Yesus aojaworsitef
(Mat. 28:1-10; Mrk. 16:1-8; Yoh. 20:1-10)
1Barewen. Ar Hari Minggu aemapfesen. Tamnakap, ar e awerem asan ajisosfesen. Aram e afafayapomfes pinim akat pokam atowomosfesen. 2Ar ow e ek jip awerem jimasap ek emcapwepweremosomfes aporfesen. 3Ar e ek jip aman afiwfes ara, e Yesus sumu ipic erasan opok aporfesen. 4E cepes eras bi binip arke cowocceceremampesaw, jipic jamnuk abipu asarimememfesen. Apakaianam serenakut arawen. 5E cepes, bare omar aefesen. Aram jimas jiri aememfesen. E ipic jamnukam, atakam e cepes aotawfesen. “Car tetakay ipic a damir ow asan apowpormokom ucimaram? 6-7Aramat ipic arasan opok. Emcajaworsitor. Aramat ipic e Galilea aemapef ara, ar atakam car emcaotawfan. ‘Ow, e Asmat Anakat Ajaworemef Ipic, dosa ow aotasimemtamcemes araman. Ow, aramat ipic, salib os op acatopomcemes araman. Bar mamincop masirin, aojaworsitcema araman.’ Inim aefan. Caram eras bi binip bacomomey.” Inim aeefen. 8E cepes masirin, e Yesus atawef atakam, bi binip acomomfesen. 9Aram e awerem asan aewenawfesen. Ar masirin, eras takas atakam e mamkawi ow sebelas ajiwaram, e wun ow takasam, aotawfesen. 10E cepesam, e kota Magdala cowoc juwas Maria ara. Yohana ara. Yakobus arosowoc juwas Maria ara. Inima. E wun akac aemfes cepesam, eras atakam, e atakam botaw batewosom ow aotawfesen. 11E atakam botaw batewosom ow nat, inim atakam suw atakam inim arawen. Ar e atakam basicim opoken. 12Petrus nat, asitefen. Aram e awerem asanpu je akukuosefen. Aram cenes apamineyef, wunam e awerem jimasap atasporefen. E picin cowokin aporefen. Ar masirin, ajisosefen. Aram e aemfesas takas bi binip arke aceceremefen.
Yesus, e Emaus cemsanpu ajarfes ipic jamnuk, bipu ajisomef
(Mrk. 16:12-13)
13Barewen. E jofay cowok, Yesus mamkawi ipic jamnuk, samat juwas Emaus cemsanpu ajarfesen. E cemsan memem, wunam Yerusalem baysos, e bokotpu jirow kilometer sebelas ajiwar ara. 14Ar e ow aemfesas takas atakam aamtawfesen. 15Atakam cowocamtawmepesaw, Yesus e ow aenawomefen. Aram e ow akac ajarfesen. 16E ow nat, manmok jipir inim aememfesen. Inimas ar e ipic Yesus opok inim arawen. 17Yesusam atakam e ow aotawefen. “Car ucim atakam aamtawjarmokom?” Inim aeefen. E ow masirin, atukemfesen. Aram bi ciri aememfesen. 18E wun ipic juwas Kleopas masirin, atep ajitefen. “E toam, jowanam, Yerusalem aemfesas, or cowok omsom opoknew? E wun jaki ow takas nat, amsom ara.” Inim aeefen. 19Yesus masirin, jonow e ow atowporefen. “E aemfesas ucimasam?” Inim aeefen. E ow masirin, “Er e Nasaret ipic juwas Yesus atakam. Aramat ipic Allah atakam botaw ipic aememef. Ar e Allah bipuam, e ow takas bipuam, awutnakutas aemawiri. Atakam faknakutam aotawawiri. 20E darAllah atakam mamtaw tugas ow awutam, e dakepala owam, e ipic e Roma pemerintah aotasimemtamfes. Ar masirin, aramat ipic bacatiw atakam aamsakamfes, Aram aramat ipic salib os op acatopomfes. 21Daram, e ipic e awamcom Israel samat bajortew, jirey aeawirum. Eras nat, jowon aemfes. 22Wunam, e dajowow cepes mamincop atitimsumutumorowos. Tamnakap ar e awerem asan ajisoseres. 