Jn 19
1Ax win Pilato cha, 'ix yi'n 'elt win Jesús, xya'n win ma'xoc. 2Xlajw cha, ax ewin soldado, 'ix spalch'ab'n ewin jun q'ui'ix, setn xoj xyutj ewinac. 'Ix ya'n q'ue ewin 'a sjolm Jesús scoronaoc. 'Ix ya'n pax 'och ewin jun q'uic'mucnac pichl 'a 'a, 'icha yic eb' rey. 3Xlajw cha, 'ix laj c'och ewin 'a stz'ey, 'ix stz'acn ewin yal 'a 'ixtic:
—Tzaljan̈ ach cob' sReyl eb' israel, xchi ewin 'a 'a.
Spawn 'och ewin sc'ab' 'a sat.
4Xlajw cha, 'ix 'el paxt win Pilato 'aj 'aycn eb' 'aj Judea chi 'a sti'. 'Ix yaln pax 'elt win 'ixtc 'a scal eb':
—'Iltec, tic tzin ch'ox 'elt win 'ayex, sec tzeyojquej 'eli, to may jac smul tz'ilchj wu'uj, xchi win 'a eb'.
5'Ixta to b'i'an, 'ix 'elt Jesús 'a sti'. An̈ja 'ay q'ue jun q'uix chi 'a sjolom, yet' jun q'uic'mucnac pichl cha. Ax win Pilato cha, 'ix yaln pax 'elt win 'ixtc 'a eb':
—Yaj winac, xchi.
6Ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' israel 'a Dios, yet' eb' stan̈mal yatut Dios cha, yic 'ix yiln eb' yel-l 'a sti cha, 'ix q'ue b'uynjoc eb' yaln 'ixtic:
—'Och cab' win 'a spenc culus, 'och cab' win 'a spenc culus, xchi eb'.
Palta 'ix yaln pax win Pilato chi 'ixtc 'a eb':
—'Ijec 'at winac, tzeya'n 'och win 'a spenc culs chi e ch'ocoj. Aln tic, may jac smul win tz'ilchj wu'uj, xchi win 'a eb'.
7—Palta an̈ tic on̈, 'ay jun ley 'aycn 'ayn̈ on̈. Yuj jun ley cha, yowlal 'oj milxc cham jun winc tic, yujto 'ix yalch sb'a Yunnaloc Dios, schi eb' 'a winac.
8Yic 'ix yab'n win Pilato chi jun cha, caw 'ix wach' xiw winac. 9Yuj cha, 'ix 'ochx win 'a yol sdespacho jun 'ejm xo. 'Ix sc'anb'n pax win 'ixtc 'a Jesús:
—¿'Aj wal til cotnc ach jun? xchi win 'a 'a. Palta ax Jesús, ma'ix ta'w 'a winac.
10Yuj cha, 'ix yaln pax win 'a 'ixtic:
—¿Tas yuj matz ach ta'w 'ayin? ¿Tom man̈ ojcoc to an 'ay wopiso ach wa'n 'och 'a spenc culus? ¿'Ay pax waln wic ach wa'n 'el 'a libre? xchi win 'a 'a.
11Yuj cha, 'ix yaln Jesús 'ixtc 'a winac:
—Yujto a Dios 'a'jnac opiso tic, toto ma'ay, may xon jac aln ec 'ayin. Yuj cha, a jun in 'a'n 'och 'a yol a c'ab', a 'ec'b'al smul 'a eb'an̈, xchi Jesús 'a winac.
12Xlajw xoj yab'n win jun cha, 'ix snani tas tzyutj ya'n 'el Jesús chi 'a libre. Palta ax eb' 'aj Judea cha, 'ix q'uex b'uynjoc eb' yaln 'ixtic:
—Toto tza'l win 'a libre, caw tzach meltzj 'och 'ajc'ojlal 'a win yajl 'a Roma. A win tic, 'in 'ix yalch sb'a reyal. Palta tzann̈j mach tzaln 'ixta', caw 'ajc'ojl yajch 'a win yalj 'a Roma cha, xchi eb' 'a winac.
