Luuka 7
Etoo iskarti Rooma rabittoo iskareet iween Yeesso kakhuufa
(Mattaayo 8:5-13)
1Chirri Yeesso waha dakkhan ꞌdooꞌd iyidahye us massiche ka, ilkerengeetti Kafarnaaꞌhum gele. 2Etoo koobbintoo iskareet itoollo la ilbooyiiskoo us weyti ꞌdoono weyti khannanyahe, a omoottanyahe. 3Eta iskar itoollo chirri us Yeesso woriis daage ka, ewweenkoo Yaꞌhuud ergate, Yeesso a lasoowaho, a yimaate ilbooyiis a samaacho. 4Chiꞌicho Yeesso iyimaateen ka hawwaasteene, wihi icho iyidaaheen, “A imasse chaꞌat eta waha iyeesso, 5a mehe yaafteen a ꞌdoona, toro minkeenki weysiite Yaꞌhuud laka a inno idise.”
6Yeesso ꞌdeerka ewween raahe.
Chirri us minki eti koobbinti iskareet itoollo idowwaate ka, etaas aalassiiskoo Yeesso or kasoodowche, wihi us iyidah, “Kamur, sina iiskawaarin, a mehe minkeeyki at tamiit ma muꞌdan. 7Jeentetaas u anihi kiamiit ma muꞌdane, iꞌdaasenyi sooyeed ilbooyeey la a samaataa. 8Iꞌdi tahe ani rubeyteey laka a etoo iskarti addane ikawewween antohicho raaho, toro la iskarti addane an andi laka a jirta. Chirri an koo, ‘Kaale,’ iidah a yamiit. Chirri an koo, ‘Nyaam iro,’ iidah la a irta. Chirri an ilbooyeey, ‘Waha yeel,’ iidah la a yeela.”
9Chirri Yeesso waha daage ka weyti girmeeste. Ururi usu sooraaho iurgiye, wihi us iyidah, “Wihi an atin iadeeh, an injire yaafohi Issiraayel goyaka laka eti geedda weyti Waakh kakhuufo ma ꞌhelin!”
10ꞌDooꞌdi kootte lasooergate ꞌdeerka min inokhte, ilbooyi khannan usuhi samaate ꞌheleen.
Yeesso inanki makhaabassoo muunkhee omoot kasookahcha
11Yomboka Yeesso abattitiis ichoow ururi buure khabaayi ilkerengeetti Naayin irte. 12Chirri us aritti ilkerengeeteet sooeleele ka, inanki kaldaye makhaabassoo muunkhee leetehe usuhi buje hawwaal liisiꞌdo kasooyegeen. Ururi buurenye ilkerengeet kayimiy la iche a leejire. 13Kamur chuꞌus makhaabál arge ka, uur isoonugleeste wihi us iyidah, “Ooyine chubbah!”
14Ulla ꞌdeerka irte, lallaabohi inanki buje lakasiꞌdo ꞌdaare. ꞌDooꞌdi siꞌdo la tolossate. Yeesso la wihi us yidah, “Irka sookahe kidowa!” 15Inanki buje soorronte, yeyyeede. Yeesso la inam abarti desse dahan gesse.
16Icho tuumman roorro gesse, Waakh saaꞌdeene, “Etoo weene Waákh íyeyyeedo goyteen a yimiy. Waakh a yimiyye ꞌdooꞌdiis gargaara,” yidaaheen.
17Yeessó woriis ili Yaꞌhuud ichoow ilassi addane isoodow tuumman kataaꞌhe, ladaage.
Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo usu Yeesso Ki Lasubhe yahe worsata
(Mattaayo 11:2-19)
18Abatti Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo wor Yeesso tuumman Yoohana siisse. Ulla chirraakka et lamma wahe, 19Kamur iergate wihi us worsate, “At a Ki Lasubhe lasugo, bal etoo addane sugna?”
20Reeraas lammee chirri us Yeesso iirte, wihi us iyidah, “Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo nah sooergate, mehe worsata ya, Ki Lasubhe lasugo a ati, bal etoo addane sugna?”