23Aram e sumu ipic erasan opok aporeres. Ar masirin, aofasienaweres. Atakamam aotaworowos. ‘Dar pok desen apororom. Er malaikat ara. E malaikat atakam, “E Yesus tetakay awamec,” inim aeeres.’ E cepes inim aeorowos. 24E wun akac aemapmom ow masirin, e awerem asan ajisoseres. Aram e cepes atakam, atakamnak aporeresen. E nat, ar aramat ipic bi bapor opoken.” E ipic jamnuk inim aefesen. 25E Yesus masirin, “Car bi binip jen ow awamcokom ara! Ametnak ara, e Allah atakam botaw ow, e asep jofay emcowas, surat aeapomfes. Ca nat, e atakam kamornakut asicimamokom! 26Allah e Aeremtewef Ipic bajurusem, wunam asan akatnakut bemap, inim atakam bap asakamtiwef araman.” Inim aeefen. 27E Musa tulis aeef suratam, e Allah atakam botaw ow tulis aefes surat takasam, e Alkitab wun suratam, bare Yesus atakam ara. Aramat ipicam inim atakam e ow umuton aotawefen. Ar e Musa tulis aeef surat atakam bap aotawefen. E wun surat atakam masirin, asep aotawefen.
28Barewen. Ar e bin ajiemfes cemsan sotop asisiatfesen. Yesus nat, akan bakenin aememefen. 29E ipic jamnuk nat, e Yesus janim fak aanimfesen. “E dacem aamsesey. Bare, jiwic sotop. Jo basapineyma.” Inim aefesen. 30Bare, aramat ipic amos memen e ow akac aemapfesen. Aram amos atewefen. Amos atewef masirin, terima kasih atakam Allah aotawefen. Aram e amos akokomef, wunam e ow sey aseyetamefen. 31E ow masirin, manmok atereyfesen. Aram e aramat ipic amsom aemapfesen. Aramat ipic masirin, aaniamesefen. 32E ow masirin, atakam aamtawfesen. “E aramat ipic e bowsec, atakam dar aotaworow. Aram e Alkitab atakam umuton aotaworow. Bare, daram jak sara aeorom.” Inim aefesen. 33E ow masirin, asarimsitfes, wunam Yerusalem aofasifesen. Aram e amamkawi ow sebelas ajiwaram, e akac aemfes owam, emcajarewsiapfes aporfesen. 34E owam atakam e ipic jamnuk aotawfesen. “E Tuhan, bare emcajaworsitor araman! Aram e Simon bipu ajisomor!” Inim aefesen. 35E ipic jamnuk masirin, e bowsec ajarfesas atakam aotawfesen. Ar e aramat ipic e amos akokomefasam, ar e aramat ipic amsom aemapfesasam, inim atakam aotawfesen.
Yesus e amamkawi ow bipu ajisomef
(Mat. 28:16-20; Mrk. 16:14-18; Yoh. 20:19-23; Aem. 1:6-8)
36E ow inim atakam cowocapanitawmepesaw, Yesus e ow aman asarimjiwtereyemefen. “Selamat.” Inim aeefen. 37E ow masirin, juros ajiapfesen. Aram omar aefesen. Ar dat aporfes inim arawen. 38Aramat ipic nat, atakam e ow aotawefen. “E ajurusemamokomam, e bi binip arke aceceremamokomam, ucimaram? 39E dobanam, e dobweyam, baporcan. Dor Yesus awamcey ara. Bajejeremporcan. Car, dor dam das epcomam, emake epcomam, apormokom. Dat nat, inimas opok.” Inim aeefen. 40Inim atakam aotawef masirin, ar e abanam, e abweyam, e ow asumporomefen. 41E owam jak akatnakut aememfesen. Aram junum awutnakut aefesen. Inimas ar e atakam basicimkurum opoken. Aramat ipic masirin, “Car arasan amos pok open?” Inim aeefen. 42E ow masirin, enam das jisawnakap aramat ipic atetamfesen. 43Aramat ipicam e enam das e ow bipu atewenefen.