13Xlajw yab'n win jun tzo'n̈ tic, 'ix ya'n 'ijxoc 'el Jesús 'a 'aj 'ayc' cha. Xlajw cha, 'ix 'em wocn win 'a 'aj tzb'oyaj eb' 'anma'. A jun lugar cha, Gabata sb'i 'a hebreo, atn sti eb' israel. Tzyal 'el'chi, 'aj latz'b'il 'ejm q'ue'en. 14A yic 'ix 'em wocn cha, wan yoch chimc'ual. Q'ui'noc xoj yoch q'uin̈ cha. 'Ix yaln pax 'elt win 'a scal eb' 'ixtic:
—'Iltec, yaj win e reyl tic, xchi 'elt win 'a eb'.
15Palta 'ix laj 'awj pax chan̈ eb' jun 'ejm xo:
—Cham cab' winac. 'Och cab' win 'a spenc sulus, xchi pax eb'.
—¿Tom tzwa'ch jun e reyl tic 'a spenc culs cha? xchi win 'a eb'.
Ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' 'a Dios, 'ix ta'w pax ewin 'ixtic:
—An̈ tic on̈, cojn win yajl 'a Roma qui reyl on̈, may junc xo, xchi ewinac.
16'Ixta to b'i'an, 'ix ya'n 'och win Jesús 'a yol sc'ab' eb', yic tz'at ya'nc 'och eb' 'a spenc culus. Xlajw xoj cha, 'ix yi'n 'at eb'.
'Ochnc Jesús 'a spenc culus
(Mt 27.32-44; Mr 15.21-32; Lc 23.26-43)
17Ax Jesús, toxn 'ix scuch sculsal. 'Ix 'at 'a jun lugar tzcuch Gólgota 'a hebreo. Tzyal 'el'chi: Yet'l Sb'acl Jolom. 18Ata 'ix ya'ch eb' Jesús 'a spenc culus. 'Ay chawn̈ xo eb' x'ajx 'och 'a spenc culs chi yet'oc, junjn eb' 'a smo'och. Yuj cha, a 'a snan̈l sculsal eb' chi xcan Jesús yet' sculsal cha. 19Ax win Pilato 'ix 'a'n tz'ib'xc 'och jun tzo'n̈ paxti 'a jun yune 'a'nte'. 'Ix ya'n 'ajxoc q'ue 'a sjolm sculsal Jesús. Tzyal jun chi 'ixtic: A Jesús 'aj Nazaret, sReyl eb' israel, xchi. 20A jun lugar 'aj 'ix t'un̈x q'ue cha, ata 'ay 'a sti chon̈ab'. Yuj cha, til wal eb' israel 'ix 'iln jun tzo'n̈ paxti cha. To tz'ib'b'il 'och 'a sti eb', yet' 'a griego, yet' pax 'a latín, atn sti eb' 'aj Roma. 21Yuj cha, ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' israel chi 'a Dios, 'ix aln 'a Pilato 'ixtic:
—Octom man̈oc sReyl eb' israel xac' tz'ib'xc 'ochi. Yel xo wach', tzac' tz'ib'xc 'och 'ixtic: A win tic, 'ix yalch sb'a Sreyloc eb' israel, xa chi, xchi eb' 'a winac.
22—A tas xwac' tz'ib'xoc 'och cha, 'oj cann̈j 'icha yaj cha, xchi win 'a eb'.
23Ax ewin soldado cha, xlajw st'un̈n can q'ue ewin Jesús, xyi'n 'el ewin spichul. 'Ix spojn 'ec' ewinac. Chan̈e x'eli, junjn yic junjn ewinac. Palta ax jun spotil, junn̈j yaj sjalxi, may stz'isul. 24Yuj cha, 'ix yaln ewin 'ixtic:
—Tecn a jun tic, ma'oj stac' qui pojnec 'ec' 'ayn̈ec. Yel xo wach', ton̈j tzca'c b'ul yu'uj, yaln̈ej mach junc on̈ec 'oj qui'cni, xchi ewinac.
'Ixta x'aj yel'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈, 'a 'aj tzyal 'ixtic: 'Ix spojc' eb' in pichl 'a 'a, xya'n 'och eb' b'ul 'a yib'an̈, xchi 'a Ch'an̈. Yuj cha, 'ixtc wal 'ix yutj ewin soldado cha.
