Yohans Dooshishiyo 20
Iyesus k'irotse k'azb́tuutsok'o
(Mat. 28:1-8; Mar. 16:1-8; Luk'. 24:1-12)
1Torbanitsi shintso aawots, sanbata gudots, maar goyo b́ maat'fetse, Megdeli datstsu Mariyam Iyesus doowomants biami, manok b bodtsok'on doowo bin ipets shútso doowman fengeshatse k'aztuut b́ befere bek'b́k'ri. 2Mansh bi Simon P'et'rosnat Iyesus b́ shunf b́ danifok wos'fere amaat, «Doonzo dowootse kishdek'wutsernee, aawok bogedtsok'o danatsone» bieti.
3Manorowere P'et'rosnat b́ danif ikmann kesht dowomand boami. 4Gitetswotswere towatni bowos'iri, ernmó b́ danif k'oshman P'et'rosiyere bogo káárt wos'fere amt shino dowok b́bodi. 5Dashan tuumt doowots b́s'iltsok'on duuni taho manoke b́befere b́bek'i, ernmó gitsomaand kindratse. 6Simon P'et'roswere b́shuutso waat́ doowots b́ kindi, bíwere duuno bín t'at'ets taho manoke b́ befere b́ bek'i. 7Iyesus tooko bín s'as'ets taho b́ duuni tahonton b́ woterawo bíaali k'oshoke k'odeyat b́ beyirwok'o bek'b́k'ri. 8Maniyere il, shin shino waabodts b́ danifman doowi gitsots kindt bek't bíamani. 9«K'irtswotsitse tuwo geyife bísha» etts aap'o S'ayin mas'afotstso t'iwintsde'afa'no botesh. 10Maniyere il b́ danif gitetsmanots aanat bogalomand boami.
Iyesus Megdel datstsu Mariyamsh b́be'etsok'o
(Mat. 28:9-10; Mar. 16:9-11)
11Megdel dats ashu Mariyam eepfetsat, dowoniyere úratse ned'dek'atni b́tesh, eepfetsatnwere tuumdek'at doowots b́ s'iili. 12Iyesus duuno b́ teshts beyoke nas' tah tahtdek'ts melaki gitetsuwotsi iko s'olotse iko k'oyoke bobefere bbek'i. 13Bowere Mariyamsh, «Nee máátsune! eegishe niepiri?» boeti.
Biwere, «T doonzi dek'wutserne, eewk bogedtsok'onowere danatse» bíet.
14Manowere etaat b shutsomand wongr biettsok'on Iyesus b́ need'efere bek'bk'ri, Iyesusi b́wottsok'onowere danatsane. 15Iyesus, «Máátsune neena eegoshe niepiri, kone ngeyirwoni?» bí eti.
Bíwere manoki mitwotsitse finirwo bish bíartsotse, «Doonzono! nee bín dek'ri wotiyal, eewk ngedtsok'owo oona neesha taash keewwe, taa were k'aaúdek'etuwe» bieti.
16Iyesuswere, «Mariyame!» bí eti. Biwere b́maants wongr etaat Ibrayist'i noon keewu keewon, «Rebuni!» bí eti. Man etonwere, «Danifono!» etee.
17Iyesus, «Tiyats borr taan detsk'aye taahe andoor tnihok damb keyafa'e, ernmó tieshwotsok amr ‹Taahe ti nihnat it nihok, ti Ik'onat it Ik'ok damb bíyok keshetwe etfe› err boosh keewwe» bíet.
18Mann Megdel datstsu Mariyam b́ danifwotsok amaat «Doonzo bek're!» etaat bish eeg bíettsok'onowere boosh b keewi.
Iyesus b́danifuwotsats b́be'etsok'o
(Mat. 28:16-20; Mar. 16:14-18; Luk'. 24:36-49)
19Manoori ik gawiymanitsi shints aaw sanbata gudots kooc' b́ danifwots ayhudi naashwotsi bo shattsotse, bo maa fengesho is'dek't́ moots kakwedek'tni botesh, maa fengesho is'etsok'on b́ befere Iyesus b́ danifwots kakwed'ek't bobeyiru moots b́ kindi, bo dagots need'dek't, «Jeeno itsh wotowe!» bíet. 20Man ett b́ kishonat b́ lalk'on boosh b́ kits, b́ danifuwotswere doonzo bobek'tsok'on geneúbowutsi. 21Maniyere il Iyesus aaniy, «Jeeno itsh wotowe! taan niho b́ woshtsok'o taawere iti woshitwe» bíet. 22Man eton bo aats úff ett, «S'ayin shayiro de'ere, 23#Mat. 16:19; 18:18 ashuwots morrosh orowe it etal boosh bo morro orowa etetuwe, it ashuwots morro orowa eto it k'azal boosh orowa eteeratse» bíet.