44Aramat ipic atakam e ow aotawefen. “Dor car akac aemapawirum, dor e jepen aemofas, atakam car emcaotawfin. Bare, e Musa surat aeapomef Jirmec wun atakamam, e Allah atakam botaw ow tulis aefes kitab wun atakamam, e Masmur kitab wun atakamam, bare doratakam ara. Doram e kitab doratakam atawmaras takas jipu aemamin araman.” Inim aeefen. 45Aramat ipic masirin, e Alkitab atakam biyof bacomom, bi binip umuton e ow atetamefen. 46Aram atakam e ow aotawefen. “E Alkitab atakam ara, ‘E Allah Aeremtewef Ipic ajurusemcema. Bar mamincop ara masirin, aojaworsitcema. 47Owam inim atakam bacacapiomces: “E aramat ipic aemefas baporey. Inimas car dosa bak apayemcokom, Allah e cadosa, akokoromosomtamceman.” Inim baeces. Ar e atakam e Yerusalem bap a takam bacacapiomces. Wunam ar e atakam e samat takas baocacapiomces.’ E Alkitab inim aema. 48Caram e apormokomas takas atemen mamatamey. 49Jakaperey. Dor, e doricipic atayi aeefas, car atewnemtamcimin. Ca nat, a kota inim emapey— Allah e onam op fakas car atetamcan jofay ajiwara.” Yesus inim aeefen.
Yesus onam op aaptometef
(Mrk. 16:19-20; Aem. 1:9-11)
50Aramat ipic masirin, e ow e kota cesen atowomisef— e Betania cemsan sotop ajiwar arawen. Aram e ban op atotopomefen. Ban op atotopomef masirin, ar Allah, e ow, asan akat bom, atakam aotawefen. 51Inim atakam aotawef masirin, ar e ow bakan ajiemefen. Ar onam op aaptometefen. 52E owam, aramat ipic asicimfesen. Ar jak akat epcom Yerusalem aofasienfesen. 53Aram e Allah cem aman, Allah akat, inim atakam atawawirisen.
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LAI 1985
Yesus aojaworsitef
(Mat. 28:1-10; Mrk. 16:1-8; Yoh. 20:1-10)
1Barewen. Ar Hari Minggu aemapfesen. Tamnakap, ar e awerem asan ajisosfesen. Aram e afafayapomfes pinim akat pokam atowomosfesen. 2Ar ow e ek jip awerem jimasap ek emcapwepweremosomfes aporfesen. 3Ar e ek jip aman afiwfes ara, e Yesus sumu ipic erasan opok aporfesen. 4E cepes eras bi binip arke cowocceceremampesaw, jipic jamnuk abipu asarimememfesen. Apakaianam serenakut arawen. 5E cepes, bare omar aefesen. Aram jimas jiri aememfesen. E ipic jamnukam, atakam e cepes aotawfesen. “Car tetakay ipic a damir ow asan apowpormokom ucimaram? 6-7Aramat ipic arasan opok. Emcajaworsitor. Aramat ipic e Galilea aemapef ara, ar atakam car emcaotawfan. ‘Ow, e Asmat Anakat Ajaworemef Ipic, dosa ow aotasimemtamcemes araman. Ow, aramat ipic, salib os op acatopomcemes araman. Bar mamincop masirin, aojaworsitcema araman.’ Inim aefan. Caram eras bi binip bacomomey.” Inim aeefen. 8E cepes masirin, e Yesus atawef atakam, bi binip acomomfesen. 9Aram e awerem asan aewenawfesen. Ar masirin, eras takas atakam e mamkawi ow sebelas ajiwaram, e wun ow takasam, aotawfesen. 10E cepesam, e kota Magdala cowoc juwas Maria ara. Yohana ara. Yakobus arosowoc juwas Maria ara. Inima. E wun akac aemfes cepesam, eras atakam, e atakam botaw batewosom ow aotawfesen. 11E atakam botaw batewosom ow nat, inim atakam suw atakam inim arawen. Ar e atakam basicim opoken. 12Petrus nat, asitefen. Aram e awerem asanpu je akukuosefen. Aram cenes apamineyef, wunam e awerem jimasap atasporefen. E picin cowokin aporefen. Ar masirin, ajisosefen. Aram e aemfesas takas bi binip arke aceceremefen.