25A 'a stz'ey sculsal Jesús, 'aj t'un̈n q'ue cha, ata 'ayc' snun. Ajun pax jun 'ix snul'j yet'oc, yet' 'ix María yistl Cleofas, yet' pax 'ix María Magdalena. 26'Ayc' pax jun scuywum Jesús 'a stz'ey snun cha, atn jun caw chamc'ojlb'il yu'uj. Yic 'ix yiln Jesús eb', 'ix yaln 'a snun chi 'ixtic:
—Nunin, a jun 'ayc' et' tic, 'icha one tzotej, xchi.
27Xlajwn̈ej cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtc 'a jun scuywum cha:
—A 'in nun tic, 'icha a nun tzotej, xchi.
Yuj cha, a jun scuywum cha, 'ix yi'n can 'at snun Jesús chi yet' 'a yatut. Ye'xn̈ej xcan yet' ta'.
A schaml Jesús
(Mt 27.45-56; Mr 15.33-41; Lc 23.44-49)
28Xlajw cha, a Jesús, yojc xoni, to tox 'ix lajw 'el'ch smasnil tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a yib'an̈. Yuj cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtic:
—Caw tztacj in ti', xchi.
'Ixta xyutj yalni, sec tz'el'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈.
29Ata 'ayc' jun vaso vinagre. 'Ix slab'n 'ejm eb' jun 'icha pitz' 'a scal. 'Ix ya'n 'och eb' 'a sjolm jun te'. 'Ix ya'n q'ue eb' 'a sti Jesús. 30'Ix stz'ub'ni. Xlajwn̈ej cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtic:
—Tox 'ix b'o 'el'ch smasnil, xchi.
Xlajw xoj cha, 'ix 'em n̈ojnjoc, 'ix chami.
Tecb'il 'och lanza 'a scostl Jesús
31A jun c'u cha, q'ui'noc xoj yoch q'uin̈ yic snanb'il cot yel israel 'a libre, sc'ul 'iljelal paxi. Ax ewin 'aj Judea cha, may sgana ewin tzcan sniwnal eb' 'a te culs cha. Yujto a jun c'u tzjaw cha, caw 'ay yel'ch 'a eb' israel. Yuj cha, xit' tewc ewin 'a win Pilato, to tzyac' win ma'xoc poj#Jn 19.31 A 'a snab'en eb' to tzmac' poj eb' sb'acl sat spenc eb' 'aych 'a spenc culs cha, yic wach' tzcham eb' muc'uc, sec tz'ijx 'emt eb'. A sb'eyb'al eb' 'aj Roma to tzcan t'un̈n sniwnal eb', masnto tzc'a sniwnal eb' chi 'a te culs cha. sb'acl sat spenc eb', sec yajn̈ej, tz'ijx 'emt sniwnal eb' cha. 32Yuj cha, 'ix c'och ewin soldado 'a 'aj t'un̈n q'ue eb' cha. 'Ix sma'n poj ewin sb'acl sat spenc eb' t'un̈n q'ue yet' Jesús cha. 33Palta ax yic xc'och ewin 'a stz'ey Jesús, 'ix yiln ewinac, chamnc xo. Yuj cha, man̈xtoc sma' poj ewin sb'acl sat spenc cha.
34Palta 'ay jun soldado 'ix stecch slanza 'a scostl Jesús. Yajn̈j wal cha, 'ix 'el-l pulnjoc chic' yet' a'. 35An tic, caw 'ix wil jun tzo'n̈ tic. Yuj cha, tzwa'n testigoal in b'a yu'uj, sec 'oj eya'ch pax 'a e c'ojol. A jun tzo'n̈ tas tzin tz'ib'j can tic, caw yel. An tic, wojtac caw yel tzwala. 36'Ixta yaj sb'ocn jun tzo'n̈ tic, sec tz'el'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈, 'a 'aj tzyal 'ixtic: May junc sb'acl 'oj ma'x pojoc, xchi. 37Tzyaln pax junx tic 'a Ch'an̈: A eb' tecjnac, 'oj yil eb' jun tecb'il yuj cha, xchi.
