Luke 11
1Soðlice wæs geworðen þa he wæs on summer stowe hine bebiddende. þa þa he geswac. him to cwæð an his leorningcnihten. Drihten lær us. us to gebiddan. swa iohannes his leorningcnihtes lærde. 2þa cwæð he to heom. cweðed þus þanne ge eow gebiddað. Ure fæder þu þe on heofene eart syo þin name gehaleged. tocume þin rice. geworðe þin wille on heofene ⁊on eorðe. 3syle us todaig urne daighwamlicne hlaf. 4⁊forgyf us ure geltes swa we forgyfað ælcen þare þe wið us agylteð ⁊ne læd þu us on costnunge. ac alys us fram yfele. 5Ða cwæð he to heom. Hwilc eowre hafed sumne freond ⁊gæð to middre nihte to him ⁊cwæð to hym. La freond læn me þreo hlafes. 6for þan min freond com of weige to me ⁊ic næbbe hwæt ic him toforan legge. 7Ænd he him þanne þus andswerige. ne beo þu me gram nu min dure is becosen ⁊mine cnihtes synde on reste mid me ne maig ich arisan nu ⁊sillen ðe. 8Gyf he þanne þurhwuned cnokigende; ic eow segge gyf he arist ⁊him sylleð; þanne for þan þe he his freond is. þeahhwæðere for hys onrope he arist ⁊sylð him his neode. 9And ich eow segge byddað ⁊eow beoð seald. secheð ⁊ge findað. cnokieð ⁊eow beoð untynd. 10Ælc þare þe bitt onfehð ⁊se þe secð he fint ⁊cnokiende byð untyned. 11hwilc eower bit his fader hlafes. segest þu seld he him stan. oððe gyf he bit fissces sylð he him næddren for fissces. 12oððe gyf he hym bytt aig. segst þu ræcd he him scorpionem þæt is an wermkyn. 13Witodlice gyf ge þanne þe synt yfele cunnan syllan gode sylene eowren bearnen; swa micele ma eower fader of heofene sylð godne gast þam þe hine biddað. 14Þa wæs se hælende utadrifende sume deofelseocnysse ⁊seo wæs dumb. And þa he utadraf þa deofelseocnisse. þa spræc se dumbe ⁊þa manega wundreden. 15Sume cwæðen on beelzebub deofle ealdre he utadraf þa deofelseocnysse. 16And sume his fandedon ⁊geornden of heofene tacnys of him. 17Ða he geseah heora þances he cwæð. Ælc rice on hit sylf todæled byð toworpen ⁊þæt hus ofer þæt hus fald. 18Gif satanas is todaeled on hine sylfne hu stent his rice forðanþe ge seggeð þæt ich on beelzebub deofelseocnysse utadrife. 19Gyf ich on beelzebub deofle utadrife. on hwam utadrifeð eowre bearn. forðan hyo beoð eowre deman. 20Gewislice gyf ic on godes fingre deofle utadrife; ealle godes rice on eow bekymð. 21Þanne se strange gewæpned his cæfertun gehealt. þonne beoð on sibbe þa þing þe he ahð. 22Gyf þanne strengre ofer hine cymð ⁊hine oferswið; ealle his wæpne þe he on truwede he hym afyrð ⁊todælð his herereaf. 23Se þe nis mid me. he is ongen me. And se ne gadered mid me; se hit tostret. 24Þanne se unclæne gast gæð of þam men; he gæð þurh unwæterie stowe reste secende ⁊nane ne gemett. þanne cweð he. Ic wende æft to minen huse þe ich of eode. 25⁊þanne he kymð he hit gemett emtig mid besme afermed. 26þanne gæð he ⁊nymð seofan oðre gastes wirsan þanne he ⁊ingæð ⁊þær eardieð. þanne synt þas mannes ændes werse þanne þam earren. 27Soðlice wæs geworðen þa he þis saigde; sum wif him to cwæð. Eadig is se innoð þe þe bær ⁊þa breost þe þu suke. 28Þa cwæð he. Eadige sinde þa þe godes word gehereð ⁊þæt gehealdeð. 