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1. Mose 41

O baro rai pral o them Egiptia dell suni
1Pal dui bersha das o baro rai suni: An i suni dikas pes job tardo pash o pani Nil. 2Dran o pani Nil wan efta shukar un thulle grumja win. Kolla chan o senlepen pash o pani. 3Pal i tsiro wan pal lende efta wawar grumja dran o pani win. Kolla his djungelo. Len his kek thullo mass. Un jon his tardo pash kol shukar grumja pash o pani. 4Un kol djungele grumja, kai gar thullo his, chan kol shukar un thulle grumjen. Un o baro rai djangras pre.
5Un job sowas pale dren un das i duito kopo suni: An i suni dikas job efta halme, hoi hidjrenn djob. Kolla wan dran jek halmo win. Jon hi pesso un sasto. 6Pal lende wan efta wawar halme dran i phub win. Kolla hidjrenn djob, hoi hi gar pesso. I tato ducho, hoi phurdas dran o mulo tato them, kras len truk. 7Un kol halme, kai gar pesso his, chan kol efta wawar pre, kai pesso un pherdo djob his. Un o baro rai djangras pre un haiwas, kai job suni das.
8Taissarlakro daras job. Un job mukas i tsele durkepangre un gosewe an o them Egiptia te kharell. Un o baro rai penas lenge, hoi job suni das. Un kek his koi, kai penell nashte, hoi koi suni leske penella.
9Koi penas o pralstuno pral o pipen ap o baro rajeste: “Kau diwes well mange miri doosh an miro shero. 10O baro rajes his i bari choli ap mande un ap o pralstuno pral o maro un tchiwas men stildo an o kheer o pralstuno lurdestar. 11Mer dui dam suni an jek rati. Koi suni penas menge, hoi wella.
12Un kote his pash mende i terno mursh, i Hebreari. Kowa his i budepaskro kol pralstuno lurdestar. Leske penam, hoi suni dam. Un job penas hakeneske mendar, hoi koi suni penella. 13Un jaake har job penas, jaake was kowa. Man das o baro rai pale miri budi. Un o wawares mukas job ap i kasht te bladell.”
14Koi bitchras o baro rai jekes, te kharell job o Josefes. Un jon mukan les sik dran o stilepen win. Un job tchinas peskri tchor tele, riwas newe ripja ap peste un was pash o baro rajeste.
15Un o baro rai penas ap o Josefeste: “Me dom suni. Un kek hi koi, kai penell nai, hoi miri suni penella. Tutar penan jon mange: Te shuneh i suni, peneh nai, hoi i suni penella.”
16Koi penas o Josef ap o baro rajeste: “Me nai krau kowa gar. O Dewel penella, hoi o baro rajeske mishto hi.”
17Koi penas o baro rai ap o Josefeste: “An miri suni hom tardo pash o pani Nil. 18Un dikom, kai wan dran o pani efta thulle un shukar grumja win. Kolla chan o senlepen pash o pani. 19Pal lende wan efta wawar grumja dran o pani win. Kolla his gar thullo. Jon his djungelo un sano. An o tselo them Egiptia dikom kek djungleder grumjen har kolla. 20Un kol sane djungele grumja chan kol efta thulle grumjen. 21Un har jon len pre chan, dikan jon win, har te chans le len gar. Jon atchan djungeles, har jon his. Koi djangrom pre.
22Dom pale suni un dikom efta halme, hoi hidjrenn djob. Kolla wan dran jek halmo win un his pesso un sasto. 23Pal lende wan efta wawar halme dran i phub win. Kolla hidjran djob, hoi his gar pesso. I tato ducho, hoi phurdas dran o mulo tato them, kras len sano un truk. 24Un kol sane halme chan kol efta pesse halme. Un me penom kowa, hoi dom suni, kol durkepangre. Un kek his koi, kai penell nashte mange, hoi kol sunja mange penenna.”
25O Josef penas ap o baro rajeste: “O baro rajeskre dui sunja hi jek suni. Hoi o Dewel kamell te krell, sikras job tute. 26Kol efta shukar grumja hi efta bersha. Un kol efta shukar halme mit djob hi ninna efta bersha. Kowa hi jek suni. 27Un kol efta sane un djungele grumja, kai djan pal lende dran o pani win, hi efta bersha. Jaake hi ninna kol efta halme, hoi hi sano un truk, efta bersha, kai bokenn le. 28Hi jaake har penom tuke: O Dewel sikrell tute, hoi kamell lo te krell. 29Efta latche bersha wenna, kai hi bud chapen an o tselo them Egiptia. 30Un pal kowa wenna efta bersha, kai bokenn le. Ko bud latcho chapen, hoi len his, wella bistedo an o them Egiptia. Jaake baro well koi bok an o them. 31Lauter bistrenn ko tsiro, kai bud chapen koi his. Jaake baro well i bok koi pal. 32Kai o baro rai das kowa dui kope suni, penell menge, te krell o Dewel kowa tchatchepah, un te krell lo les sik.
