Sealm 10
Sealm IX [9:20-38] (10)
1Drihten, hwi gewitst Ăľu swa feor fram us,
and hwi noldest þu cuman to us to þære tide þe us nydþearf wæs?
2Ăžonne se unrihtwisa ofermodegaĂ°,
þonne byð se earma ðearfa onæled and gedrefed and eac geunrotsod
- ac weorĂ°on Ăľa unrihtwisan gefangene
on Ăľam geĂľohtum Ăľe hi geĂľoht habbaĂ° -
3for þam se synfulla byð hered þær he his yfelan willan wyrcð,
and hine bletsiað þa yfelan for his yfelan dædum.
Se synfulla bysmraĂ° Drihten,
4and for þære menigu his unrihtes he ne geðencð
þæt God hit mæg gewrecan.
For Ăľam he ne deĂ° God beforan his modes ansyne,
5for þam beoð his wegas and his weorc ealneh unclæne.
For þam he næfð nan gemynd Godes doma beforan his ansyne,
þæt he mæge rixian and wealdan ealra his feonda
and don him to yfele þæt þæt he wylle.
6And he cwyð on his mode: “Ne wyrð þisses næfre nan wending
butan mycelre frecennesse minra feonda.”
7His muĂ° byĂ° symle full wyrignessa and bitera worda and facnes and searuwa,
and under his tungan byĂ° ealne weg oĂľera manna sar and geswinc.
8He syt symle on geĂľeahte mid Ăľam welegum dygollice
to þam þæt he mæge fordon þa unsceðþendan;
and ĂľreataĂ° Ăľone earman mid his eagum,
9and sætað his digollice swa swa leo det of his hole.
He sætað þæt he bereafige þone earman and þæs wilnað;
and Ăľonne he hine gefangen hafaĂ° mid his gryne,
10þonne genæt he hine; and þonne he hine hæfð gewyldne,
Ăľonne aginĂ° he sylf sigan, oĂ°Ă°e afylĂ°.
11He cwæð ær on his mode: “Ne geþencð God þyllices,
ac ahwyrfð his eagan þæt he hit næfre ne gesyhð.”
12Aris, Drihten, min God, and ahefe upp Ăľine hand ofer Ă°a unrihtwisan,
and ne forgit Ăľone Ăľearfan oĂ° ende.
13For Ăľam bysmraĂ° se unrihtwisa Drihten,
for ðam he cwyð on his mode: “Ne recþ God þeah ic þus do.”
14Gesyhst þu nu (cwæð se witega to Drihtne) hwylc broc and hwylc sar we þoliað and þrowiað?
Nu, hit wære cyn þæt þu hit him wræce mid þinre handa.
Ic þearfa eom nu to ðe forlæten;
þu eart fultumiend þara þe nabbað nawðer ne fæder ne modor.
15Þu forbrycst þone earm and þæt mægen þæs synfullan for þy,
Ăľeah hine hwa ahsode for hwi he swa dyde,
Ăľonne ne mihte he hit na gereccan,
ne geþafa beon nolde þæt he untela dyde.
16Drihten rixað on ecnesse on þisse worulde ge on þære toweardan;
for þæm weorðað aworpene þa synfullan of ægðrum his rica.
17Drihten gehyrĂ° Ăľa wilnunga his Ăľearfena,
and heora modes gyrnesse gehyraĂ° Ăľine earan.
18Dem nu, Drihten, þearfe þæs earman and þæs eaðmodan,
þæt se awyrgeda ne ece þæt he hine leng myclie ofer eorðan.
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Sealm 10: ASPsa
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The first 50 psalms are credited to King Alfred the Great and were written in c.890-899 AD, and the last 100 psalms were translated c.900-950 AD by an unknown poet.