Mattaayo 27
Yeesso lakhaata Bilaato liigeecha
(Marko 15:1, Luuka 23:1-2, Yoohana 18:28-32)
1Baryo ka kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud tuumman Yeessohi layagiis goocheen. 2Hidhideene, khaateene, Bilaatohi gaafanee dahan gesseen.#27:2 Weynaanti Yaꞌhuud antohi iche enenyet omoot ikagoosso ma khabto. Weynaanti Rooma kaldaye enenyet omoot igoossa.
Yuuda isyagiis
(Hilassi Ergaano 1:18-19)
3Chirri Yuudahi Yeesso ꞌdub gooche saggi Yeesso liihukkumo omoot liikagooche arge ka, weyti ejer istowe. Chilimmeti goorat lahaageete tomon seyyahe sookhaate, kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud ikeene. 4“An haꞌdaabe gele, a mehe an eta wohoo iyeeline atin ikeene, diiggiis gele,” yidah.
Wihi icho ilaabeen, “Wahaas walah icho nah iyahiin mele! Ati on iꞌdi at tadeeh dah.”
5Yuuda ꞌdeerka chilimme minki Waakhe buure goyaka khube, ꞌdeerka irte, geeyoo iskasoolooꞌdiche, isyigis.
6Kuhaaniyyohi wewween la chilimme khaateene wihi icho yidaaheen, “Amurre ichoow chilimmetane ugarti minki Waakhe buure lakalugꞌdo ma israahaan, iꞌdi tahe a chilimmeti diig.” 7ꞌDeerka saggi iche chilimme ikhaatto gosoo etoo ꞌdiryo haaggicho leeyahe kasoogatto goosse, ꞌdee gos eti yeelane yumuy lakahawwaala. 8Jeentetaase intaas ichoowka uliba laka, magahiche Gosi Diig liiyadeeh. 9ꞌDeerka wihi eti Waákh íyeyyeedo Yeeremiya layadeeh ka lacheeke labuuhiche. “Chilimmeti lahaageete tomon seyyahe khaateen, a gatoti ꞌdooꞌdi Issiraayel igoochee, 10iꞌdi Kamur ani iyidah u, chilimmetaas khaateene, gosi eti ꞌdiryo haaggicho kasoogatteen.”#27:10 Sakkariiya 11:12-13, Yeeremiya 19:1-13, 32:6-9.
Yeesso Bilaato ortiis lageecha
(Marko 15:2-5, Luuka 23:3-5, Yoohana 18:33-38)
11Yeesso geeddaas ba Bilaatohi gaafanee ortiis tolossate, gaafana la wihi us worsate, “Karnati Yaꞌhuud a ati?”
Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “A rum, a iꞌdaas at elatti on.”
12Chirra kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud Yeesso cheektaan, us walah us ilaabe mele. 13Bilaato ꞌdeerka wihi us worsate, “Waha icho kaacheektaan ma daagto?” 14Iꞌdaasenyi Yeesso walah us laabe mele, yeedoo kalday laka ma ilaabine, ichoowka gaafana weyti girmeeste.
Yeesso omoot liigoocha
(Marko 15:6-15, Luuka 23:13-25, Yoohana 18:39-19:16)
15Hugunki gaafana ka, daawti Baasakka ka etoo hidane urur usuhi lasoofuro soobahsate iche soofura. 16Maantaas la etoo weyti jeenteti suujoonkiis u lagarti Barraba layadeehe hidan, a jira. 17Inkoo ꞌdeerka icho urureen ka, Bilaato wihi us icho worsate, “Ayyo atin isoofura ꞌdoontaan, Barraba bal Yeessohi Ki Lasubhe layadeeh?” 18A mehe Bilaato saggi icho jeenteeti kalꞌdarri on u Yeesso dahanohiis igesseen a garta.
19Bilaato komborti enenyet lakahukkumo kafiddiyaayi, makhaabassiis farniin isooeregte, “Etaas uskeeloo iyeelin wohoo rucchul laka ayeeline, diiggiis agelin. Iꞌdi tahe ibeenkate issilloteey ka jeentetiis u weyti sina a ikawaartee,” itidah.
20Iꞌdaasenyi kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud ba urur malicho urgiyicheene ꞌdee Barrabahi lasoofuro Yeesso la layagiis a daaheen.
21Gaafana wihi us urur worsate, “Reera lammatiis, koh atin isoofuro ꞌdoontaan?”
Wihi icho ilaabeen, “Barraba.”