21Yeesso la chirraakka ꞌdooꞌdi ittaawenye khakkhannan ichoow ki bolokh khabo ichoow ki ginnayyo dakhtaan samaache. ꞌDooꞌdi ittaawenye indo laa la indo fure. 22ꞌDeerka wihi us reeri lasooergate ilaabe, “Nyaama nokhda, Yoohana waha atin agarteen ichoow waha atin daagteen icheeka. ꞌDooꞌdi indo laa indo a bahcha, ki goorat luhlo ikhabin la luhlo a bahcha. ꞌDooꞌdi buꞌdayyo sar kakhabe a lasamaacha, ki dogo laa la dogo a bahcha. ꞌDooꞌdi tuume omoot a lakasookahcha, ꞌdooꞌdi wahanyeyyohi Waakh miinsan ka miskiine la Wori Haaggan a liicheeka. 23Eti Waakh imaalo a ki jeenteteey u kakhuufnaanki us ikakhuufo iꞌdiin.”
24Inkoo reeri kootte Yoohana sooergate nokhte ka, Yeesso Yoohana woriis urur kaleeyyeede, wihi us yidah, “Bal wihi atin hidaad ka iratteene sooagarteen kamalda. Etoo ꞌdabakhenye iꞌdi hoosi hafar sesseehicho mee iratteene agarteen. 25Bal wihi atin iratteene sooagarteen kamalda. A etoo gaaddi haaggan khabo? Mele! ꞌDooꞌdi gaaddi gato miige khabo jiroti wohoo liiwaayin jiro, a ꞌdooꞌdi minassi karnatoot fiddiyo. 26Iꞌdaasenyi mehe iratteene agarteen? Eti Waákh iyeyyeedo agarteen? Rumanka eti atin agarteen, eti Waákh íyeyyeedo laka a kussanyahe. 27Eti woriis Chiirnaanneti Waakh ka lachiire a kan.
“ ‘Yeya, ergattiteey ortaahha erga,
iche rubeyohi enenyete tannabissa.’#7:27 Malaaki 3:1.
28Wihi an atin iadeeh weeli enenyet goyaka, eti Yoohana kaween ma jiro. Iꞌdaasenyi eti dakhi Waakh ka ꞌdaran laka, us Yoohana a kaweenyahe.”
29Enenyet tuumman, ꞌdooꞌdi kooddi goocho laka, chiꞌicho wihi Yeesso yidah daageen ka, saggi jiti Waakh ifissanyahe khaatteen, a mehe Yoohaná icho baattissiye. 30Iꞌdaasenyi Farissaayo ichoow tagaammeti amurre jeenteti Yoohana icho ibaattissiyin u, mali Waakh icho ikhabe a ꞌdiiꞌdeen.
31“Kamalda bal, ꞌdooꞌdi weyꞌda ꞌdeerka mehe iokkanaacho? Icho mehe iyoogyahiin? 32Icho a iꞌdi nyaakhuti sokko goyaka nyaakhutoo addan kariiro,
“ ‘Nah a gurroonne,
atin la gurro ma nah leeokkhin,
nah geeyi maanti enenyet buje ladowo atin a isoodowne,
atin la ma ooyin,’ isidowo.
33A mehe Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo maanti us yimiy farsotoo rucchule sabiib laka ma ubhaabane, toro la geeddi buure af hiite, atin la jeentetaas u wihi atin tidaaheen, ‘Usu alah ginna dakhatta!’ 34Ínam Aadam la a yimiyye golossate, farsoti sabiib laka dame, atin la mehe tidaaheen ya, ‘ꞌDamaanki toro meleefeenye ꞌdooꞌdi kooddi goocho ichoow ki uskeel leh aal kabahsati kalla.’ 35Iꞌdaasenyi kharati Waakh runtiche jiroti ꞌdooꞌdi raaho tuummane lakaarga.”
Yeesso makhaabassoo fatal ꞌdaran uskeeliche ikakuta
36Etoo Farissaayee maantoo Yeesso golol iwahe, Yeesso la ꞌdeerka minki etaas irte, komborti ballaaddane lakagolossati garabiche ka dikkil kareeye. 37Makhaabassoo ilkerengeettaas ka uskeel kaassohatte chiꞌiche saggi Yeesso minki etaas Farissaayee ikagolossati daagte ka, kurunkoo daakki alabaasta lakahaaggiche, miricchi kijiro sookhaatte. 38Yeessohi dikkil kajiifo adahtiis tolossatte ooyte, ilmohiche ka luhlohiis khuyyaamisse. ꞌDeerka tinticheti matah ka hiyyaayte, luhlohiis doddongatte, miricchi ka subahte.
39Eti Farissaayo Yeesso golol iwahe chirri us waha arge ka, wihi us uuriis goyaka yidah, “Chirri kootte rumanka eta eti Waákh íyeyyeedo yahe, makhaabassa ꞌdaꞌddaarto eti iche tahe a garta, saggi iche uskeel ikaassohatte a garta!”
40Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Siimon an wohoo an kisoocheeko a khaba.”
Ulla wihi us yidah, “Eti ween isoocheek.”
41Yeesso la wihi us iyidah, “Reeroo lammee etoo kamurenye mog kakhabe. Etoo chilimmeti eti orrah kud chan hil haaggiche laguto iche kakhabe, ki addan la chilimmeti eti orrah tomon chan hil haaggiche laguto iche kakhabe. 42Inkoo reera lammatiis ba mog gunnaan agaafte ka, eti goorat chilimme leh, lammache ba mog leeꞌdiiche. Kichokoh ꞌdeerka eti mog leh weyti ꞌdoona?”
43Siimon wihi us ilaabe, “Ani ka, ki chilimmeti buure laleeꞌdiiche.”
Yeesso la “Mujjume goosse,” iyidah.
44Yeesso ꞌdeerka makhaabál iurgiye wihi us Siimon iyidah, “Siimon bal makhaabassa yey! At uus an kootte minkaah imiy bicchehi an luhlo kadikhdi laka ma isiinne, iꞌdaasenyi iche ilmohiche ka luhlo a ikhuyyaamisse, tintiche ka la a ihiyyaayte. 45At dongo ka ma isoodowwaanne, iꞌdaasenyi makhaabassa uus kootte an imiy luhloheey dongo ma kagoon. 46At subakki geeyi oolif ka matah ma isubhine, iꞌdaasenyi iche luhloheey miricchi ka a subahte. 47Maantaka wihi an kiadeeh, makhaabassa uskeelicheki ittaawe a liikakute. A mehe ꞌdooninti buurenye itusatte. Iꞌdaasenyi eti uskeeloo rucchul liikakute ꞌdoonintoo rucchul on Waákh tusta.”
48Yeesso la wihi us makhaabál iyidah, “Uskeelaah a liikaakute.”
49Martiti kootte golossatti wihi iche isitidah, “Eta uskeel laka ꞌdooꞌd ikakuto a ayyo?”
50Yeesso wihi us makhaabál iyidah, “Kakhuufnaanki at ikakhuufte a kiribe, tab nebey leeiro!”
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Luuka 7: rel

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Luuka 7
Etoo iskarti Rooma rabittoo iskareet iween Yeesso kakhuufa
(Mattaayo 8:5-13)
1Chirri Yeesso waha dakkhan ꞌdooꞌd iyidahye us massiche ka, ilkerengeetti Kafarnaaꞌhum gele. 2Etoo koobbintoo iskareet itoollo la ilbooyiiskoo us weyti ꞌdoono weyti khannanyahe, a omoottanyahe. 3Eta iskar itoollo chirri us Yeesso woriis daage ka, ewweenkoo Yaꞌhuud ergate, Yeesso a lasoowaho, a yimaate ilbooyiis a samaacho. 4Chiꞌicho Yeesso iyimaateen ka hawwaasteene, wihi icho iyidaaheen, “A imasse chaꞌat eta waha iyeesso, 5a mehe yaafteen a ꞌdoona, toro minkeenki weysiite Yaꞌhuud laka a inno idise.”
6Yeesso ꞌdeerka ewween raahe.
Chirri us minki eti koobbinti iskareet itoollo idowwaate ka, etaas aalassiiskoo Yeesso or kasoodowche, wihi us iyidah, “Kamur, sina iiskawaarin, a mehe minkeeyki at tamiit ma muꞌdan. 7Jeentetaas u anihi kiamiit ma muꞌdane, iꞌdaasenyi sooyeed ilbooyeey la a samaataa. 8Iꞌdi tahe ani rubeyteey laka a etoo iskarti addane ikawewween antohicho raaho, toro la iskarti addane an andi laka a jirta. Chirri an koo, ‘Kaale,’ iidah a yamiit. Chirri an koo, ‘Nyaam iro,’ iidah la a irta. Chirri an ilbooyeey, ‘Waha yeel,’ iidah la a yeela.”
9Chirri Yeesso waha daage ka weyti girmeeste. Ururi usu sooraaho iurgiye, wihi us iyidah, “Wihi an atin iadeeh, an injire yaafohi Issiraayel goyaka laka eti geedda weyti Waakh kakhuufo ma ꞌhelin!”
10ꞌDooꞌdi kootte lasooergate ꞌdeerka min inokhte, ilbooyi khannan usuhi samaate ꞌheleen.