Yesus, e Emaus cemsanpu ajarfes ipic jamnuk, bipu ajisomef
(Mrk. 16:12-13)
13Barewen. E jofay cowok, Yesus mamkawi ipic jamnuk, samat juwas Emaus cemsanpu ajarfesen. E cemsan memem, wunam Yerusalem baysos, e bokotpu jirow kilometer sebelas ajiwar ara. 14Ar e ow aemfesas takas atakam aamtawfesen. 15Atakam cowocamtawmepesaw, Yesus e ow aenawomefen. Aram e ow akac ajarfesen. 16E ow nat, manmok jipir inim aememfesen. Inimas ar e ipic Yesus opok inim arawen. 17Yesusam atakam e ow aotawefen. “Car ucim atakam aamtawjarmokom?” Inim aeefen. E ow masirin, atukemfesen. Aram bi ciri aememfesen. 18E wun ipic juwas Kleopas masirin, atep ajitefen. “E toam, jowanam, Yerusalem aemfesas, or cowok omsom opoknew? E wun jaki ow takas nat, amsom ara.” Inim aeefen. 19Yesus masirin, jonow e ow atowporefen. “E aemfesas ucimasam?” Inim aeefen. E ow masirin, “Er e Nasaret ipic juwas Yesus atakam. Aramat ipic Allah atakam botaw ipic aememef. Ar e Allah bipuam, e ow takas bipuam, awutnakutas aemawiri. Atakam faknakutam aotawawiri. 20E darAllah atakam mamtaw tugas ow awutam, e dakepala owam, e ipic e Roma pemerintah aotasimemtamfes. Ar masirin, aramat ipic bacatiw atakam aamsakamfes, Aram aramat ipic salib os op acatopomfes. 21Daram, e ipic e awamcom Israel samat bajortew, jirey aeawirum. Eras nat, jowon aemfes. 22Wunam, e dajowow cepes mamincop atitimsumutumorowos. Tamnakap ar e awerem asan ajisoseres. 23Aram e sumu ipic erasan opok aporeres. Ar masirin, aofasienaweres. Atakamam aotaworowos. ‘Dar pok desen apororom. Er malaikat ara. E malaikat atakam, “E Yesus tetakay awamec,” inim aeeres.’ E cepes inim aeorowos. 24E wun akac aemapmom ow masirin, e awerem asan ajisoseres. Aram e cepes atakam, atakamnak aporeresen. E nat, ar aramat ipic bi bapor opoken.” E ipic jamnuk inim aefesen. 25E Yesus masirin, “Car bi binip jen ow awamcokom ara! Ametnak ara, e Allah atakam botaw ow, e asep jofay emcowas, surat aeapomfes. Ca nat, e atakam kamornakut asicimamokom! 26Allah e Aeremtewef Ipic bajurusem, wunam asan akatnakut bemap, inim atakam bap asakamtiwef araman.” Inim aeefen. 27E Musa tulis aeef suratam, e Allah atakam botaw ow tulis aefes surat takasam, e Alkitab wun suratam, bare Yesus atakam ara. Aramat ipicam inim atakam e ow umuton aotawefen. Ar e Musa tulis aeef surat atakam bap aotawefen. E wun surat atakam masirin, asep aotawefen.