22Bilaato wihi us worsate, “ꞌDeerka Yeessohi Ki Lasubhe layadeeh iꞌdoh idaahe?”
Icho tuumman la wihi icho ilaabeen, “Massalaaba kakaah.”
23Bilaato wihi us worsate, “A iꞌdoh? Mehe suujenye yeele?”
Iꞌdaasenyi geeddi kootteet ꞌdirihiis riireene, “Massalaaba kakaah!” yidaaheen.
24Chirri Bilaato saggi us wohoo iyeeline iꞌdaasenyi urur weyti iuskulaate il ibaabiicho arge ka, bicche on khaate, urur ortiis ka dahano dikhte. Wihi us yidah, “An eta wohoo rucchul laka iyeelin diiggiis ma gelo, khaata iꞌdi atin tadeehiin daha.”
25Enenyet tuumman wihi us ilaabe, “Diiggiis nah ichoow nyaakhuteenyo a nah fuulo!”
26Bilaato ꞌdeerka Barraba icho isoofure. Iꞌdaasenyi amuri Yeesso lakadoocho toro massalaaba lakakaaho bahche.
Iskare Yeesso kachaaratta
(Marko 15:16-20, Yoohana 19:2-3)
27ꞌDeerka iskar gaafana Yeesso khaatte, minki buurenye gaafana igelo geesse, rabittoo iskareet tuumman la Yeesso khaarisse. 28Darfohiis kabihisse, kabuuꞌdoo muggee iꞌdi karnat u korisse. 29ꞌDuuboo kudaheet iskayuubte matah korisse, wussoo dahantiisti miigeet gelisse, ortiis ka jilbo il kaguꞌdubte kachaaratte, “Karnati Yaꞌhuudoow, jiroti deer ꞌhel!” idowte. 30Hanjuf kaattufte, wussaas kakhaatte matah kaajjahte. 31Inkoo icho kachaarteen ka, kabuuꞌd kabahcheene gaaddiis gesseen. ꞌDeerka leebaheene woyeen massalaaba kakaahaanee.
Yeesso massalaaba lakakaaha
(Marko 15:21-32, Luuka 23:26-43, Yoohana 19:17-27)
32Chirra icho bahaan ka, etoo ilkerengeetti Kureene magahiis Siimon layadeeh ꞌheleene, massalaaba Yeesso sinnaan ihosseen. 33Meessoo Golgooꞌda layadeeh yimaateen. Golgooꞌda la a mehe ya, Meessi Lafohi Matahe Enenyet. 34Intaas ka Yeesso farsoti sabiibe reenkoo hadaade lakawarse#27:34 Farsoti sabiibe reenkoo hadaade lakawarse. Reenka hadaade bolokhe yaasicha. siisse. Iꞌdaasenyi inkoo us chanchame ka ꞌdiiꞌde. 35Inkoo iche massalaaba kakaahte ka, kura guꞌddateene gaaddiis gisante.#27:35 Sabuur 22:18. 36Yeesso massalaaba kakaahanyahaayi, iskare orrommatte yuubisse. 37Matakkiis sartiis la, wihi lakayigisye lakachiire lagesse a mehe ya, Waha a Yeesso, Karnati Yaꞌhuud. 38Reeroo lammeenye hatto lehe laleekaahe. Koo ankiiski miigeet lakakaahe, koo la ankiiski gurro lakakaahe. 39ꞌDooꞌdi intaas tabo a leeabaarrama, ꞌdarraaw ka matah moroogicha. 40“Atihi minki Waakhe buure jejjebisso, toro orrah seyyah on ka disso, bal isribe, massalaaba kasooyag chaꞌat Weeli Waakh tahe!” iche idowaan.
41Saggaas on u kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow tagaammeti amurre ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud laka a kachaartaane, 42“ꞌDooꞌdi addan a ribe, iꞌdaasenyi isribin ma yabuuꞌd. Usu a karnati Issiraayel a? ꞌDiicha toolla massalaaba a kasooyago, ꞌdee usu a rummeysanni,” esseen. 43“Usu Waakhe kakhuufa, ‘Aní Weeli Waakhe,’ iche essa menya? ꞌDiicha giꞌde Waakh usu a ribo chiꞌ Waakh usu ꞌdoono,” yidaaheen. 44Saggaas on u ꞌdooꞌdi hatto lehe laleekaahe laka weyti usu leeabaarrame.
