Luik 9
Tha Twal sent oot
1Eftèr Jesus caad hïs twal follaers thegither, he gien thaim pooer iver aa tha demons, an pooer tae cure aa kines o disaises. 2An he sent thaim oot tae praich tha Kïngdom o God an tae hail tha seeck. 3An he toul thaim, “Tak naethin wi ye fer tha róad, nether stav tae studie ye, ner baag tae cairrie ocht ïn, ner breid, ner siller, an nae spare claes. 4Whan ye gang ïntae a hoose, stap ower thair tae ït's time tae tak yer lave o that toon. 5An whar ye'r no walcum, ye'r tae lea that toon, an ye'r tae dicht aff e'en tha stour o yer feet, as a wutness an warnin tae thaim.” 6An aff the' went, gaun frae vïllage tae vïllage, praichin tha Guid News an hailin thair an thonner.
Herod ïn swuthers
7Noo whan Herod tha Tetrarch heerd aboot aa tha thïngs that Jesus wus daein, he wus fair fasht, acause some fowk saed that Jhone tha Baptiser wus ris frae tha deid. 8Some thocht that yin o tha oul-time proaphits haed cum bak tae life, an ithers thocht ït wus mebbe Elijah. 9But Herod saed, “A haed tha heid tuk aff Jhone. But wha's thon A'm hearin sitch thïngs aboot?” An he wus ower enxious tae see Jesus.
Tha five thoosan weel fed
10An tha possels, whan the' cum bak, toul Jesus aboot aa tha thïngs the' haed daen, an he tuk thaim aff bi thair lane tae a [quait place near tha] toon caad Bethsaida.
11But tha croods kent thïs an follaed hïm. An he bïd thaim walcum an taakt tae thaim o tha Kïngdom o God, an brocht hailin tae thaim that haed need o ït. 12Noo at dailygan, tha Twal cum tae hïm an saed, “Senn aa tha croods o fowk awa, sae that the' can gang an fin ludgins an a bite tae ait fer thairsels ïn tha clachans an fairm hooses roon aboot. Fer we'r ïn a richt oot o tha wye place here.” 13But Jesus toul thaim, “Yous gie thaim sumthin tae ait.” An the' saed, “We hae naethin but five bannocks an twa fïsh. Or mebbe we shud try an buy sumthin fer aa these fowk?!” 14Thair wur aboot five thoosan men. An Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “Mak thaim aa sït doon ïn groups o aboot fïftie.” 15Sae the' bïd thaim aa sït doon. 16Then he tuk tha five bannocks an tha twa fïsh, an lukkin up tae heiven, he blisst ït an brauk ït, an he kep giein ït tae hïs follaers tae han oot tae aa tha fowk. 17Eftèr the' haed aa et thair fïll, the' gethert up aa tha wee bïts, eneuch tae fïll twal creels.
Petèr kens Jesus ïs tha Messiah
18Yin day Jesus wus prayin alane, tha mair hïs follaers wus nearhan. An he axt thaim, “Wha dae tha croods say that A am?” 19The' saed, “A wheen o fowk say Jhone tha Baptiser, some wud say Elijah, an ithers agane say that yin o tha proaphits frae lang syne haes cum bak tae life.” 20“An whut aboot yersels?” he axt. “Wha dae yous say that A am?” Petèr spauk up, “You ir tha Christ o God.” 21An he gien thaim a warnin, an bïd thaim no tae tell oniebodie.
22An he toul thaim, “Tha Sinn o Man maun suffer monies a thïng an be gien tha coul shoodèr bi tha eldèrs, tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa. An he maun be püt tae deith an be ris up tae life on tha thurd day.”
23An he saed tae thaim aa, “If oniebodie wants tae follae eftèr me, he maun ferget aboot hissel aathegither, tak up hïs cross iverie day, an stïck clase tae me. 24Fer whaiver wants tae save hïs life wull loass ït, but hïm that loasses hïs life on accoont o me wull save ït. 25Fer whut guid ïs ït fer a bodie tae get tha hale warl, an yit desthroy hissel bodie an sowl? 26Fer ïf oniebodie ïs no wullin tae stan up fer me an ma wurds, then tha Sinn o Man wull no stan up fer hïm whan he cums ïn hïs glorie, an tha glorie o hïs Faither an tha halie angels tae. 27A'm tellin ye strecht, thair's yins stud here theday that fer sartin wull no dee afore the' see tha Kïngdom o God.”
Tha figger o Jesus changed on tha Moont
28Yin day, aboot echt days eftèr he haed saed these thïngs, he tuk Petèr, Jeames an Jhone up ïntae a muntin tae pray. 29An whaniver he wus prayin, tha hale luk o hïm wus changed, an hïs claes wus glancin white turnt. 30An then thair wus these twa men taakin wi hïm - ït wus Moses an Elijah, 31fu o heivenlie splendour, an the' taakt aboot tha wye he wud dee ïn Jerusalem. 32But Petèr an tha ithers wi hïm haed drapt aff tae sleep, an whaniver the' waakent up the' saa hïs glorie an tha twa men stannin wi hïm. 33An as tha twa men wus leain Jesus, Petèr saed, “Dominie, A'm gled we ir here tae see thïs. Cum on an we'll big thrie shiltèrs, yin fer you, yin fer Moses an yin fer Elijah.” But he wus jist rannèrin. 34Whan Petèr wus taakin, a clood cum doon an the' wur loast ïn ït. An the' wur hairt-scarred whan that happent. 35An a voice cum oot o tha clood sayin, “Thïs ïs ma Sinn, tha Yin A hae chose. Lïsten tae hïm!” 36Whan tha voice haed stapt taakin, the' lukt an thair wus nae yin thair but Jesus. An at tha time, the' dïdnae breathe a wurd o whut the' haed saen tae onie yin.
Tha wee lad bothert wi a wïckit spïrit
37Nixt day, whan the' haed cum doon aff tha hïll, a hale crood o fowk cum tae meet hïm, 38an thïs man caad oot frae tha crood, “Maistèr, A beg ye, wud ye tak a luk at ma sinn? He's tha ainlie chile A hae. 39An a wïckit spïrit ïs aye takkin houl o hïm, an whan ït daes, he lets oot a guldèr, an he stairts tae fït an foam at tha mooth, an ït's onlie eftèr he's bin hurt baad that ït leas hïm. 40A brocht hïm tae yer follaers tae rïd hïm o tha spïrit, but the' cudnae dae ït.” 41An Jesus saed, “You fowk ir sae faithless an aisie led! Hoo lang wull A be wi ye afore yis believe? Hoo lang dae A hae tae pit up wi ye? Brïng yer sinn here tae me!” 42Jist as tha wee lad wus cumin, he faad doon tae tha grun fïttin, an Jesus gien tha wïckit spïrit a richt barjin, an hailt tha wee lad an gien hïm bak tae hïs faither. 43The' wur aa pure dumfoonèrt at tha pooer o God.
But whiles the' aa wunnèrt at tha thïngs Jesus dïd, he saed tae hïs follaers, 44“Wull yis tak heed tae whut A'm sayin, an let ït sink ïn. Tha Sinn o Man ïs gaun tae be pit ïntae tha pooer o men.” 45But the' dïdnae unnèrstan whut he wus sayin, an the' cudnae fethom ït oot; yit the' wur feart tae ax hïm whut he meent.
Wha wull be tha maist thocht o?
46Then the' begun queeryin amang thairsels wha wud be tha maist thocht o amang thaim. 47An Jesus, knowin whut the' wur thïnkin, tuk a wean an set hïm doon aside hïm. 48An he saed tae thaim, “Whaiver maks thïs chile walcum ïn ma name, walcums me, an oniebodie that walcums me, walcums hïm that sent me. Tha yin regairdit o nae accoont amang ye, that's tha yin that'll hae tha maist honour.”