'Ochnc sniwnal Jesús 'a yol n̈aq'ue'en
(Mt 27.57-61; Mr 15.42-47; Lc 23.50-56)
38'Ay jun winc José sb'i, 'aj chon̈b' Arimatea. A jun cha, scuywum Jesús, palta c'ultacn̈ej yaji, yujto caw tzxiw yab'n eb' 'aj Judea. 'Ix xit' sc'an spermiso 'a win Pilato, sec tzyij 'emt win sniwnal Jesús, tz'at smucnoc. Ax win Pilato cha, sta'wni win 'a 'a. Yuj cha, 'ix 'at yi'nc 'emta, 'ix yi'n 'ati. 39Ax Nicodemo, 'ix c'och pax ta'. Yet' 'oxe arroba jun tzo'n̈ su'q'ui sjab', mirra#Jn 19.39 'Ilt nota 'a Mateo 2.11. sb'i, caln yaj yet' junx áloe sb'i. A Nicodemo cha, atn xit'nc 'ec' sc'umc Jesús 'a 'ac'wal. 40'Ix yi'n 'at eb' sniwnal Jesús. Sb'a'n 'och eb' jun tzo'n̈ nip najt yoc 'a sniwnal cha. Xya'n 'och eb' jun su'q'ui sjab' chi 'a 'a. Yujto 'ixta sley eb' israel cha, 'ixta tzyutj eb' smucn eb' tzchami. 41A 'a sla'nil 'aj 'ix t'un̈x q'ue Jesús, ata 'ay jun tzo'n̈ 'awb'ente'. A 'a scal cha, ata 'ay jun q'uen olb'il yojol. A jun q'uen cha, mant 'a xon junc chamnc chi tz'ajx 'och 'a yojol. 42Yujto a jun sc'ul 'iljelal yic eb' israel, jun 'ip xoj syamchj 'ochi, yuj cha, a 'a jun q'uen cha, ata xya'cn 'och eb' sniwnal Jesús muc'uc, yujto la'nn̈ej yaj 'a stz'ey 'aj xcham cha.
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Jn 19: CSS
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Biblia Chuj San Sebastian © Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1999.
Jn 19
1Ax win Pilato cha, 'ix yi'n 'elt win Jesús, xya'n win ma'xoc. 2Xlajw cha, ax ewin soldado, 'ix spalch'ab'n ewin jun q'ui'ix, setn xoj xyutj ewinac. 'Ix ya'n q'ue ewin 'a sjolm Jesús scoronaoc. 'Ix ya'n pax 'och ewin jun q'uic'mucnac pichl 'a 'a, 'icha yic eb' rey. 3Xlajw cha, 'ix laj c'och ewin 'a stz'ey, 'ix stz'acn ewin yal 'a 'ixtic:
—Tzaljan̈ ach cob' sReyl eb' israel, xchi ewin 'a 'a.
Spawn 'och ewin sc'ab' 'a sat.
4Xlajw cha, 'ix 'el paxt win Pilato 'aj 'aycn eb' 'aj Judea chi 'a sti'. 'Ix yaln pax 'elt win 'ixtc 'a scal eb':
—'Iltec, tic tzin ch'ox 'elt win 'ayex, sec tzeyojquej 'eli, to may jac smul tz'ilchj wu'uj, xchi win 'a eb'.
5'Ixta to b'i'an, 'ix 'elt Jesús 'a sti'. An̈ja 'ay q'ue jun q'uix chi 'a sjolom, yet' jun q'uic'mucnac pichl cha. Ax win Pilato cha, 'ix yaln pax 'elt win 'ixtc 'a eb':
—Yaj winac, xchi.
6Ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' israel 'a Dios, yet' eb' stan̈mal yatut Dios cha, yic 'ix yiln eb' yel-l 'a sti cha, 'ix q'ue b'uynjoc eb' yaln 'ixtic:
—'Och cab' win 'a spenc culus, 'och cab' win 'a spenc culus, xchi eb'.
Palta 'ix yaln pax win Pilato chi 'ixtc 'a eb':
—'Ijec 'at winac, tzeya'n 'och win 'a spenc culs chi e ch'ocoj. Aln tic, may jac smul win tz'ilchj wu'uj, xchi win 'a eb'.
