Mark'os Dooshishiyo 1
Gupfo Yohans b́ nabtso
(Mat. 3:1-12; Luk'. 3:1-18; Yoh. 1:19-28)
1Hań Ik'onaayi#1:1 Ik'o naayi: Yoots mas'aaf ik ikwots Ik'o naayi etirwo dabrakno. Iyesus Krstosko doo shishiyo b́ tuwokoni.
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Mil. 3:1 Nebiyiyo Isayasn,
«Hambe, nwerind foketwo
T woshtso nshinatse beshide woshitwee. 3Hanwere
‹Doonzosh weerindo k'aniwere
B́fudonowere manutsiwere› etfere,
Worwotse b́k'aaro eenshde'k't keewiru asho k'aaroniyee»
ett guut'etsok'one.
4Mansh gupfo Yohans «It morrosh orowe eto itdatsish naandrone err gupewere» ett worwotse kuhdek'et keewfere b́weyi. 5Yhud datsonat Iyerusalem kitutse ay asho b́maantsa bowaafo, bo morro kish keewr Yordanosi eteets fokotse b́ kishatsna bogupefo.
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2 Naash. 1:8 Yohans tahonwere kambuli s'iron wozeka b́tesh. B́gebatso shaak'a bí edefo, b́maafonwere p'elonat dok'shi mas'ona. 7Bí hank'owa bí'etfo «Túmr b́c'aami tipi joko bitsosh tborawo taayere ayidek' bogtso tshutsatse weeyirwe. 8Taa iti aatson gupetwe, bímó itn S'ayn shayiron gupetwe.»
Iyesus b́gupetsok'o
(Mat. 3:13-17; Luk'. 3:21-22; Yoh. 1:31-34)
9Manoor Iyesus Galili eteets datsatse beyiru Naazreti eteef kituts waat́ Yordanos fokotse Yohans kishon b́gupeyi. 10Yohans manoor, Iyesus aatsotse b́keshtsok'on daro gaad'at́ b́k'eshefere, S'ayin shayiro kurkund areyat bíyats b́ oot'́fere b́bek'i. 11#Aze. 22:2; Dub. 2:7; Isa. 42:1; Mat. 3:17; 12:18; Mar. 9:7; Luk'. 3:22 Manoor «Taan gene'úshtso t shunts na'o neene» etiru k'ááro darotse b́weyi.
Iyesusi fadetsok'o
(Mat. 4:1-11; Luk'. 4:1-13)
12Manóór Ik'i Shayiro Iyesusi worwots dek't bí'ami. 13Manoknowere worwotse Shed'ano Iyesusi hab aawosh b́ fadfera b́teshi, dín s'ootswotsntoni b́ tesh, melkiwotsu bísh finernó botesh.
Iyesus b́ daniyi fino Gelil datsatse dek' b́tuutsok'o
(Mat. 4:14-17; Luk'. 4:14-15)
14Yohans detseyat tipimo b́ kindiyakon Iyesus, Ik'i mengsti jangosh doo shishiyo#1:14 Doo shishyo: Eto wongeliya etee. nabfere Galil maants b́weyi. 15#Mat. 3:2 B́daniyoro, «Dúro s'uuwtsere, Ik'imengstu karnfere b́watsotse it naandrone erere, dooshishi nabetsono amanore!» bí etfo.
Iyesus mus' detsf awdetswotsi b́s'eegtsok'o.
(Mat. 4:18-22; Luk'. 5:1-11)
16Maniye il Iyesus Gelil aatsk'ari ganoke beshefetst Simon nat bí eshu Indriyasn mus' detsfwotsi boteshtsotse bo mus' kambo aats k'aro maants boshap'fere boon b́ bek'i. 17Iyesuswere «T jafrats woore itsh tdanisha, err mus' it detsirwok'o ashuwotsi it detsetwok'ó woshitwe» bí eti. 18Bowere manoor bo mus' detsi kambo k'azk'rat́ b́shuutso bo tuwi. 19Maniyere múk'i beshat k'osh eshu gitwotsi b́bek'i. Bowere Zebdiyos nana'úwots Ya'ak'obnat Yohansna botesh. Bowere bo jelbotse bedek't bo mus' detsi kambo bok'anifera botesh. 20Iyesus manoor boon b́s'eegi. Bowere bonih Zebdiyosnat bísh fin finirwotsn jelbatse k'azk'rat Iyesus jafrats boami.
