Mark 11
The lowly triumph. The feckless fig‐tree.
1And whan they cam nar to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethanie at the Mount oʼ Olives, he sent awa twa oʼ his disciples.
2And says to them, “Gang yere ways to the clachan fornent ye; and as sune as ye are come intilʼt, ye sal see a cowt tethered, whauron nae man evir sat; lowse him and fetch him.
3“And gin ony man say ocht to ye, or “Why dae ye this?” say ye, ‘The Maister has need oʼ him, and belvye he sends him back again.’ ”
4And they gaed their ways, and faund the cowt tethered at a door oot‐by iʼ the street; and they lowse him.
5And some oʼ thae that stude thar says to them, “What are ye daein? lowsin the cowt?”
6And they tellʼt them eʼen as Jesus said to them; and they loot them gang.
7And they fesh the cowt till Jesus; and they cuist on him their manteels; and he sat upon them.
8And a hantle spread their manteels iʼ the way; and ithers green branches, cuttin them oot oʼ the fields.
9And they that gaed afore, and they that followʼt eftir, cryʼt, “Hosanna! Blessed is he wha comes iʼ the name oʼ the Lord!
10“Blessed is the comin kingdom oʼ oor faither Dauvid! Hosanna iʼ the highest Heeven!”
11And he enterʼt intil Jerusalem, intil the Temple; and whan he had taen tent oʼ aʼ things, it noo wearin late, he gaed oot till Bethanie wiʼ the Twalʼ.
12And on the morn, whan he cam back frae Bethanie, he hungerʼt.
13And seein a fig‐tree ayont, fuʼ oʼ leaves, he gaed, gin aiblins he micht finʼ onything onʼt: and whan he cam tillʼt, he faund naething but leaves; for it wasna the time oʼ figs.
14And Jesus spak, #11:14 This wasna to schaw his pooer; but it was an acted parable, to teach faith! (v. 22–24).and says to it, “Nae man forever again eat frute oʼ thee!” and his disciples war listenin tillʼt.
15And they cam to Jerusalem; and enterin the Temple, he begude to caʼ oot thae sellin and buyin iʼ the Temple; and cowpit ower the tables oʼ the nifferers oʼ siller, and the binks oʼ thae that trokit wiʼ doos:
16And he wadna suffer ony man to cairry veschels throwe the Temple.
17And he was teachin, and sayin to them, “Is it no putten doon, ‘My Hoose sal be named a Hoose oʼ Prayer for aʼ people;’ but ye hae made it a howff oʼ robbers!”
18And the Heid‐priests and the Scribes heard; and coonsellʼt hoo they micht destroy him: for they war fleyʼt oʼ him, for aʼ the folk war astonishʼt at his teachin.
19And whaneʼer the eʼenin cam, he gaed oot oʼ the citie.
20And iʼ the mornin as they gaed by, they saw the fig‐tree birslʼt up frae the rutes.
21And Peter caʼin to minʼ, says to him, “Maister! see: the fig‐tree ye bannʼd, is aʼ dwined awa!”
22And Jesus, answerin to him, says, “Hae ye faith in God!
23“For truly say I tʼye, whasae may say to this mountain, ‘Be ye taʼen up, and cuisten intil the sea!’ and doots‐na in his heart — but sal lippen that what he says sal come to pass — he sal win it!
24“And thus I say to ye, Aʼ things that ye pray and seek for, lippen that ye hae them, and ye sal win them.
25“And whan prayin ye staun, forgie, gin ye hae ocht again ony ane; that yere Faither wha is in Heeven may forgie yere sins.
26“For gin ye forgie‐na, yere Faither in Heeven wull forgie‐na your sins!”
27And they come to Jerusalem again; and as he was walkin aboot iʼ the Temple, the Heid‐priests, and the Scribes, and the Elders, cam to him,
28And quoʼ they to him, “By whatna authoritie div ye thir things? And wha is he that gied ye this authoritie to do thir things?”
29But Jesus said, “I wull speir at you aʼe thing; and answer me: and I wull tell ye by whatna authoritie I do thir things:—
30“Johnʼs Baptism,#11:30 We maunna think this was but a sharp way oʼ confoundin them. John was a graun witness for Him (John 1:7, 29, 32, 34), but gin they wadna say gif the witness coud be lippened, why bring him forrit? — wasʼt frae Heeven? or oʼ man? Ye may answer me!”
31And they coonsellʼt amang their sels, sayinʼ, “Gin we say, ‘Frae Heeven,’ he will say, ‘On what grunʼ than, did ye no believe him?”
32“But gin we sae ‘Frae menʼ ” — they war fleyʼt oʼ the folk; for ane and aʼ held John in veritie to be a prophet.
33And they answerʼt Jesus, and said, “We canna tell!” And Jesus says to them, “Nae mair div I tell you by whatna authoritie I do thir things!”
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Mark 11: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.