7—Palta an̈ tic on̈, 'ay jun ley 'aycn 'ayn̈ on̈. Yuj jun ley cha, yowlal 'oj milxc cham jun winc tic, yujto 'ix yalch sb'a Yunnaloc Dios, schi eb' 'a winac.
8Yic 'ix yab'n win Pilato chi jun cha, caw 'ix wach' xiw winac. 9Yuj cha, 'ix 'ochx win 'a yol sdespacho jun 'ejm xo. 'Ix sc'anb'n pax win 'ixtc 'a Jesús:
—¿'Aj wal til cotnc ach jun? xchi win 'a 'a. Palta ax Jesús, ma'ix ta'w 'a winac.
10Yuj cha, 'ix yaln pax win 'a 'ixtic:
—¿Tas yuj matz ach ta'w 'ayin? ¿Tom man̈ ojcoc to an 'ay wopiso ach wa'n 'och 'a spenc culus? ¿'Ay pax waln wic ach wa'n 'el 'a libre? xchi win 'a 'a.
11Yuj cha, 'ix yaln Jesús 'ixtc 'a winac:
—Yujto a Dios 'a'jnac opiso tic, toto ma'ay, may xon jac aln ec 'ayin. Yuj cha, a jun in 'a'n 'och 'a yol a c'ab', a 'ec'b'al smul 'a eb'an̈, xchi Jesús 'a winac.
12Xlajw xoj yab'n win jun cha, 'ix snani tas tzyutj ya'n 'el Jesús chi 'a libre. Palta ax eb' 'aj Judea cha, 'ix q'uex b'uynjoc eb' yaln 'ixtic:
—Toto tza'l win 'a libre, caw tzach meltzj 'och 'ajc'ojlal 'a win yajl 'a Roma. A win tic, 'in 'ix yalch sb'a reyal. Palta tzann̈j mach tzaln 'ixta', caw 'ajc'ojl yajch 'a win yalj 'a Roma cha, xchi eb' 'a winac.
13Xlajw yab'n win jun tzo'n̈ tic, 'ix ya'n 'ijxoc 'el Jesús 'a 'aj 'ayc' cha. Xlajw cha, 'ix 'em wocn win 'a 'aj tzb'oyaj eb' 'anma'. A jun lugar cha, Gabata sb'i 'a hebreo, atn sti eb' israel. Tzyal 'el'chi, 'aj latz'b'il 'ejm q'ue'en. 14A yic 'ix 'em wocn cha, wan yoch chimc'ual. Q'ui'noc xoj yoch q'uin̈ cha. 'Ix yaln pax 'elt win 'a scal eb' 'ixtic:
—'Iltec, yaj win e reyl tic, xchi 'elt win 'a eb'.
15Palta 'ix laj 'awj pax chan̈ eb' jun 'ejm xo:
—Cham cab' winac. 'Och cab' win 'a spenc sulus, xchi pax eb'.
—¿Tom tzwa'ch jun e reyl tic 'a spenc culs cha? xchi win 'a eb'.
Ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' 'a Dios, 'ix ta'w pax ewin 'ixtic:
—An̈ tic on̈, cojn win yajl 'a Roma qui reyl on̈, may junc xo, xchi ewinac.
16'Ixta to b'i'an, 'ix ya'n 'och win Jesús 'a yol sc'ab' eb', yic tz'at ya'nc 'och eb' 'a spenc culus. Xlajw xoj cha, 'ix yi'n 'at eb'.
'Ochnc Jesús 'a spenc culus
(Mt 27.32-44; Mr 15.21-32; Lc 23.26-43)
17Ax Jesús, toxn 'ix scuch sculsal. 'Ix 'at 'a jun lugar tzcuch Gólgota 'a hebreo. Tzyal 'el'chi: Yet'l Sb'acl Jolom. 18Ata 'ix ya'ch eb' Jesús 'a spenc culus. 'Ay chawn̈ xo eb' x'ajx 'och 'a spenc culs chi yet'oc, junjn eb' 'a smo'och. Yuj cha, a 'a snan̈l sculsal eb' chi xcan Jesús yet' sculsal cha. 19Ax win Pilato 'ix 'a'n tz'ib'xc 'och jun tzo'n̈ paxti 'a jun yune 'a'nte'. 'Ix ya'n 'ajxoc q'ue 'a sjolm sculsal Jesús. Tzyal jun chi 'ixtic: A Jesús 'aj Nazaret, sReyl eb' israel, xchi. 20A jun lugar 'aj 'ix t'un̈x q'ue cha, ata 'ay 'a sti chon̈ab'. Yuj cha, til wal eb' israel 'ix 'iln jun tzo'n̈ paxti cha. To tz'ib'b'il 'och 'a sti eb', yet' 'a griego, yet' pax 'a latín, atn sti eb' 'aj Roma. 21Yuj cha, ax ewin sat ya'mal 'och sti eb' israel chi 'a Dios, 'ix aln 'a Pilato 'ixtic:
—Octom man̈oc sReyl eb' israel xac' tz'ib'xc 'ochi. Yel xo wach', tzac' tz'ib'xc 'och 'ixtic: A win tic, 'ix yalch sb'a Sreyloc eb' israel, xa chi, xchi eb' 'a winac.
22—A tas xwac' tz'ib'xoc 'och cha, 'oj cann̈j 'icha yaj cha, xchi win 'a eb'.
23Ax ewin soldado cha, xlajw st'un̈n can q'ue ewin Jesús, xyi'n 'el ewin spichul. 'Ix spojn 'ec' ewinac. Chan̈e x'eli, junjn yic junjn ewinac. Palta ax jun spotil, junn̈j yaj sjalxi, may stz'isul. 24Yuj cha, 'ix yaln ewin 'ixtic:
—Tecn a jun tic, ma'oj stac' qui pojnec 'ec' 'ayn̈ec. Yel xo wach', ton̈j tzca'c b'ul yu'uj, yaln̈ej mach junc on̈ec 'oj qui'cni, xchi ewinac.
'Ixta x'aj yel'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈, 'a 'aj tzyal 'ixtic: 'Ix spojc' eb' in pichl 'a 'a, xya'n 'och eb' b'ul 'a yib'an̈, xchi 'a Ch'an̈. Yuj cha, 'ixtc wal 'ix yutj ewin soldado cha.
25A 'a stz'ey sculsal Jesús, 'aj t'un̈n q'ue cha, ata 'ayc' snun. Ajun pax jun 'ix snul'j yet'oc, yet' 'ix María yistl Cleofas, yet' pax 'ix María Magdalena. 26'Ayc' pax jun scuywum Jesús 'a stz'ey snun cha, atn jun caw chamc'ojlb'il yu'uj. Yic 'ix yiln Jesús eb', 'ix yaln 'a snun chi 'ixtic:
—Nunin, a jun 'ayc' et' tic, 'icha one tzotej, xchi.
27Xlajwn̈ej cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtc 'a jun scuywum cha:
—A 'in nun tic, 'icha a nun tzotej, xchi.
Yuj cha, a jun scuywum cha, 'ix yi'n can 'at snun Jesús chi yet' 'a yatut. Ye'xn̈ej xcan yet' ta'.
A schaml Jesús
(Mt 27.45-56; Mr 15.33-41; Lc 23.44-49)
28Xlajw cha, a Jesús, yojc xoni, to tox 'ix lajw 'el'ch smasnil tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a yib'an̈. Yuj cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtic:
—Caw tztacj in ti', xchi.
'Ixta xyutj yalni, sec tz'el'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈.
29Ata 'ayc' jun vaso vinagre. 'Ix slab'n 'ejm eb' jun 'icha pitz' 'a scal. 'Ix ya'n 'och eb' 'a sjolm jun te'. 'Ix ya'n q'ue eb' 'a sti Jesús. 30'Ix stz'ub'ni. Xlajwn̈ej cha, 'ix yaln 'ixtic:
—Tox 'ix b'o 'el'ch smasnil, xchi.
Xlajw xoj cha, 'ix 'em n̈ojnjoc, 'ix chami.