29Þa hyra manega togadere coman he cwæð to heom. Þeos cneoris is manful cneoris; he secd taken ⁊hire ne beoð nan geseald buton Ionas taken. 30Swa swa iona wæs taken Niniueten swa beoð mannes sune taken þise cneorisse. 31Suddale cwen arist on dome mid þise cneorisse mannen ⁊genyðereð hyo forðan hyo com of eorðan endum to geheren Salomones wisdom. Ænd efne þes is mare þanne salomon. 32Niniuetisce men arised on dome mid þisse cneornisse ⁊geneðeriað hyo. forþan þe hyo deadbote dyden. æt Ionan bodegunge ⁊þes is mare þanne jona. 33Ne onælð nan man his leohtfett ⁊sett on diglen. ne under bedene. ac ofer candelstef. þæt þe ingað leoht geseon. 34Þin eage is þines lichames leohtfæt. Gif þin eage beoð hluttor; þanne beoð eall þin lichame briht. Gif hit beoð deorc; eall þin lichame beoð þeostre. 35Warne þæt þt leoht þe þe on is; ne syo þeostra. 36Gif þin lichame eall beoð breoht; ⁊næfd nænne dæl þeostre; þanne beoð he eall breoht ⁊þe onliht swa þæt leohtfæt þas lægræsces. 37Ða bæd hine sum fariseisc man þæt he æte mid him ⁊he ineode ⁊sætt. 38Ða ongan se fariseisce on him smeagen ⁊cwæðan. Hwi he geþwogen nære ær his gereorde. 39Ða cwæð drihten to him. nu ge farisei þæt ute is calices ⁊disces geclænsieð þt eow innan is. þæt is ful reaflake ⁊unrihtwisnysse. 40La desige hu ne worhten (sic) þt þt inne is. se þe worhte þæt ute is. 41þeahhwaðere þæt to lafe is sellað ælmessan þanne beoð eow ealle þing clæne. 42Ac wa eow fariseum ge þe teoðiað mintan ⁊rudan ⁊ælce wirte ⁊ge forbugeð dom ⁊godes lufe. Þas þing eow geberede to donne ⁊þa þing ne forlæten. 43Wa eow fariseen ge þe lufieð þa formen heahsetlen on gesamnungen ⁊gretinge on stræten. 44Wa eow forþanþe ge sende swilce þa byrigenna þe man innan ne sceawed ⁊þa men nyten þe heom on ufen gad. 45Ða andswerede him sum lagegleaw. lareow teonan þu wercst us mid þisse sage. 46Ða cwæð he Wa eow lagewisen forþan ge semeð menn mid þam byrdenen þe hyo aberen ne mugen ⁊ge ne æthrinað þa seames mid eowren anen fingren. 47Wa eow þe timbrieð witegena byrigena; eowre faderes hyo ofslogen 48eallunge. ge kyðed ⁊ge þafieð eowre fader weorces. forþam hyo slogen hyo ⁊ge timbrieð heore berigena. 49Forþam cweð godes wisdom. Ic sende to heom witegen ⁊þa apostles; ⁊hyo ofslæð hyo ⁊æhtað 50þæt ealra witegene blod syo gesoht; þe wæs agoten of middeneardes fruman; fram þisse cneorisse 51fram abeles blode oð zacharias blod. se forwarð betweox þam altare ⁊þam temple. Ic eow segge swa beoð gesoht fram þisse cneornysse. 52Wa eow lagegleawe forþamþe ge ætbruden þas ingeheades ceyge ge in ne geheodden ⁊ge forbudon þa þe ineoden. 53Þa he heom þis to cwæð. þa ongunnen þa farisej ⁊þa lagewisan hefilice him agen standen ⁊his muð dettan. 54⁊ymbe hine syrwan; sechende sum þing of his muðe þæt hyo hine wreidon
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Luke 11: ASxG
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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.