Iyesusnat Tomaasn
24Iyesus b́ danifwotsok b́ woor tatse gitetsuwotsitse iko, Didimosi eteefo Tomas bowoke aali b́tesh. 25Mansh b́ danif k'oshuwots Tomassh «Doonzone bek'rone» boet. Bímó «Mismaron koshets b́ kishuwotsi be'er tjabuwotsi msmaron koshets manotsits tgerawo, t kishonowere b́ lalk'i gaawots t gedala bako b́jamon amaneratse» bí eti.
26Shimt aawoniyere hakon b́danfuwots aaniy mootsna botesh, Tomasuwere bontini b́tesh, maa fengesho is'etsok'on b́befere Iyesus waa bo dagotse need'dek't́, «Jeeno itsh wotowe!» bíet. 27Maniyere il Tomassh, «N jaabo hakan doyir tkishwotsi s'iile, nkishonowere dewar t lalk'ots geere, amantso wotowe bako, amanerawo wotk'aye» bí et.
28Tomaswere, «T doonzo! tiko Izar Izewero!» ett bísh bíaani.
29Iyesuswere Tomassh, «Neyere taan nbek'tsosha taan niamaniye, taan bo be aawon taan amanituwots údeknee» bíet.
Mas'aafan eegosh b́guut'etsok'o
30Iyesus mas'afanitse guut't gederawo k'osh ay aditso b́ danifúwots shinatse finere, 31Ernmó Iyesus Krstos Ik'o naayi b́wottsok'owo it amanituwok'o, amanar b́shutson dúre dúri kasho it datsitwok'owa han b́ guut'iyi.
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Yohans Dooshishiyo 20: BrnNTLtn
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The Word for the World International Publishing PO Box 26363, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA
Yohans Dooshishiyo 20
Iyesus k'irotse k'azb́tuutsok'o
(Mat. 28:1-8; Mar. 16:1-8; Luk'. 24:1-12)
1Torbanitsi shintso aawots, sanbata gudots, maar goyo b́ maat'fetse, Megdeli datstsu Mariyam Iyesus doowomants biami, manok b bodtsok'on doowo bin ipets shútso doowman fengeshatse k'aztuut b́ befere bek'b́k'ri. 2Mansh bi Simon P'et'rosnat Iyesus b́ shunf b́ danifok wos'fere amaat, «Doonzo dowootse kishdek'wutsernee, aawok bogedtsok'o danatsone» bieti.
3Manorowere P'et'rosnat b́ danif ikmann kesht dowomand boami. 4Gitetswotswere towatni bowos'iri, ernmó b́ danif k'oshman P'et'rosiyere bogo káárt wos'fere amt shino dowok b́bodi. 5Dashan tuumt doowots b́s'iltsok'on duuni taho manoke b́befere b́bek'i, ernmó gitsomaand kindratse. 6Simon P'et'roswere b́shuutso waat́ doowots b́ kindi, bíwere duuno bín t'at'ets taho manoke b́ befere b́ bek'i. 7Iyesus tooko bín s'as'ets taho b́ duuni tahonton b́ woterawo bíaali k'oshoke k'odeyat b́ beyirwok'o bek'b́k'ri. 8Maniyere il, shin shino waabodts b́ danifman doowi gitsots kindt bek't bíamani. 9«K'irtswotsitse tuwo geyife bísha» etts aap'o S'ayin mas'afotstso t'iwintsde'afa'no botesh. 10Maniyere il b́ danif gitetsmanots aanat bogalomand boami.
Iyesus Megdel datstsu Mariyamsh b́be'etsok'o
(Mat. 28:9-10; Mar. 16:9-11)
11Megdel dats ashu Mariyam eepfetsat, dowoniyere úratse ned'dek'atni b́tesh, eepfetsatnwere tuumdek'at doowots b́ s'iili. 12Iyesus duuno b́ teshts beyoke nas' tah tahtdek'ts melaki gitetsuwotsi iko s'olotse iko k'oyoke bobefere bbek'i. 13Bowere Mariyamsh, «Nee máátsune! eegishe niepiri?» boeti.