Kim shayiro bín s'eents asho b́kashtsok'o
(Luk'. 4:31-37)
21Beshatnu K'frnahom kitots bobodi. Manoori waats sanbatots Iyesus Ayhdiwots Ik' k'oni mootse daniyo dek't b́twi. 22#Mat. 7:28-29 Iyesus, Muse nemo danifwots kok'o b́woterawo naashikook'o b́danifotse shishts jamwots b́daniyor ada bo adfo. 23Ayhudiwots Ik' k'oni mootse beyiru ash iko gond shayiron s'eentso hank'o ett b́kúhi, 24«Nazrettso Iyesuso, nee nooke eeg kis'e ndetsi? Noon t'afiyosh waafi? Nee koni n wottsok'o taa daank'reree. Ik'oko S'ayino neene.»
25Iyesuswere gond shayirmansh «S'ik err, bí atsotse kee» ett b́fayi.
26Gond shayronwere ashman dikdek't b́s'ik'iyakon b́k'aaro eensh dek't kuhefetst bí atsotse b́ keshi. 27«Eebi han naaroni? Hanwo handr daniyeya?» Gond shayirwotsi bí aloro bo bíshere bo aleyiri, ett adt bo atsatseyo aateyo dek' bo tuwi. 28Muk'i b́teyawo, Iyesus shúútso Galil gúúratsi dats jamatse dane b́wtsi.
Iyesus shodts ayuwotsi b́kashitsok'o.
(Mat. 8:14-17; Luk'. 4:38-41)
29Muk'ib́teyawo Iyesus ayhudi Ik' k'oni mootse kesht Yak'obnat Yohansnton, Simoonnat Indryasn moots b́kindi. 30Maa manitsno Simon awu ats k'ees'its shodo shodat bk'efera btesh. Bshodmanowere manoor Iyesussh keewbok'ri. 31Iyesuswere bmaand t'int́ bkisho detsdek't b́tuuzi. Bi atsi k'ees'onwere manoor binfakshb́k'ri. Tuwatnwere boon b ibiy.
32Aawu bkindre datso bí iliyakon ashuwots shodtswotsnat fo'erawon detsets jamwotsi Iyesusok dek't boweyi. 33Kititsi ash jamo maa úratse kakwe b́wtsi. 34Iyesus ay naari shoodon kic'iru ay ashuwotsi kashi b́k'ri. Fo'eraw aywotsno b́kishi. Fo'erawwotswere bí koni b́woto danfno botesh. Ernmó bokeewrawok'o boon b́baziyi.
Iyesus Geliln doo shishiwo b́ nab́tsok'o
35Datso gatsosh bí etfere, Iyesus guuron tuut mootse kesht Ik' k'onosh ash aalok k'az bíami. 36Simoonnat bínton teshtswots bín geyo kesht boami. 37Bín bodatstsok'ono «Ash jamonwo neenere b́geyiri» bo eti.
38Iyesuswere, «Taa twaa danyosh b́wottsotse doo shishiyo danyosh karnoke fa'a gal galóts amone!» bí et.
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Mat. 4:23; Luk'. 9:35 Mann ayhudiwots Ik' k'oni maa mootse danifetsit fo'erawwotsnowere kishfere Galil dats jamatse b́gúúrefo b́tesh.
Iyesus eenshodets asho b́ s'ayintstsok'o
(Mat. 8:1-4; Luk'. 5:12-16)
40Een shod detsts ash iko Iyesus maants waat b́ tufi shirots tuk'maldek't, «Ni eekiyal taan s'ayintso falfne» eton bín b́k'oni.
41Iyesuswere bísh maac'o k'ewat, b́kisho jargdek't shu'efetst, «Eekere s'ayine!» bí et. 42Ashmanwere manoor bí een shodotse s'ayinb́wtsi. 43Iyesus ashmansh kup'shdek't, ntooko korde'e ett faksh b́k'r. 44#Lew. 4:1-32 «Wotts keewan ik doonzshor nkeewrawok'o ni tooko korde'e, ernmó amr ntooko kahniyosh kitswe. Ashjamosh gaw b́wotish nkashtsotse Muse k'aluwere bí etts wosho t'intswe» ett bíazazi.
45Ernmó ashman manoke kesht keewman ashosh keewo dek't b́tuwi. Manatse tuutson Iyesus kit ikutsnor be'efetst kindo b́maawi. Ernmó kitoniye úratse ash aaloka b́befo. B́ wotefere ashuwots bo be beewoke b́ maants waa bowaafo.
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Mark'os Dooshishiyo 1: BrnNTLtn

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