Yeesso inanki makhaabassoo muunkhee omoot kasookahcha
11Yomboka Yeesso abattitiis ichoow ururi buure khabaayi ilkerengeetti Naayin irte. 12Chirri us aritti ilkerengeeteet sooeleele ka, inanki kaldaye makhaabassoo muunkhee leetehe usuhi buje hawwaal liisiꞌdo kasooyegeen. Ururi buurenye ilkerengeet kayimiy la iche a leejire. 13Kamur chuꞌus makhaabál arge ka, uur isoonugleeste wihi us iyidah, “Ooyine chubbah!”
14Ulla ꞌdeerka irte, lallaabohi inanki buje lakasiꞌdo ꞌdaare. ꞌDooꞌdi siꞌdo la tolossate. Yeesso la wihi us yidah, “Irka sookahe kidowa!” 15Inanki buje soorronte, yeyyeede. Yeesso la inam abarti desse dahan gesse.
16Icho tuumman roorro gesse, Waakh saaꞌdeene, “Etoo weene Waákh íyeyyeedo goyteen a yimiy. Waakh a yimiyye ꞌdooꞌdiis gargaara,” yidaaheen.
17Yeessó woriis ili Yaꞌhuud ichoow ilassi addane isoodow tuumman kataaꞌhe, ladaage.
Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo usu Yeesso Ki Lasubhe yahe worsata
(Mattaayo 11:2-19)
18Abatti Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo wor Yeesso tuumman Yoohana siisse. Ulla chirraakka et lamma wahe, 19Kamur iergate wihi us worsate, “At a Ki Lasubhe lasugo, bal etoo addane sugna?”
20Reeraas lammee chirri us Yeesso iirte, wihi us iyidah, “Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo nah sooergate, mehe worsata ya, Ki Lasubhe lasugo a ati, bal etoo addane sugna?”
21Yeesso la chirraakka ꞌdooꞌdi ittaawenye khakkhannan ichoow ki bolokh khabo ichoow ki ginnayyo dakhtaan samaache. ꞌDooꞌdi ittaawenye indo laa la indo fure. 22ꞌDeerka wihi us reeri lasooergate ilaabe, “Nyaama nokhda, Yoohana waha atin agarteen ichoow waha atin daagteen icheeka. ꞌDooꞌdi indo laa indo a bahcha, ki goorat luhlo ikhabin la luhlo a bahcha. ꞌDooꞌdi buꞌdayyo sar kakhabe a lasamaacha, ki dogo laa la dogo a bahcha. ꞌDooꞌdi tuume omoot a lakasookahcha, ꞌdooꞌdi wahanyeyyohi Waakh miinsan ka miskiine la Wori Haaggan a liicheeka. 23Eti Waakh imaalo a ki jeenteteey u kakhuufnaanki us ikakhuufo iꞌdiin.”
24Inkoo reeri kootte Yoohana sooergate nokhte ka, Yeesso Yoohana woriis urur kaleeyyeede, wihi us yidah, “Bal wihi atin hidaad ka iratteene sooagarteen kamalda. Etoo ꞌdabakhenye iꞌdi hoosi hafar sesseehicho mee iratteene agarteen. 25Bal wihi atin iratteene sooagarteen kamalda. A etoo gaaddi haaggan khabo? Mele! ꞌDooꞌdi gaaddi gato miige khabo jiroti wohoo liiwaayin jiro, a ꞌdooꞌdi minassi karnatoot fiddiyo. 26Iꞌdaasenyi mehe iratteene agarteen? Eti Waákh iyeyyeedo agarteen? Rumanka eti atin agarteen, eti Waákh íyeyyeedo laka a kussanyahe. 27Eti woriis Chiirnaanneti Waakh ka lachiire a kan.
“ ‘Yeya, ergattiteey ortaahha erga,
iche rubeyohi enenyete tannabissa.’#7:27 Malaaki 3:1.
28Wihi an atin iadeeh weeli enenyet goyaka, eti Yoohana kaween ma jiro. Iꞌdaasenyi eti dakhi Waakh ka ꞌdaran laka, us Yoohana a kaweenyahe.”
29Enenyet tuumman, ꞌdooꞌdi kooddi goocho laka, chiꞌicho wihi Yeesso yidah daageen ka, saggi jiti Waakh ifissanyahe khaatteen, a mehe Yoohaná icho baattissiye. 30Iꞌdaasenyi Farissaayo ichoow tagaammeti amurre jeenteti Yoohana icho ibaattissiyin u, mali Waakh icho ikhabe a ꞌdiiꞌdeen.
