessi ꞌdooꞌd tuumman kayamuut,” idowe.
Beetero Yeesso ma gardi yadeeh
(Mattaayo 26:69-70, Marko 14:66-68, Luuka 22:55-57)
15Siimonhi Beetero layadeeh ichoow etoo addane ullaka abatti Yeessee, Yeesso raaheen. Kuhaanihi weyti ween la eta addane abatti Yeessee a garta. Etaas abattee Yeesso raahe ichoowka uranti kuhaanihi weyti ween leegele. 16Iꞌdaasenyi Beetero arit khariche tolossate. Eta addane abatti Yeesseenye kuhaanihi weyti ween garti yombo inokhte, inantoo ilbooyenye arit yuubisso leeyeede, Beetero uram goya soogesse.
17Inanti arit yuubisso la wihi iche Beetero worsatte, “Ati abattiti etaas kichekoo mee menya?”
Wihi us ilaabe, “Ani abattitiis mee.”
18Il a roffo gone, ilbooyye ichoow iskare ba ꞌhor on ꞌdab bolkhicheene, kasookhaarteene dahambooteen. Beetero laka irte iskar leetoolossate, ꞌdabe dahambootaa.
Kuhaanihi weyti ween Yeesso hukkuma
(Mattaayo 26:59-66, Marko 14:55-64, Luuka 22:66-71)
19Chirraakka kuhaanihi weyti ween Yeesso wori abattitiis miinsan ichoow wihi us ꞌdooꞌd abcho wowworsate.
20Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “An ꞌdooꞌd tuumman ꞌdowe kaleeyyeede. Kol tuumman minassi weysiite Yaꞌhuud ichoow minki Waakhe buurenye ꞌdooꞌdi Yaꞌhuud iskaꞌhelo ka laka ꞌdooꞌd wori Waakh a abche. Walah an dagsi ka idah mele. 21Toollaka, a iꞌdohe iwowworsatta? ꞌDooꞌdi idaage ma worsatti? Icho la rumanka wihi an idah a gartaanee.”
22Uus Yeesso waha yidah ka, etoo ullaka iskarti intaas tolossee, Yeesso fodoor guꞌdde, wihi us iyidah “Ya! Wahaas a saggoh at kuhaanihi weyti ween yeed ikalaabto?”
23Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Chirri an wohoo suuje idah, ꞌdooꞌd tuumman icheek. Iꞌdaasenyi chirri wihi an idah rum yahiin a iꞌdoh iguꞌdubte?” 24Yeesso dahano hidanyahaani, Aanas wihi us yidah, “Khaata, Kayaafahi kuhaanihi weyti weene igeecha.”
Beetero toro, “Yeesso ma gardi,” yadeeh
(Mattaayo 26:71-75, Marko 14:69-72, Luuka 22:58-62)
25Chirra Siimonhi Beetero layadeeh intaas toollo ꞌdab dahammooti ka, ꞌdooꞌdoo wihi us worsate, “At laka abattiti etaas kichekoo mee menya?”
Ulla ꞌdiiꞌde, wihi us yidah, “Mele, ani abattitiis mee.”
26Etoo kuhaanihi weyti ween falfatiisenye eti kootte Beetero nabah ngꞌure kichee, wihi us iyidah, “An atihi usú gos goyaka leejirto ma kiargin a?” 27Beetero toro yeedaas ꞌdiiꞌde, chirraas on lukki riire.
Bilaato Yeesso hukkuma
(Mattaayo 27:1-2, 11-14, Marko 15:1-5, Luuka 23:1-5)
28Baryo ka ewweenki Yaꞌhuud Yeesso min Kayaafa kakhaate, minki buurenye gaafanahi Roomee geeche. Ewweenki Yaꞌhuud la minki etaas goya ma gelin, iꞌdi tahe ichohi geeddi icho gololi daawti Baasakka iumhan isbiꞌdirroocho ma ꞌdoonaan. 29Bilaato ꞌdeerka khar ka isoobahe, “Eta mehe kacheekattaan?” worsate.
30Icho la wihi icho soolaabeen, “Chirri kootte us wohoo suuje iyeelin nah usu inta ma keenno.”
31Bilaato la wihi us iyidah, “Atin rubeytiin khaata, amurretiin ka hukkuma.”
Weynaanti Yaꞌhuud la ꞌdiiꞌdde wihi iche tidah, “Nah antohi nah etoo kalday laka omoot ikagoonno ma khabno.” 32Waha a yitaaheene, ꞌdee wihi goorat Yeesso yidahye saggi us isooyamuut miinsan labuuhicha.#18:32 Yoohana 12:32-33.
33Bilaato ꞌdeerka minki buurenye gaafana goya inokhte, Yeesso wahe wihi us worsate, “Karnati Yaꞌhuud a ati?”
34Yeesso la wihi us worsate, “Yeeda ati kaayimiy, bal ꞌdooꞌdoo addane eti an ahe kisoocheeke?”
35Bilaato wihi us ilaabe, “Kol an Yaꞌhuud ahe koogtahe? Yaaftaah ichoow kuhaaniyyohaahki wewweene dahanteey kisoogesse. At mehe yeesse?” 36Yeesso la wihi us iyidah, “Dakheey ki harrata mee. Chirri kootte iche iꞌdaase tahe, abattiteey diho gessa jiti ewweenki Yaꞌhuud ikakhaban yowatta. Iꞌdaasenyi toolla antohi an walah kadakhdi intoo addane kayamiitiin.”
37Bilaato wihi us iyidah, “At ꞌdeerka a karnat!”
Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Aa, at a eysiisse, chaꞌat an a karnat tidah! Rumanka ani jeentetaase liidele, toro jeentetaase harrata iimiyye, ꞌdee rum cheeka. Eti tuummane rum ꞌdoono, a idagansata.” 38Bilaato la wihi us worsate, “Yeedi rummaat a mehe?”
Yeesso omoot liigoocha
(Mattaayo 27:15-31, Marko 15:6-20, Luuka 23:13-25)
Bilaato toro ꞌdooꞌdi Yaꞌhuud ibahe wihi us iyidah, “An eta walah lakacheekti an argo mele. 39Iꞌdaasenyi a hugunkiinna chaꞌan daawti Baasakka ka etoo hidan atin isoofuro. Anihi ‘Karnati Yaꞌhuud’ soofuro a ꞌdoontaan?”
40Icho la riireene, “Mele, usu mee! Barraba nah sii!” yidaaheen. Barraba la goorat ꞌdooꞌdoo sirgaal ꞌdiiꞌdo goya kijire.
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