Mark 11
The lowly triumph. The feckless fig‐tree.
1And whan they cam nar to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethanie at the Mount oʼ Olives, he sent awa twa oʼ his disciples.
2And says to them, “Gang yere ways to the clachan fornent ye; and as sune as ye are come intilʼt, ye sal see a cowt tethered, whauron nae man evir sat; lowse him and fetch him.
3“And gin ony man say ocht to ye, or “Why dae ye this?” say ye, ‘The Maister has need oʼ him, and belvye he sends him back again.’ ”
4And they gaed their ways, and faund the cowt tethered at a door oot‐by iʼ the street; and they lowse him.
5And some oʼ thae that stude thar says to them, “What are ye daein? lowsin the cowt?”
6And they tellʼt them eʼen as Jesus said to them; and they loot them gang.
7And they fesh the cowt till Jesus; and they cuist on him their manteels; and he sat upon them.
8And a hantle spread their manteels iʼ the way; and ithers green branches, cuttin them oot oʼ the fields.
9And they that gaed afore, and they that followʼt eftir, cryʼt, “Hosanna! Blessed is he wha comes iʼ the name oʼ the Lord!
10“Blessed is the comin kingdom oʼ oor faither Dauvid! Hosanna iʼ the highest Heeven!”
11And he enterʼt intil Jerusalem, intil the Temple; and whan he had taen tent oʼ aʼ things, it noo wearin late, he gaed oot till Bethanie wiʼ the Twalʼ.
12And on the morn, whan he cam back frae Bethanie, he hungerʼt.
13And seein a fig‐tree ayont, fuʼ oʼ leaves, he gaed, gin aiblins he micht finʼ onything onʼt: and whan he cam tillʼt, he faund naething but leaves; for it wasna the time oʼ figs.
14And Jesus spak, #11:14 This wasna to schaw his pooer; but it was an acted parable, to teach faith! (v. 22–24).and says to it, “Nae man forever again eat frute oʼ thee!” and his disciples war listenin tillʼt.
15And they cam to Jerusalem; and enterin the Temple, he begude to caʼ oot thae sellin and buyin iʼ the Temple; and cowpit ower the tables oʼ the nifferers oʼ siller, and the binks oʼ thae that trokit wiʼ doos:
16And he wadna suffer ony man to cairry veschels throwe the Temple.
17And he was teachin, and sayin to them, “Is it no putten doon, ‘My Hoose sal be named a Hoose oʼ Prayer for aʼ people;’ but ye hae made it a howff oʼ robbers!”
18And the Heid‐priests and the Scribes heard; and coonsellʼt hoo they micht destroy him: for they war fleyʼt oʼ him, for aʼ the folk war astonishʼt at his teachin.
19And whaneʼer the eʼenin cam, he gaed oot oʼ the citie.
20And iʼ the mornin as they gaed by, they saw the fig‐tree birslʼt up frae the rutes.
21And Peter caʼin to minʼ, says to him, “Maister! see: the fig‐tree ye bannʼd, is aʼ dwined awa!”
22And Jesus, answerin to him, says, “Hae ye faith in God!
23“For truly say I tʼye, whasae may say to this mountain, ‘Be ye taʼen up, and cuisten intil the sea!’ and doots‐na in his heart — but sal lippen that what he says sal come to pass — he sal win it!
24“And thus I say to ye, Aʼ things that ye pray and seek for, lippen that ye hae them, and ye sal win them.
25“And whan prayin ye staun, forgie, gin ye hae ocht again ony ane; that yere Faither wha is in Heeven may forgie yere sins.
26“For gin ye forgie‐na, yere Faither in Heeven wull forgie‐na your sins!”
27And they come to Jerusalem again; and as he was walkin aboot iʼ the Temple, the Heid‐priests, and the Scribes, and the Elders, cam to him,
28And quoʼ they to him, “By whatna authoritie div ye thir things? And wha is he that gied ye this authoritie to do thir things?”
29But Jesus said, “I wull speir at you aʼe thing; and answer me: and I wull tell ye by whatna authoritie I do thir things:—
30“Johnʼs Baptism,#11:30 We maunna think this was but a sharp way oʼ confoundin them. John was a graun witness for Him (John 1:7, 29, 32, 34), but gin they wadna say gif the witness coud be lippened, why bring him forrit? — wasʼt frae Heeven? or oʼ man? Ye may answer me!”
31And they coonsellʼt amang their sels, sayinʼ, “Gin we say, ‘Frae Heeven,’ he will say, ‘On what grunʼ than, did ye no believe him?”
32“But gin we sae ‘Frae menʼ ” — they war fleyʼt oʼ the folk; for ane and aʼ held John in veritie to be a prophet.
33And they answerʼt Jesus, and said, “We canna tell!” And Jesus says to them, “Nae mair div I tell you by whatna authoritie I do thir things!”
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.