Biwere, «T doonzi dek'wutserne, eewk bogedtsok'onowere danatse» bíet.
14Manowere etaat b shutsomand wongr biettsok'on Iyesus b́ need'efere bek'bk'ri, Iyesusi b́wottsok'onowere danatsane. 15Iyesus, «Máátsune neena eegoshe niepiri, kone ngeyirwoni?» bí eti.
Bíwere manoki mitwotsitse finirwo bish bíartsotse, «Doonzono! nee bín dek'ri wotiyal, eewk ngedtsok'owo oona neesha taash keewwe, taa were k'aaúdek'etuwe» bieti.
16Iyesuswere, «Mariyame!» bí eti. Biwere b́maants wongr etaat Ibrayist'i noon keewu keewon, «Rebuni!» bí eti. Man etonwere, «Danifono!» etee.
17Iyesus, «Tiyats borr taan detsk'aye taahe andoor tnihok damb keyafa'e, ernmó tieshwotsok amr ‹Taahe ti nihnat it nihok, ti Ik'onat it Ik'ok damb bíyok keshetwe etfe› err boosh keewwe» bíet.
18Mann Megdel datstsu Mariyam b́ danifwotsok amaat «Doonzo bek're!» etaat bish eeg bíettsok'onowere boosh b keewi.
Iyesus b́danifuwotsats b́be'etsok'o
(Mat. 28:16-20; Mar. 16:14-18; Luk'. 24:36-49)
19Manoori ik gawiymanitsi shints aaw sanbata gudots kooc' b́ danifwots ayhudi naashwotsi bo shattsotse, bo maa fengesho is'dek't́ moots kakwedek'tni botesh, maa fengesho is'etsok'on b́ befere Iyesus b́ danifwots kakwed'ek't bobeyiru moots b́ kindi, bo dagots need'dek't, «Jeeno itsh wotowe!» bíet. 20Man ett b́ kishonat b́ lalk'on boosh b́ kits, b́ danifuwotswere doonzo bobek'tsok'on geneúbowutsi. 21Maniyere il Iyesus aaniy, «Jeeno itsh wotowe! taan niho b́ woshtsok'o taawere iti woshitwe» bíet. 22Man eton bo aats úff ett, «S'ayin shayiro de'ere, 23#Mat. 16:19; 18:18 ashuwots morrosh orowe it etal boosh bo morro orowa etetuwe, it ashuwots morro orowa eto it k'azal boosh orowa eteeratse» bíet.
Iyesusnat Tomaasn
24Iyesus b́ danifwotsok b́ woor tatse gitetsuwotsitse iko, Didimosi eteefo Tomas bowoke aali b́tesh. 25Mansh b́ danif k'oshuwots Tomassh «Doonzone bek'rone» boet. Bímó «Mismaron koshets b́ kishuwotsi be'er tjabuwotsi msmaron koshets manotsits tgerawo, t kishonowere b́ lalk'i gaawots t gedala bako b́jamon amaneratse» bí eti.
26Shimt aawoniyere hakon b́danfuwots aaniy mootsna botesh, Tomasuwere bontini b́tesh, maa fengesho is'etsok'on b́befere Iyesus waa bo dagotse need'dek't́, «Jeeno itsh wotowe!» bíet. 27Maniyere il Tomassh, «N jaabo hakan doyir tkishwotsi s'iile, nkishonowere dewar t lalk'ots geere, amantso wotowe bako, amanerawo wotk'aye» bí et.
28Tomaswere, «T doonzo! tiko Izar Izewero!» ett bísh bíaani.
29Iyesuswere Tomassh, «Neyere taan nbek'tsosha taan niamaniye, taan bo be aawon taan amanituwots údeknee» bíet.
Mas'aafan eegosh b́guut'etsok'o
30Iyesus mas'afanitse guut't gederawo k'osh ay aditso b́ danifúwots shinatse finere, 31Ernmó Iyesus Krstos Ik'o naayi b́wottsok'owo it amanituwok'o, amanar b́shutson dúre dúri kasho it datsitwok'owa han b́ guut'iyi.
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The Word for the World International Publishing PO Box 26363, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA