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Matthew 17

1⁊æfter six dagen nam se hælend petrum ⁊Iacobum ⁊Iohanne his broðer ⁊lædde hyo onsunder on enne heahne munt. 2⁊he wæs geheoweð beforen heom ⁊hys ansiene scan swa sunne ⁊his reaf wæren swa hwite swa snaw. 3ænd efne þa atywde moyses ⁊elias mid him sprekende. 4þa cwæð petrus to hym. drihten god is us her to beonne. gif þu wilt utan wercan her þreo eardingstowen. þe ane. moyses ane ⁊helie ane. 5hym þa get sprecende ⁊soðlice þa brihtwelcan hyo oferscan ⁊þa efne com stefen of þam wolcne ⁊cwæð. Her ys min leofe sunu. on þan me well gelikað. gehereð hine. 6⁊þa hye þis gehyrden his leorningcnihtes hyo fellen on heora ansiene ⁊hym swiðe adredden. 7He geneahlahte þa ⁊hyo ætran ⁊heom to cwæð. Ariseð ⁊ne ondrædeð eow. 8Þa hyo heora eagen upahofen ne geseagen hyo nanne buton þanne hælend sylfne. 9⁊ða hyo of þa munte eoden se hælend heom bebead ⁊þus cweð. Nanen men ge þis ne seggen ær mannes sune of deaðe arise. 10And þa axoden hys leorningcnihtes hine Hwet seggeð þa bokeres. þæt geberige ærest cuman heliam. 11Þa andswerede he heom. Witodlice helias ys toward ⁊he geedniwað ealle þing. 12Soðlice ich eow segge þæt helïas com ⁊hyo hine ne gecneowen. Ac hyo dyden embe hine swa hwæt swa hyo wolden ⁊swa ys mannes sune eac fram heom to þrowienne. 13Þa ongeaten hys leorningcnihtes þæt he hit saigde be iohanne þam fulluhtere. 14Ænd þa he com to þare manigeo him to genehlahten sume gebyggenden cneowen toforen him ⁊cwæðen. 15Drihten gemiltse minne sune. forþan þe he ys welseoc ⁊yfel þoleð. oft he falð on fyr ⁊gelomlice on wætere. 16⁊ich brohte hine to þinen leorningcnihten ⁊hyo ne myhton hine hælen. 17Ða andswerede he heom. Eale ge ungeleaffulle ⁊þweore cneores. hu lange byo ich mid eow. hu lange forbere ich eow? bringeð hine to me hider. 18Ænd þa þredde se hælend hine ⁊se deofel hine forlet ⁊se cnapa wæs on þare tide gehæled. 19Þa geneahlahten his leorningcnihtes to hym ⁊hym to cwæðen. digelice. Hwi ne mihte we hine utadrifen. 20Ða cwæð he for heora ungeleaffulnysse. Soðlice on eornest ic eow segge. gyf ge hafden geleafan swa mycel swa senepes corn ⁊ge cwæðen to þissen munte. far heonen. þanne ferde he ⁊eow ne byeð anyg þing unmyhtiglic. 21Soðlice þis kyn ne beoð utadrifen buten þurh gebed ⁊fæsten. 22Ða hyo wunedon on galilea. þa cwæð se hælend. Mannes sune is to syllene on manne hande. 23⁊hyo ofslað hine ⁊he arist on þam þriddan daige. Þa wurðon hyo þearle geunrotsede. 24Ænd þa he com to kafarnaum. þa geneahlahton to petre. þa þet gafel namen ⁊þus cweðen. Eower lareow ne gylt he gafel. 25þa cwæð he. gyse he deð ⁊þa he com into þam huse. þa cwæð se hælend. Hwæt þincð þe symon. æt hwam nymeð kyninges gafol. oððe toll. of hire bernen. hwæðer þe of fremden. 26Ða cwæð he of fremden. Ða cwæð he. Eornestlice þa barn senden frie. 27þahhwæðere. þæt we hi ne Note: MS. hine, with ne added above. unrotsige. ga to þare sæ ⁊werp þinne angel ut ⁊nym þanne æreste fisc ⁊his muð geopene. þu finst ænne penig on him. nym þanne ⁊syle for me ⁊for þe.

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Matthew 17: ASxG





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