Luke 7
1Soðlice þa he ealle his word gefylde on þas folces hlyste. he eode into capharnaum. 2Ða wæs sum hundredmannes þeowa untrum se wæs swentendlic (sic). se wæs him dyere. 3Ænd þa he gehyrde be þam hælende. he sende to him iudea aldres ⁊bed þæt he come ⁊his þeow gehælde. 4Ða hyo to þam hælende coman. hyo bæden hine geornlice ⁊þus cwæðen. He is wurðe þæt þu him telie. 5Witodlice he lufeð ure þeode ⁊he us ure samnunge getymbrede. 6Ða ferde se hælend mid heom ⁊þa he wæs unfeor þam huse se hundredes ealdor sende his frend to him and cwæð. Drihten nelle þu beon gedreaht. ne eom ïch wurðe þæt þu ga under minne þechene; 7for þan ïch ne tealde me sylfne swa wurð þæt ich to þe come. Ac cweð þin word and mïn cniht beoð gehæled. 8Ic eom an man under anwealde gesett; cæmpen under me hæbbende ⁊ïch segge þissen ga; ⁊he gæð ⁊ïch segge þissen cum; þonne cymð he ⁊ïch segge mine þeowe þis do; ⁊he hit deð. 9Ða wundrede se hælend þam gehyrden ⁊cwæð. to þare manigeo bewend. Soðlice ic segge eow ne funde ich on israel swa mychele geleafen. 10⁊þa þa ham comen þe asende wæren hyo gemetten halne þanne þe ær untrum wæs.
Ibat iesus in ciuitatem que uocatur naym
11Þa wæs syððen geworðen he ferde on þa ceastre þe ys genemned naym; ⁊mid hym ferden his leorningcnyhtes ⁊mycel manigeo. 12Þa he genehlahte þare ceastre gate þa wæs þær an dead man geboren ane wudewon sune. þe nænne oðerne næfde ⁊syo wudewe wæs þær ⁊mycel menigeo þare burhwære mïd hire. 13Ða se hælend hyo geseah. Ða wæs he mïd mildheortnysse ofer hyo gefelled ⁊cwæð to hire. ne wep þu na. 14Þa genehleahte he ⁊þa cheste ætran. þa ætstoden þa þe hine beren. Ða cwæð se hælend. Eala geonge þe is (sic) segge aris. 15Þa aras se þe dead wæs ⁊ongan spræcen. þa agef he hine his moder. 16Þa ofereode eyge hyo ealle ⁊hyo god mersodon ⁊cwæðen. þt mare witega on us aras ⁊þæt god his folce geneosode. 17Ða ferde þeos spræce be him on eallen iudea ⁊embe eall þæt rice. 18Ða cyddan iohannes leorningcnihtes him be eallen þisen þingen.
Misit iohannes duos de discipulis suis ad iesum dicens. tu es qui uenturus es an alium expectamus
19Ða cleopede iohannes twegen of his leorningcnihten to hym ⁊sende to þam halende ⁊þus cwæð. Ert þu þe to cumene ert; hweðer þe we oðres sculon onbidon. 20Ða hyo to him comen þus hyo cwæðen. Iohannes se fulluhtere us sende to þe ⁊þus cwæð. Ert þu þe to cumene ert. þe we sculon oðres onbidan. 21Soðlice on þare tide he gehælde manege of adlen. ge of witen ⁊of yfele gasten ⁊manegen blinden he gesihþe forgef. 22þa cwæð se hælend. Fareð end kydað Iohanne þa þing þe ge geseagen ⁊gehyrden. þt blinde geseoð ⁊healte gað. hrefle synde gehelde. deafe gehereð. deade ariseð. þærfen bodiað. 23⁊eadige beoð swa hwilc swa ne beoð on me geuntreowsod. 24And þa þa iohannes arenddracan ferdon; þa cwæð se hælend to þam folce be Iohanne. hwi ferde ge on westene geseon þt reod þe bieð mid winde astyred. 25Ac hwi ferde ge. to geseonne þanne man mid hnescan reafen gescyrdne. Þa þe sende on deorwurðe reafe ⁊on esten. 26Ac hwi ferde ge þanne witegan geseon witodlice ich eow segge he ys mare þanne witega. 27Þes is be þam þe awriten ïs. nu ïch asende minne ængel beforan þine ansyene; se gegerewed þinne weig beforan þe. 28Soðlice ïch eow segge nis betweox wife bearnen nan mare witegen. þanne iohannes se fulluhtere. Se þe ys læsse on godes rice; se is his mare; 29⁊eall folc his herende sunderhalgen god heredon ⁊gefullode on Iohannes fulluhte. 30Soðlice þa sunderhalgen ⁊þa lagegleawen forhugedon þas hælendes geþoht on heom sylfen na fram þam hælende gefullode. 31Hwan telle ic gelic þeosse cneorisse men ⁊hwam synde hi Note: hi added above the line. gelice. 32Hyo synde gelice cylden on strete sittende ⁊sprecende betweox heom ⁊cwæðende. We sungen eow be harpen ⁊ge ne salteredon. we heofoden ⁊ge ne weopen. 33Soðlice Iohannes com se fulluhtere hlaf ne etende ne win drinkende ⁊ge cweðed. deofelseocnysse he hafð. 34Mannes sune com etende ⁊drinkende ⁊ge cweðað þes man ys swelgende ⁊win drinkende. manfulra ⁊senfulre freond. 35And wisdom ïs gerihtwised on eallen his bearnen. 36Þa bæd sum hine of þam sunderhalgen þt he mid hym æte. Þa eode he into þas fariseiscen huse ⁊gesæt. 37And þa þæt wif þe wæs on þare ceastre synful þa hy oncneow þæt he sæt on þas farisees huse. hyo brohte hire sealfebox. 38⁊stod wiðeften his fet ⁊ongan mid hire tearen his fet þwean ⁊dreide mid hire heafdes fexe ⁊kyste hys fet ⁊mid sealfe smerede. 39Ða se sunderhalge þe hine inlaðede þæt geseah; he cwæð on his geþance. Gif þes man witege wære. witodlice he wiste hwæt ⁊hwilc þæt wif wære þe his ætrind. þæt hyo synful ïs. 40Ða cwæð se hælend him andsweriende. Simon ïch hæbbe þe to seggene sum þing. Ða quoth he. Lareow sege þanne. 41Twegen gafelgyldon wæren sumen lænende; ⁊scolde fif hund panege se an ⁊se oðer fiftig. 42Ða hyo næfden mid hwy hyo hit agulden. he hit heom bam forgef. hwader lufede hine swiðre. 43Ða andswerede symon ic wene. se þe he mare forgef. Ða cwæð he rihte þu demdest. 44Ða bewende he hine to þam wife ⁊sægde symone. Gesyhst þu þis wif; ïch eode into þinen huse. ne gefe þu me wæter to minen foten. Þeos mid hire tearen mine fet þweag ⁊mid hire locken dreide. 45Cos þu me ne gefe. þeos seððe ïch ïnn eode ne geswac þæt hyo mine fet ne kyste. 46Min heafed þu mid ele ne smeredest. þeos smerede mid sealfe mine fet. 47For þam ïch segge þe; hyre synde manege synne forgefene. for þan þe hio me swiðe lufede. læsse lufod þam þe læsse forgyfen ïs. 48Ða cwæð he to hire. ðe synde þine senne forgefene. 49Þa begunnen þa þe þær sæten betwux heom cweðen. hwæt is þes þe manne synne forgyfð. 50Þa cwæð he to þan wife. þin geleafe þe dyde hal ga nu on sibbe.
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Luke 7: ASxG

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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.
Luke 7
1Soðlice þa he ealle his word gefylde on þas folces hlyste. he eode into capharnaum. 2Ða wæs sum hundredmannes þeowa untrum se wæs swentendlic (sic). se wæs him dyere. 3Ænd þa he gehyrde be þam hælende. he sende to him iudea aldres ⁊bed þæt he come ⁊his þeow gehælde. 4Ða hyo to þam hælende coman. hyo bæden hine geornlice ⁊þus cwæðen. He is wurðe þæt þu him telie. 5Witodlice he lufeð ure þeode ⁊he us ure samnunge getymbrede. 6Ða ferde se hælend mid heom ⁊þa he wæs unfeor þam huse se hundredes ealdor sende his frend to him and cwæð. Drihten nelle þu beon gedreaht. ne eom ïch wurðe þæt þu ga under minne þechene; 7for þan ïch ne tealde me sylfne swa wurð þæt ich to þe come. Ac cweð þin word and mïn cniht beoð gehæled. 8Ic eom an man under anwealde gesett; cæmpen under me hæbbende ⁊ïch segge þissen ga; ⁊he gæð ⁊ïch segge þissen cum; þonne cymð he ⁊ïch segge mine þeowe þis do; ⁊he hit deð. 9Ða wundrede se hælend þam gehyrden ⁊cwæð. to þare manigeo bewend. Soðlice ic segge eow ne funde ich on israel swa mychele geleafen. 10⁊þa þa ham comen þe asende wæren hyo gemetten halne þanne þe ær untrum wæs.
Ibat iesus in ciuitatem que uocatur naym
11Þa wæs syððen geworðen he ferde on þa ceastre þe ys genemned naym; ⁊mid hym ferden his leorningcnyhtes ⁊mycel manigeo. 12Þa he genehlahte þare ceastre gate þa wæs þær an dead man geboren ane wudewon sune. þe nænne oðerne næfde ⁊syo wudewe wæs þær ⁊mycel menigeo þare burhwære mïd hire. 13Ða se hælend hyo geseah. Ða wæs he mïd mildheortnysse ofer hyo gefelled ⁊cwæð to hire. ne wep þu na. 14Þa genehleahte he ⁊þa cheste ætran. þa ætstoden þa þe hine beren. Ða cwæð se hælend. Eala geonge þe is (sic) segge aris. 15Þa aras se þe dead wæs ⁊ongan spræcen. þa agef he hine his moder. 16Þa ofereode eyge hyo ealle ⁊hyo god mersodon ⁊cwæðen. þt mare witega on us aras ⁊þæt god his folce geneosode. 17Ða ferde þeos spræce be him on eallen iudea ⁊embe eall þæt rice. 18Ða cyddan iohannes leorningcnihtes him be eallen þisen þingen.
