Lukas 16
Bendahara ro yhar bo
1Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Tkyas raa ro bobot sait. Ait ysok raa sait yamo bendahara, mkah ybo pitis wait tna yisoh bo wait beta. Ti baro firwas tna raa ro bobot retait yari he bendahara retait yisoh bo wait kaket fee, saka sikowah pitis rait. 2Tibyo bi ro bobot retait ytu ait yama tna yawe, ‘Bo ro raa mkyas mai kʼnyõ fo mabo fe mfe a? Tawe tusnok nyõ. Jõ hawe bo nyõ nbo pitis wojõ u. Nasen namo nkom daftar sau. Tna nkom pitis ro tii jõ tsan kʼnyõ to mnan si. Tna nkom bo bawya ro nyõ noo mkah pitis wojõ weto beta. Tna fo daftar reto nakah nama nee kʼjõ tmat.’ 3Bendahara refi yamo tna ynaut yyi yawe, ‘Bobot ro ybis jõ yawe jõ frok tno bo wait u fee. Kbe tno fyi? Raa taro ja mkah bo, menohe jõ fi ja ttai tkah bo fee. Tna jõ hawe bo tayoh pitis kʼraa. Kbe jõ hrenaut. 4Jõ thar iso oh! Tafoh wojõ mawat. Tamo tno bo moof kʼana afo re kbe ati ro bobot ybis jõ tufrok to, kbe ana weto mitrah amah wana kʼjõ!’ 5Raa mawat mno taman kʼbobot retait. Tna bendahara retait ynaut yawe iso ro moof to, kbe ait yno bo ro moof kʼraa weto. Tibyo yno fefo: Ait ytu ana sait-sait yama. Tna yawe, ‘Taman ro bobot retait trion ja fares mhau kʼnyõ to?’ 6Raa ro yama tinyi tait yawe, ‘Taa jõ tayoh minyak zaitun 100 tempayan#16:6 Raa mnaut mawe 100 tempayan to, mnan anya 39 liter bo feto..’ Menohe bendahara refi yawe, ‘Noo aam ro taman refo tna hre nkom roto ro tna sau. Nkom minyak 50 tempayan sai.’ 7Tna bendahara retait ytu kʼait ro ewok yawe, ‘Taman ro bobot retait to trion jya fares mhau kʼnyõ?’ Tna ait ro ewok yawe, ‘Gandum 100 pikul.#16:7 Raa mnaut mawe 100 pikul to, mnan anya 1000 karung bo feto.’ Menohe bendahara retait yawe, ‘Aam ro taman refo, nkom 80 pikul sai.’ 8Bendahara retait yno feto kʼraa beta ro mno taman kʼbobot retait. Yno afo re kbe ana weto ksoh ait tna kbe mse ait mam amah mato wana. Tna fo bendahara retait yoo daftar ro ykom reto yakah yamo yee kʼbobot retait ymat. Bobot retait ymat daftar reto tna yhar yawe bendahara retait sioh ait. Menohe bobot retait bibi bendahara retait yawe, ‘Nyõ nhar bo toni sai ee!’”
Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Raa ro wase Allah to, mhar mno bo ro tabam refo su msya raa anya. Menohe raa ro mhau mam kek to, taro wase bo siwyan ana afo re meen mamo mhau mam sawro ro Allah. 9Jõ tkyas kʼanu tawe: ‘Pitis msya kta ro tabam refo to, noo nee kʼraa. Noo pitis msya kta wanu to, nno bo moof kʼraa re kbe ana ksoh anu. Bombra wanu weto mkak rof mam tabam refo. Mkak tna meen Allah yitrah amah rAit kʼanu tna kbe anu nhau nsya Ait mam sawro rAit mamo snok mam hame wajin.’”