28Barewen. Ar e bin ajiemfes cemsan sotop asisiatfesen. Yesus nat, akan bakenin aememefen. 29E ipic jamnuk nat, e Yesus janim fak aanimfesen. “E dacem aamsesey. Bare, jiwic sotop. Jo basapineyma.” Inim aefesen. 30Bare, aramat ipic amos memen e ow akac aemapfesen. Aram amos atewefen. Amos atewef masirin, terima kasih atakam Allah aotawefen. Aram e amos akokomef, wunam e ow sey aseyetamefen. 31E ow masirin, manmok atereyfesen. Aram e aramat ipic amsom aemapfesen. Aramat ipic masirin, aaniamesefen. 32E ow masirin, atakam aamtawfesen. “E aramat ipic e bowsec, atakam dar aotaworow. Aram e Alkitab atakam umuton aotaworow. Bare, daram jak sara aeorom.” Inim aefesen. 33E ow masirin, asarimsitfes, wunam Yerusalem aofasifesen. Aram e amamkawi ow sebelas ajiwaram, e akac aemfes owam, emcajarewsiapfes aporfesen. 34E owam atakam e ipic jamnuk aotawfesen. “E Tuhan, bare emcajaworsitor araman! Aram e Simon bipu ajisomor!” Inim aefesen. 35E ipic jamnuk masirin, e bowsec ajarfesas atakam aotawfesen. Ar e aramat ipic e amos akokomefasam, ar e aramat ipic amsom aemapfesasam, inim atakam aotawfesen.
Yesus e amamkawi ow bipu ajisomef
(Mat. 28:16-20; Mrk. 16:14-18; Yoh. 20:19-23; Aem. 1:6-8)
36E ow inim atakam cowocapanitawmepesaw, Yesus e ow aman asarimjiwtereyemefen. “Selamat.” Inim aeefen. 37E ow masirin, juros ajiapfesen. Aram omar aefesen. Ar dat aporfes inim arawen. 38Aramat ipic nat, atakam e ow aotawefen. “E ajurusemamokomam, e bi binip arke aceceremamokomam, ucimaram? 39E dobanam, e dobweyam, baporcan. Dor Yesus awamcey ara. Bajejeremporcan. Car, dor dam das epcomam, emake epcomam, apormokom. Dat nat, inimas opok.” Inim aeefen. 40Inim atakam aotawef masirin, ar e abanam, e abweyam, e ow asumporomefen. 41E owam jak akatnakut aememfesen. Aram junum awutnakut aefesen. Inimas ar e atakam basicimkurum opoken. Aramat ipic masirin, “Car arasan amos pok open?” Inim aeefen. 42E ow masirin, enam das jisawnakap aramat ipic atetamfesen. 43Aramat ipicam e enam das e ow bipu atewenefen.
44Aramat ipic atakam e ow aotawefen. “Dor car akac aemapawirum, dor e jepen aemofas, atakam car emcaotawfin. Bare, e Musa surat aeapomef Jirmec wun atakamam, e Allah atakam botaw ow tulis aefes kitab wun atakamam, e Masmur kitab wun atakamam, bare doratakam ara. Doram e kitab doratakam atawmaras takas jipu aemamin araman.” Inim aeefen. 45Aramat ipic masirin, e Alkitab atakam biyof bacomom, bi binip umuton e ow atetamefen. 46Aram atakam e ow aotawefen. “E Alkitab atakam ara, ‘E Allah Aeremtewef Ipic ajurusemcema. Bar mamincop ara masirin, aojaworsitcema. 47Owam inim atakam bacacapiomces: “E aramat ipic aemefas baporey. Inimas car dosa bak apayemcokom, Allah e cadosa, akokoromosomtamceman.” Inim baeces. Ar e atakam e Yerusalem bap a takam bacacapiomces. Wunam ar e atakam e samat takas baocacapiomces.’ E Alkitab inim aema. 48Caram e apormokomas takas atemen mamatamey. 49Jakaperey. Dor, e doricipic atayi aeefas, car atewnemtamcimin. Ca nat, a kota inim emapey— Allah e onam op fakas car atetamcan jofay ajiwara.” Yesus inim aeefen.
Yesus onam op aaptometef
(Mrk. 16:19-20; Aem. 1:9-11)
50Aramat ipic masirin, e ow e kota cesen atowomisef— e Betania cemsan sotop ajiwar arawen. Aram e ban op atotopomefen. Ban op atotopomef masirin, ar Allah, e ow, asan akat bom, atakam aotawefen. 51Inim atakam aotawef masirin, ar e ow bakan ajiemefen. Ar onam op aaptometefen. 52E owam, aramat ipic asicimfesen. Ar jak akat epcom Yerusalem aofasienfesen. 53Aram e Allah cem aman, Allah akat, inim atakam atawawirisen.
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LAI 1985