Yeesso rubey goocha
(Marko 15:33-41, Luuka 23:44-49, Yoohana 19:28-30)
45Uus sahaꞌd lihti maalimeet ka il tuumman mugꞌdi yitahye, ichoowka sahaꞌd saagaale eleesse. 46Geeddi sahaꞌd saagaal ka, Yeesso hooyi buure ka riire, “Elooy! Elooy! Laama sabakhtani?” yidah. Wahaas la a mehe ya, “Waakkhaayaaw, Waakkhaayaaw, a iꞌdoh ikatabte?”#27:46 Sabuur 22:1.
47ꞌDooꞌdoo intaas toollo la baabule daage wihi icho yidaaheen, “Usu eti Waákh íyeyyeedo Eliiya layadeeh iche waha.”
48Chirraas on kichekoo nyaame, haaruggoo sookhaate, farsoti sabiibe birrakhe buuhiche. Khoꞌdoonkoo deer kahide Yeesso iyooge, ꞌdee a yubhaabe. 49ꞌDooꞌdi addan la, “ꞌDiicha, usu Eliiya yamiite ribo a agarro,” yidah.
50Yeesso inkoo us toro hooyi buure ka riire ka rubey gooche.
51Chirraakka dafarti weyti yobbeenye minki Waakhe buure seley goosso meel lamma seley igoote, sereye kasookharradde ichoowka iliche kabahte. Harra sesseehte, daddaabo laka khakkharradeen. 52Hawwaalo furnameene, ꞌdooꞌdi Waakhe ittaawenye munyeenye goorat tuume omoot lakasookahche. 53Icho la hawwaalo goya kasoobaheen. Inkoo Yeesso omoot kasookahe ka ilkerengeetti weene lagane Yeerusaleem irteene, ꞌdooꞌdi ittaawe la arge.
54Chirri eti koobbintoo iskareet itoollo ichoow iskarti leejirte Yeesso yuubisso harrati sesseehto ichoow wihi tuummane yitah agarte ka, weyti nahte, “Rumanka usu Weeli Waakhe eheet,” tidah.
55Deyyehoti ittaawe intaas a kijirte, fogaka a ꞌdeyꞌdoossa. Icho Yeesso boroofenhi Gaalilaaya kasooraaheene ꞌdee gargaaraan. 56Goycho ka a Maariyati ilkerengeetti Magdaala, ichoow Maariyati Yaakoobo ichoow Yuussuf desse ichoow abar yeele Sebedaayo.
Yuussufhi ilkerengeetti Arimaꞌdaaya Yeesso hawwaala
(Marko 15:42-47, Luuka 23:50-56, Yoohana 19:38-42)
57Geleb ka makhaabaloo kamurenye ilkerengeetti Arimaꞌdaaya magahiis Yuussuf layadeehe, ullaka abatti Yeesso yitah yimiy. 58Yuussuf Bilaato iirte, sar Yeesso daahe. Bilaato amur bahche a lasiicho, yidah. 59Yuussuf sar Yeesso khaate, dafartoo husub kaayyuube. 60Goꞌddoo daddaabeete husube us isikhute goya kareeche. Daddaabtoo buure la goꞌd afiche iꞌdembeleeliye, katabe. 61Maariyati ilkerengeetti Magdaala ichoow Maariyati addan ba intaase fiddiyaane, goꞌddaas ꞌdeyꞌdoochaan.
ꞌDooꞌdi goꞌddi Yeesso lakahawwaale yaakhicho labahcha
62Ibeenki kaas sooraaho, Ibeenki Latannabti ꞌdubiise ka, kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow Farissaayo ba Bilaato iirteen. 63Wihi icho yidaaheen, “Eti weenoow, wihi etaas ekkeysi leh geeddi us noolyahe yidah a kasooꞌhella. Us mehe yidah ya, ‘Chirri maan seyyahe kutte, omoot a kasookaha.’ 64ꞌDeerka amur bihiche, goꞌddi lakahawwaale a layaakhicho, ichoowka ibeenki seyyahnaatteet a yitaahe. Uus abattitiis iranne sartiis hatine, ꞌdee ꞌdooꞌd ‘Yeesso omoot a kasookahe,’ idowinee. Chiꞌche iꞌdaas yeesse, ekkeysihicheki toolla, koo Yeesso laka a kuta.”
65Bilaato wihi us ilaabe, “Iskarti yaakhisso khaata. Irda goꞌd geeddi atin tabuuꞌdiin yaakhicha.” 66ꞌDeerka irteene daddaabti goꞌd lakoote wohoo usu lafure lakaabti kadagcheene, iskarti yaakhisso la ibahcheen.
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Mattaayo 27: rel

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