Raa sait yisoh bo wait kaket moof
10Tna Yesus yawe, “Raa sait yoo bo wait kebet baro yee kʼyafoh sait. Tna yasen yamo. Yhau tna hah ye. Hah ye tna ymat he yafoh retait yisoh bo weto, kaket moof. Feto tibyo raa retait yhar yawe soh yoo bombra mawat yee kʼyafoh rait reto kmot, kbe yafoh retait yisoh bo mawat weto kaket moof ye. Feto ye; mfi bo raa sait yoo bo wait kebet baro yee kʼyafoh sait. Tna yasen yamo. Yhau tna hah ye. Hah ye, menohe ymat he yafoh retait yisoh bo weto kaket fee. Ait yno-na sai. Feto tibyo raa retait yhar yawe nno be ait yoo bombra mawat yee kʼyafoh rait reto, kbe yafoh retait yisoh bo mawat weto kaket fee ye. 11Soh anu nse kta aro mam tabam refo, menohe nno-na kta wanu to, kbe meen raa moo kta ro moof ati aro mee kʼanu fee ye. 12Soh anu nno-na bosatoh ro raa, kbe raa hawe bo msan bosatoh kʼanu nesait nse.”
13Tna Yesus yawe, “Ja sryan sait yno bo ro bobot sait aran sai. Ait yno bo ro bobot mabo ewok brio-brio to fee. Kbe ait knait bi ait sait tna ksoh bi ait sait. Kbe ait yari bo kʼbobot sait kaket, tna yiwana bo ro bobot sait yawe ye. Feto to tawe kʼanu tawe: Awya ybah yno bo ro Allah wAit ye tna saso kta ro tabam refo ye. Anu raa ntai nkro iso ewok weto su fee.”
14Raa ro Farisi to ja masu mase mkah pitis. Ana mari bo ro Yesus ykyas weto beta tna ana sret Ait masah. 15Tibyo Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Anu nksoh nwe raa mmat bo moof ro anu nno. Mmat bo weto tna mnaut mawe anu raa ro nhaf moof. Menohe Allah yhar yawe anu nhaf mato wanu to mkair. Bo ro raa mbibi tna mnaut mawe moof to, Allah ynaut yawe bo weto mkair.”
16Tna Yesus yawe, “Tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mama mkom Watum wAit. Mam oon ro tiwya reto mamo snok mam ati ro Yohanes yama to, raa mari Watum weto to, moof. Tna fo Yohanes yama ykyas yawe Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit. Tna Jõ tsya kuber woJõ mamo wosa Bokyas ro Moof reto. Tna raa mawat mari tibyo ntomer mamo raa ro Allah ybo yfi Raja rana. 17Ja raa mnaut mawe ayoh msya tabam refo mhau yum. He mfe: Meen ayoh msya tabam refo saef marak sai. Menohe Watum weto oh mi mhau matak yum. Watum weto to, maja rau sau ro maku to, kbe susre fee.
18Awya sai ro yako fnya rait makus tna yamo ymen fnya rouu to, ait retait raa ro ywyah oh meto. Tna awya ro ymen fai ro raa roto sait yako oh to, ait retait raa ro ywyah ye.”
Bobot ysya Lazarus
19Tna Yesus ykyas yawe, “Bi ro bobot sait yhau yoof. Ja ait yyum ratan ro mabyoh maut toni. Ratan wait to ro ngknu msya sneh. Ayõ yoyo ait yhau to, ait simaut mkah bo ro ait yse mninon. 20Tna raa ro kinyah sait yasom Lazarus yhau ye. Tna raa mse ait hre kene mam amah masa ro bobot refi. Lazarus tait yetsu mbra mabet sor. Tna ait hre yayoh bo sohmaam kʼraa ro mama. 21Tna Lazarus haisre toni tibyo ynaut yawe ksoh yait boit makyõ ro mbtek mbam ambar ro bobot retait. Tna mtah mama mkas Lazarus yarak ro mabet ye. 22Ti baro firwas tna Lazarus yhai. Tna malaikat sor makah ait mamo mse hre mam yuk ro moof ysya Abraham su. 23Tna bobot retait yhai ye. Tna raa sama ait. Bobot retait tait yamoʼt sawro ro kair. Tna mam weto ykai bo ro samyoh. Ait heyut abyõ tna ymat fari, ymat he Lazarus hre ysya Abraham su mam yuk ro moof tno. 24Tna bobot retait yawe kʼAbraham yawe, ‘Taja, natmof jõ! Tafoh refo fo, mafit jõ toni oh! Tna srau fo ngkaat oh. Nbis Lazarus beru yatem mam aya tna yama yse mam hrea ajõ!’ 25Menohe Abraham yawe kʼait yawe, ‘Tare, nnaut sai oh: Tiwya naam fares to, nyõ bobot tna nse bombra beta. Tna Lazarus fi ykai bo ro mkair. Reto oh mi mfo refo ait ye yhau moof, tna nyõ ne nhau mam wo mkair riryõn. 26Tna bo weto mesait sai fee: Nyõ nhau mam yuk sau hayah tna amu nhau mam yuk sau hayah ye. Hwai mboh sau firwas wa anu. Tibyo raa ro mbam ati reto frit mamaʼt ati refo si fee. Tna raa ro mbam ati refo frit mamoʼt ati reto si fee ye.’ 27Tna bobot refi soh-soh kʼAbraham yawe, ‘Feto to nbis Lazarus hah yamoʼt tabam. Nbis yamoʼt amah ro taja. 28Tao na wojõ mabo maat mhau fares to. Nbis Lazarus yamo yo kʼana mabo maat weto tna yawe wa kʼana. Ykyas afo re ana misoh ana tna meen ana mamaʼt befo fee. Tna tru kair refo fee ye!’ 29Menohe Abraham yawe, ‘Watum ro tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mkom to mhau fares kʼana. Soh ana mari bo weto to, mnan sai oh.’ 30Menohe bobot retait yawe, ‘Taja, weto mnan fefares! Soh raa ro ja mhai aro mrok masen tna hah me mo kʼana to, tna mawe wa kʼana to, kbe ana mnaut iro wana tna mashana.’ 31Menohe Abraham yawe, ‘Soh ana hawe mari Watum ro tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mkom to, kbe ana mari bo ro raa mkyas to fee ye. Mfi bo ana mmat raa ro mhai mrok masen aro bo to, kbe ana mari raa reto fee ye.’”
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Lukas 16: ayz
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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005
Lukas 16
Bendahara ro yhar bo
1Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Tkyas raa ro bobot sait. Ait ysok raa sait yamo bendahara, mkah ybo pitis wait tna yisoh bo wait beta. Ti baro firwas tna raa ro bobot retait yari he bendahara retait yisoh bo wait kaket fee, saka sikowah pitis rait. 2Tibyo bi ro bobot retait ytu ait yama tna yawe, ‘Bo ro raa mkyas mai kʼnyõ fo mabo fe mfe a? Tawe tusnok nyõ. Jõ hawe bo nyõ nbo pitis wojõ u. Nasen namo nkom daftar sau. Tna nkom pitis ro tii jõ tsan kʼnyõ to mnan si. Tna nkom bo bawya ro nyõ noo mkah pitis wojõ weto beta. Tna fo daftar reto nakah nama nee kʼjõ tmat.’ 3Bendahara refi yamo tna ynaut yyi yawe, ‘Bobot ro ybis jõ yawe jõ frok tno bo wait u fee. Kbe tno fyi? Raa taro ja mkah bo, menohe jõ fi ja ttai tkah bo fee. Tna jõ hawe bo tayoh pitis kʼraa. Kbe jõ hrenaut. 4Jõ thar iso oh! Tafoh wojõ mawat. Tamo tno bo moof kʼana afo re kbe ati ro bobot ybis jõ tufrok to, kbe ana weto mitrah amah wana kʼjõ!’ 5Raa mawat mno taman kʼbobot retait. Tna bendahara retait ynaut yawe iso ro moof to, kbe ait yno bo ro moof kʼraa weto. Tibyo yno fefo: Ait ytu ana sait-sait yama. Tna yawe, ‘Taman ro bobot retait trion ja fares mhau kʼnyõ to?’ 6Raa ro yama tinyi tait yawe, ‘Taa jõ tayoh minyak zaitun 100 tempayan#16:6 Raa mnaut mawe 100 tempayan to, mnan anya 39 liter bo feto..’ Menohe bendahara refi yawe, ‘Noo aam ro taman refo tna hre nkom roto ro tna sau. Nkom minyak 50 tempayan sai.’ 7Tna bendahara retait ytu kʼait ro ewok yawe, ‘Taman ro bobot retait to trion jya fares mhau kʼnyõ?’ Tna ait ro ewok yawe, ‘Gandum 100 pikul.#16:7 Raa mnaut mawe 100 pikul to, mnan anya 1000 karung bo feto.’ Menohe bendahara retait yawe, ‘Aam ro taman refo, nkom 80 pikul sai.’ 8Bendahara retait yno feto kʼraa beta ro mno taman kʼbobot retait. Yno afo re kbe ana weto ksoh ait tna kbe mse ait mam amah mato wana. Tna fo bendahara retait yoo daftar ro ykom reto yakah yamo yee kʼbobot retait ymat. Bobot retait ymat daftar reto tna yhar yawe bendahara retait sioh ait. Menohe bobot retait bibi bendahara retait yawe, ‘Nyõ nhar bo toni sai ee!’”
Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Raa ro wase Allah to, mhar mno bo ro tabam refo su msya raa anya. Menohe raa ro mhau mam kek to, taro wase bo siwyan ana afo re meen mamo mhau mam sawro ro Allah. 9Jõ tkyas kʼanu tawe: ‘Pitis msya kta ro tabam refo to, noo nee kʼraa. Noo pitis msya kta wanu to, nno bo moof kʼraa re kbe ana ksoh anu. Bombra wanu weto mkak rof mam tabam refo. Mkak tna meen Allah yitrah amah rAit kʼanu tna kbe anu nhau nsya Ait mam sawro rAit mamo snok mam hame wajin.’”
Raa sait yisoh bo wait kaket moof
10Tna Yesus yawe, “Raa sait yoo bo wait kebet baro yee kʼyafoh sait. Tna yasen yamo. Yhau tna hah ye. Hah ye tna ymat he yafoh retait yisoh bo weto, kaket moof. Feto tibyo raa retait yhar yawe soh yoo bombra mawat yee kʼyafoh rait reto kmot, kbe yafoh retait yisoh bo mawat weto kaket moof ye. Feto ye; mfi bo raa sait yoo bo wait kebet baro yee kʼyafoh sait. Tna yasen yamo. Yhau tna hah ye. Hah ye, menohe ymat he yafoh retait yisoh bo weto kaket fee. Ait yno-na sai. Feto tibyo raa retait yhar yawe nno be ait yoo bombra mawat yee kʼyafoh rait reto, kbe yafoh retait yisoh bo mawat weto kaket fee ye. 11Soh anu nse kta aro mam tabam refo, menohe nno-na kta wanu to, kbe meen raa moo kta ro moof ati aro mee kʼanu fee ye. 12Soh anu nno-na bosatoh ro raa, kbe raa hawe bo msan bosatoh kʼanu nesait nse.”
13Tna Yesus yawe, “Ja sryan sait yno bo ro bobot sait aran sai. Ait yno bo ro bobot mabo ewok brio-brio to fee. Kbe ait knait bi ait sait tna ksoh bi ait sait. Kbe ait yari bo kʼbobot sait kaket, tna yiwana bo ro bobot sait yawe ye. Feto to tawe kʼanu tawe: Awya ybah yno bo ro Allah wAit ye tna saso kta ro tabam refo ye. Anu raa ntai nkro iso ewok weto su fee.”
14Raa ro Farisi to ja masu mase mkah pitis. Ana mari bo ro Yesus ykyas weto beta tna ana sret Ait masah. 15Tibyo Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Anu nksoh nwe raa mmat bo moof ro anu nno. Mmat bo weto tna mnaut mawe anu raa ro nhaf moof. Menohe Allah yhar yawe anu nhaf mato wanu to mkair. Bo ro raa mbibi tna mnaut mawe moof to, Allah ynaut yawe bo weto mkair.”
16Tna Yesus yawe, “Tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mama mkom Watum wAit. Mam oon ro tiwya reto mamo snok mam ati ro Yohanes yama to, raa mari Watum weto to, moof. Tna fo Yohanes yama ykyas yawe Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit. Tna Jõ tsya kuber woJõ mamo wosa Bokyas ro Moof reto. Tna raa mawat mari tibyo ntomer mamo raa ro Allah ybo yfi Raja rana. 17Ja raa mnaut mawe ayoh msya tabam refo mhau yum. He mfe: Meen ayoh msya tabam refo saef marak sai. Menohe Watum weto oh mi mhau matak yum. Watum weto to, maja rau sau ro maku to, kbe susre fee.
18Awya sai ro yako fnya rait makus tna yamo ymen fnya rouu to, ait retait raa ro ywyah oh meto. Tna awya ro ymen fai ro raa roto sait yako oh to, ait retait raa ro ywyah ye.”
Bobot ysya Lazarus
19Tna Yesus ykyas yawe, “Bi ro bobot sait yhau yoof. Ja ait yyum ratan ro mabyoh maut toni. Ratan wait to ro ngknu msya sneh. Ayõ yoyo ait yhau to, ait simaut mkah bo ro ait yse mninon. 20Tna raa ro kinyah sait yasom Lazarus yhau ye. Tna raa mse ait hre kene mam amah masa ro bobot refi. Lazarus tait yetsu mbra mabet sor. Tna ait hre yayoh bo sohmaam kʼraa ro mama. 21Tna Lazarus haisre toni tibyo ynaut yawe ksoh yait boit makyõ ro mbtek mbam ambar ro bobot retait. Tna mtah mama mkas Lazarus yarak ro mabet ye. 22Ti baro firwas tna Lazarus yhai. Tna malaikat sor makah ait mamo mse hre mam yuk ro moof ysya Abraham su. 23Tna bobot retait yhai ye. Tna raa sama ait. Bobot retait tait yamoʼt sawro ro kair. Tna mam weto ykai bo ro samyoh. Ait heyut abyõ tna ymat fari, ymat he Lazarus hre ysya Abraham su mam yuk ro moof tno. 24Tna bobot retait yawe kʼAbraham yawe, ‘Taja, natmof jõ! Tafoh refo fo, mafit jõ toni oh! Tna srau fo ngkaat oh. Nbis Lazarus beru yatem mam aya tna yama yse mam hrea ajõ!’ 25Menohe Abraham yawe kʼait yawe, ‘Tare, nnaut sai oh: Tiwya naam fares to, nyõ bobot tna nse bombra beta. Tna Lazarus fi ykai bo ro mkair. Reto oh mi mfo refo ait ye yhau moof, tna nyõ ne nhau mam wo mkair riryõn. 26Tna bo weto mesait sai fee: Nyõ nhau mam yuk sau hayah tna amu nhau mam yuk sau hayah ye. Hwai mboh sau firwas wa anu. Tibyo raa ro mbam ati reto frit mamaʼt ati refo si fee. Tna raa ro mbam ati refo frit mamoʼt ati reto si fee ye.’ 27Tna bobot refi soh-soh kʼAbraham yawe, ‘Feto to nbis Lazarus hah yamoʼt tabam. Nbis yamoʼt amah ro taja. 28Tao na wojõ mabo maat mhau fares to. Nbis Lazarus yamo yo kʼana mabo maat weto tna yawe wa kʼana. Ykyas afo re ana misoh ana tna meen ana mamaʼt befo fee. Tna tru kair refo fee ye!’ 29Menohe Abraham yawe, ‘Watum ro tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mkom to mhau fares kʼana. Soh ana mari bo weto to, mnan sai oh.’ 30Menohe bobot retait yawe, ‘Taja, weto mnan fefares! Soh raa ro ja mhai aro mrok masen tna hah me mo kʼana to, tna mawe wa kʼana to, kbe ana mnaut iro wana tna mashana.’ 31Menohe Abraham yawe, ‘Soh ana hawe mari Watum ro tiwya Allah ybis Musa ysya nabi na mkom to, kbe ana mari bo ro raa mkyas to fee ye. Mfi bo ana mmat raa ro mhai mrok masen aro bo to, kbe ana mari raa reto fee ye.’”
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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005