33Kanna mu rodell o baro rai i gosewo murshes, te lell lo o tselo them Egiptia an o wast. 34Mu tchiwell job ninna pralstunen pral o them, te lenn le o pantchto kotar ko djobestar an kal efta latche bersha, kai wenna. 35Un tchiwenn ko djob khetne un anenn les an i forja. Un o baro rai mu dell garda, kai kowa jaake kerdo wella. 36Ko djob hi i menshenge un i viechenge, te merenn le gar i bokatar an kol efta bersha, kai hi tchi te chal an o them Egiptia.”
O Josef well rai pral o them Egiptia
37Un ko lab his mishto o baro rajeske un leskre tsele pralstune budepangre.
38Un o baro rai putchas peskre pralstune budepangrendar: “Nai hatsah mer i mursh har kawa, kai o goswepen o Deblestar an leste hi?”
39Ap o Josefeste penas o baro rai: “O Dewel sikras tute kau tselo koowa. Kekes hi jaake bud goswepen har tut. 40Tu wess rai pral miro baro kheer. I tsele menshe an miro them hunte krenn kowa, hoi tu peneh. Me kokres hom bareder har tu un atchau baro rai pral o them Egiptia.”
41Un o baro rai penas dureder ap o Josefeste: “Me dau o tselo them Egiptia an tire wasta.”
42Un o baro rai las peskri gustri peskro wastestar un tchiwas les ap o Josefeskro wast. Un das les ripja dran shukar laintikro than. Ninna tchiwas lo i sonakaskri werkli trul leskri meen. 43Un mukas les te ulerell ap o duito wurdin. Glan leste dan le win gole: “Witsrenn tumen tele glan leste!”
Jaake das o baro rai o tselo them Egiptia an o Josefeskre wasta.
44Un o baro rai penas ap o Josefeste: “Ninna te hom me o baro rai pral o them Egiptia, nai hadell kek mensho an o tselo them Egiptia peskro wast un peskre pire pre, te kameh tu kowa gar.”
45Un o baro rai das o Josefes o lab ‘Zafenat-Paneach’. Ninna das job les i romni, i Asnat. Lakro dad his o Potifera. Kowa his o rashai an o foro On. Jaake las o Josef i soor pral o tselo them Egiptia.
46O Josef his 30 (trijanda) bersha phuro, har das les o baro rai pral Egiptia koi budi. Un o Josef djas peske o baro rajestar un djas an o them Egiptia trujel.
47Un o them das bud djob an kol efta latche bersha. 48Un o Josef tchiwas ap i rig ko bud djobestar, hoi len his an kol efta latche bersha an ko them Egiptia. Un anas kowa an i forja, – hako kopo an i foro, hoi gar dur his. 49Un o Josef tchiwas bud djob khetne, jaake bud har i tikne barra pash o baro pani. Un jon mukan tele, te tchinell an i liil, har bud kowa his.
50Glan ko tsiro, kai i bok pral o them was, wan o Josefeske dui mursh tchawe boldo. Lengri dai his i Asnat, kolakro dad o rashai Potifera an o foro On his. 51Un o Josef das o phureder tchawes ko lab Manasse un penas: O Dewel kras te bistrap miri tseli bibacht un mire tsele menshen. 52Un o duito tchawes das job ko lab Efrajim un penas: O Dewel das man tchawen an o them, kai djas mange gar mishto.
53Un kol efta brawele bersha djan trujel an o them Egiptia. 54Un palle wan kol bersha, kai bokenn le, jaake har o Josef penas. Un an i tsele themma bokan le. Kokres an o them Egiptia his doha chapaske. 55Har i bok ninna an o them Egiptia was, dan i Egiptarja gole ap o baro rajeste, te dell job len te chal. Koi penas o baro rai ap lende: “Djan pash o Josefeste! Krenn, hoi job tumenge penella!”
56Un i bok was bareder. An o tselo them his i menshen gar doha te chal. Koi kras o Josef i wudja pre an kol tsele khera, kai djob dren hi. Un bikras o djob ap i Egiptarja. 57Ninna dran i tsele wawar themma wan i menshe pash o Josefeste an o them Egiptia, te ginenn le djob. Jaake baro his i bok an i tsele themma.

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