31“Kamalda bal, ꞌdooꞌdi weyꞌda ꞌdeerka mehe iokkanaacho? Icho mehe iyoogyahiin? 32Icho a iꞌdi nyaakhuti sokko goyaka nyaakhutoo addan kariiro,
“ ‘Nah a gurroonne,
atin la gurro ma nah leeokkhin,
nah geeyi maanti enenyet buje ladowo atin a isoodowne,
atin la ma ooyin,’ isidowo.
33A mehe Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo maanti us yimiy farsotoo rucchule sabiib laka ma ubhaabane, toro la geeddi buure af hiite, atin la jeentetaas u wihi atin tidaaheen, ‘Usu alah ginna dakhatta!’ 34Ínam Aadam la a yimiyye golossate, farsoti sabiib laka dame, atin la mehe tidaaheen ya, ‘ꞌDamaanki toro meleefeenye ꞌdooꞌdi kooddi goocho ichoow ki uskeel leh aal kabahsati kalla.’ 35Iꞌdaasenyi kharati Waakh runtiche jiroti ꞌdooꞌdi raaho tuummane lakaarga.”
Yeesso makhaabassoo fatal ꞌdaran uskeeliche ikakuta
36Etoo Farissaayee maantoo Yeesso golol iwahe, Yeesso la ꞌdeerka minki etaas irte, komborti ballaaddane lakagolossati garabiche ka dikkil kareeye. 37Makhaabassoo ilkerengeettaas ka uskeel kaassohatte chiꞌiche saggi Yeesso minki etaas Farissaayee ikagolossati daagte ka, kurunkoo daakki alabaasta lakahaaggiche, miricchi kijiro sookhaatte. 38Yeessohi dikkil kajiifo adahtiis tolossatte ooyte, ilmohiche ka luhlohiis khuyyaamisse. ꞌDeerka tinticheti matah ka hiyyaayte, luhlohiis doddongatte, miricchi ka subahte.
39Eti Farissaayo Yeesso golol iwahe chirri us waha arge ka, wihi us uuriis goyaka yidah, “Chirri kootte rumanka eta eti Waákh íyeyyeedo yahe, makhaabassa ꞌdaꞌddaarto eti iche tahe a garta, saggi iche uskeel ikaassohatte a garta!”
40Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Siimon an wohoo an kisoocheeko a khaba.”
Ulla wihi us yidah, “Eti ween isoocheek.”
41Yeesso la wihi us iyidah, “Reeroo lammee etoo kamurenye mog kakhabe. Etoo chilimmeti eti orrah kud chan hil haaggiche laguto iche kakhabe, ki addan la chilimmeti eti orrah tomon chan hil haaggiche laguto iche kakhabe. 42Inkoo reera lammatiis ba mog gunnaan agaafte ka, eti goorat chilimme leh, lammache ba mog leeꞌdiiche. Kichokoh ꞌdeerka eti mog leh weyti ꞌdoona?”
43Siimon wihi us ilaabe, “Ani ka, ki chilimmeti buure laleeꞌdiiche.”
Yeesso la “Mujjume goosse,” iyidah.
44Yeesso ꞌdeerka makhaabál iurgiye wihi us Siimon iyidah, “Siimon bal makhaabassa yey! At uus an kootte minkaah imiy bicchehi an luhlo kadikhdi laka ma isiinne, iꞌdaasenyi iche ilmohiche ka luhlo a ikhuyyaamisse, tintiche ka la a ihiyyaayte. 45At dongo ka ma isoodowwaanne, iꞌdaasenyi makhaabassa uus kootte an imiy luhloheey dongo ma kagoon. 46At subakki geeyi oolif ka matah ma isubhine, iꞌdaasenyi iche luhloheey miricchi ka a subahte. 47Maantaka wihi an kiadeeh, makhaabassa uskeelicheki ittaawe a liikakute. A mehe ꞌdooninti buurenye itusatte. Iꞌdaasenyi eti uskeeloo rucchul liikakute ꞌdoonintoo rucchul on Waákh tusta.”
48Yeesso la wihi us makhaabál iyidah, “Uskeelaah a liikaakute.”
49Martiti kootte golossatti wihi iche isitidah, “Eta uskeel laka ꞌdooꞌd ikakuto a ayyo?”
50Yeesso wihi us makhaabál iyidah, “Kakhuufnaanki at ikakhuufte a kiribe, tab nebey leeiro!”
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