Tecb'il 'och lanza 'a scostl Jesús
31A jun c'u cha, q'ui'noc xoj yoch q'uin̈ yic snanb'il cot yel israel 'a libre, sc'ul 'iljelal paxi. Ax ewin 'aj Judea cha, may sgana ewin tzcan sniwnal eb' 'a te culs cha. Yujto a jun c'u tzjaw cha, caw 'ay yel'ch 'a eb' israel. Yuj cha, xit' tewc ewin 'a win Pilato, to tzyac' win ma'xoc poj#Jn 19.31 A 'a snab'en eb' to tzmac' poj eb' sb'acl sat spenc eb' 'aych 'a spenc culs cha, yic wach' tzcham eb' muc'uc, sec tz'ijx 'emt eb'. A sb'eyb'al eb' 'aj Roma to tzcan t'un̈n sniwnal eb', masnto tzc'a sniwnal eb' chi 'a te culs cha. sb'acl sat spenc eb', sec yajn̈ej, tz'ijx 'emt sniwnal eb' cha. 32Yuj cha, 'ix c'och ewin soldado 'a 'aj t'un̈n q'ue eb' cha. 'Ix sma'n poj ewin sb'acl sat spenc eb' t'un̈n q'ue yet' Jesús cha. 33Palta ax yic xc'och ewin 'a stz'ey Jesús, 'ix yiln ewinac, chamnc xo. Yuj cha, man̈xtoc sma' poj ewin sb'acl sat spenc cha.
34Palta 'ay jun soldado 'ix stecch slanza 'a scostl Jesús. Yajn̈j wal cha, 'ix 'el-l pulnjoc chic' yet' a'. 35An tic, caw 'ix wil jun tzo'n̈ tic. Yuj cha, tzwa'n testigoal in b'a yu'uj, sec 'oj eya'ch pax 'a e c'ojol. A jun tzo'n̈ tas tzin tz'ib'j can tic, caw yel. An tic, wojtac caw yel tzwala. 36'Ixta yaj sb'ocn jun tzo'n̈ tic, sec tz'el'ch tas tz'ib'b'il can 'a Ch'an̈ U'un̈, 'a 'aj tzyal 'ixtic: May junc sb'acl 'oj ma'x pojoc, xchi. 37Tzyaln pax junx tic 'a Ch'an̈: A eb' tecjnac, 'oj yil eb' jun tecb'il yuj cha, xchi.
'Ochnc sniwnal Jesús 'a yol n̈aq'ue'en
(Mt 27.57-61; Mr 15.42-47; Lc 23.50-56)
38'Ay jun winc José sb'i, 'aj chon̈b' Arimatea. A jun cha, scuywum Jesús, palta c'ultacn̈ej yaji, yujto caw tzxiw yab'n eb' 'aj Judea. 'Ix xit' sc'an spermiso 'a win Pilato, sec tzyij 'emt win sniwnal Jesús, tz'at smucnoc. Ax win Pilato cha, sta'wni win 'a 'a. Yuj cha, 'ix 'at yi'nc 'emta, 'ix yi'n 'ati. 39Ax Nicodemo, 'ix c'och pax ta'. Yet' 'oxe arroba jun tzo'n̈ su'q'ui sjab', mirra#Jn 19.39 'Ilt nota 'a Mateo 2.11. sb'i, caln yaj yet' junx áloe sb'i. A Nicodemo cha, atn xit'nc 'ec' sc'umc Jesús 'a 'ac'wal. 40'Ix yi'n 'at eb' sniwnal Jesús. Sb'a'n 'och eb' jun tzo'n̈ nip najt yoc 'a sniwnal cha. Xya'n 'och eb' jun su'q'ui sjab' chi 'a 'a. Yujto 'ixta sley eb' israel cha, 'ixta tzyutj eb' smucn eb' tzchami. 41A 'a sla'nil 'aj 'ix t'un̈x q'ue Jesús, ata 'ay jun tzo'n̈ 'awb'ente'. A 'a scal cha, ata 'ay jun q'uen olb'il yojol. A jun q'uen cha, mant 'a xon junc chamnc chi tz'ajx 'och 'a yojol. 42Yujto a jun sc'ul 'iljelal yic eb' israel, jun 'ip xoj syamchj 'ochi, yuj cha, a 'a jun q'uen cha, ata xya'cn 'och eb' sniwnal Jesús muc'uc, yujto la'nn̈ej yaj 'a stz'ey 'aj xcham cha.
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