Misit iohannes duos de discipulis suis ad iesum dicens. tu es qui uenturus es an alium expectamus
19Ða cleopede iohannes twegen of his leorningcnihten to hym ⁊sende to þam halende ⁊þus cwæð. Ert þu þe to cumene ert; hweðer þe we oðres sculon onbidon. 20Ða hyo to him comen þus hyo cwæðen. Iohannes se fulluhtere us sende to þe ⁊þus cwæð. Ert þu þe to cumene ert. þe we sculon oðres onbidan. 21Soðlice on þare tide he gehælde manege of adlen. ge of witen ⁊of yfele gasten ⁊manegen blinden he gesihþe forgef. 22þa cwæð se hælend. Fareð end kydað Iohanne þa þing þe ge geseagen ⁊gehyrden. þt blinde geseoð ⁊healte gað. hrefle synde gehelde. deafe gehereð. deade ariseð. þærfen bodiað. 23⁊eadige beoð swa hwilc swa ne beoð on me geuntreowsod. 24And þa þa iohannes arenddracan ferdon; þa cwæð se hælend to þam folce be Iohanne. hwi ferde ge on westene geseon þt reod þe bieð mid winde astyred. 25Ac hwi ferde ge. to geseonne þanne man mid hnescan reafen gescyrdne. Þa þe sende on deorwurðe reafe ⁊on esten. 26Ac hwi ferde ge þanne witegan geseon witodlice ich eow segge he ys mare þanne witega. 27Þes is be þam þe awriten ïs. nu ïch asende minne ængel beforan þine ansyene; se gegerewed þinne weig beforan þe. 28Soðlice ïch eow segge nis betweox wife bearnen nan mare witegen. þanne iohannes se fulluhtere. Se þe ys læsse on godes rice; se is his mare; 29⁊eall folc his herende sunderhalgen god heredon ⁊gefullode on Iohannes fulluhte. 30Soðlice þa sunderhalgen ⁊þa lagegleawen forhugedon þas hælendes geþoht on heom sylfen na fram þam hælende gefullode. 31Hwan telle ic gelic þeosse cneorisse men ⁊hwam synde hi Note: hi added above the line. gelice. 32Hyo synde gelice cylden on strete sittende ⁊sprecende betweox heom ⁊cwæðende. We sungen eow be harpen ⁊ge ne salteredon. we heofoden ⁊ge ne weopen. 33Soðlice Iohannes com se fulluhtere hlaf ne etende ne win drinkende ⁊ge cweðed. deofelseocnysse he hafð. 34Mannes sune com etende ⁊drinkende ⁊ge cweðað þes man ys swelgende ⁊win drinkende. manfulra ⁊senfulre freond. 35And wisdom ïs gerihtwised on eallen his bearnen. 36Þa bæd sum hine of þam sunderhalgen þt he mid hym æte. Þa eode he into þas fariseiscen huse ⁊gesæt. 37And þa þæt wif þe wæs on þare ceastre synful þa hy oncneow þæt he sæt on þas farisees huse. hyo brohte hire sealfebox. 38⁊stod wiðeften his fet ⁊ongan mid hire tearen his fet þwean ⁊dreide mid hire heafdes fexe ⁊kyste hys fet ⁊mid sealfe smerede. 39Ða se sunderhalge þe hine inlaðede þæt geseah; he cwæð on his geþance. Gif þes man witege wære. witodlice he wiste hwæt ⁊hwilc þæt wif wære þe his ætrind. þæt hyo synful ïs. 40Ða cwæð se hælend him andsweriende. Simon ïch hæbbe þe to seggene sum þing. Ða quoth he. Lareow sege þanne. 41Twegen gafelgyldon wæren sumen lænende; ⁊scolde fif hund panege se an ⁊se oðer fiftig. 42Ða hyo næfden mid hwy hyo hit agulden. he hit heom bam forgef. hwader lufede hine swiðre. 43Ða andswerede symon ic wene. se þe he mare forgef. Ða cwæð he rihte þu demdest. 44Ða bewende he hine to þam wife ⁊sægde symone. Gesyhst þu þis wif; ïch eode into þinen huse. ne gefe þu me wæter to minen foten. Þeos mid hire tearen mine fet þweag ⁊mid hire locken dreide. 45Cos þu me ne gefe. þeos seððe ïch ïnn eode ne geswac þæt hyo mine fet ne kyste. 46Min heafed þu mid ele ne smeredest. þeos smerede mid sealfe mine fet. 47For þam ïch segge þe; hyre synde manege synne forgefene. for þan þe hio me swiðe lufede. læsse lufod þam þe læsse forgyfen ïs. 48Ða cwæð he to hire. ðe synde þine senne forgefene. 49Þa begunnen þa þe þær sæten betwux heom cweðen. hwæt is þes þe manne synne forgyfð. 50Þa cwæð he to þan wife. þin geleafe þe dyde hal ga nu on sibbe.
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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.