49Jhone saed tae hïm, “Dominie, we saa a bodie drivin oot demons ïn your name an we made hïm stap, fer he ïsnae yin o us.” 50But Jesus saed, “Dae nae sitch thïng, fer oniebodie that's no agin ye ïs wi ye.”
Samaritans agin Jesus
51An as tha time wus cumin roon fer Jesus tae lea tha irth, he set hissel tae gang up tae Jerusalem. 52An he sent some messengers on up aheid o hïm, an the' went aff tae a Samaritan vïllage fer tae mak readie fer hïs cumin. 53But tha fowk thonner wudnae mak hïm walcum, acause the' cud see he wus bent on gaun tae Jerusalem.
54Whaniver Jeames an Jhone heerd thïs, the' saed, “Loard, let iz caa doon fire frae heiven an burn thaim aa up, [jist as Elijah dïd.]” 55But Jesus toul thaim aff, [an saed, “Ye hae nae unnèrstannin ava, 56Fer tha Sinn o Man haesnae cum tae desthroy men's lifes, but tae save thaim.”] Sae the' went on tae anither vïllage.
Coontin tha coast
57An sae ït wus, as the' wur on thair wye, thïs bodie saed tae Jesus, “A wull follae ye, nae mettèr whar ye'r fer!” 58Saed Jesus tae hïm, “Foxes hae holes an burds hae nests, but tha Sinn o Man haes naewhar he can caa hame.” 59An he saed tae anither yin, “Follae me”. But he saed, “Loard, let me gang an burie ma faither furst.” 60But Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “Let tha deid burie thair ain deid, but awa you gang an praich tha Kïngdom o God.” 61An yit anither yin saed, “Loard, A'll follae ye, but let me gang an say aa ma guidbyes tae ma fowk bak hame.” 62But Jesus toul hïm, “Oniebodie that stairts tae ploo, an keeps lukkin behin hïm, ïs nae guid tae tha Kïngdom o God.”
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Luik 9: USNT
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© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020
Luik 9
Tha Twal sent oot
1Eftèr Jesus caad hïs twal follaers thegither, he gien thaim pooer iver aa tha demons, an pooer tae cure aa kines o disaises. 2An he sent thaim oot tae praich tha Kïngdom o God an tae hail tha seeck. 3An he toul thaim, “Tak naethin wi ye fer tha róad, nether stav tae studie ye, ner baag tae cairrie ocht ïn, ner breid, ner siller, an nae spare claes. 4Whan ye gang ïntae a hoose, stap ower thair tae ït's time tae tak yer lave o that toon. 5An whar ye'r no walcum, ye'r tae lea that toon, an ye'r tae dicht aff e'en tha stour o yer feet, as a wutness an warnin tae thaim.” 6An aff the' went, gaun frae vïllage tae vïllage, praichin tha Guid News an hailin thair an thonner.
Herod ïn swuthers
7Noo whan Herod tha Tetrarch heerd aboot aa tha thïngs that Jesus wus daein, he wus fair fasht, acause some fowk saed that Jhone tha Baptiser wus ris frae tha deid. 8Some thocht that yin o tha oul-time proaphits haed cum bak tae life, an ithers thocht ït wus mebbe Elijah. 9But Herod saed, “A haed tha heid tuk aff Jhone. But wha's thon A'm hearin sitch thïngs aboot?” An he wus ower enxious tae see Jesus.
Tha five thoosan weel fed
10An tha possels, whan the' cum bak, toul Jesus aboot aa tha thïngs the' haed daen, an he tuk thaim aff bi thair lane tae a [quait place near tha] toon caad Bethsaida.
11But tha croods kent thïs an follaed hïm. An he bïd thaim walcum an taakt tae thaim o tha Kïngdom o God, an brocht hailin tae thaim that haed need o ït. 12Noo at dailygan, tha Twal cum tae hïm an saed, “Senn aa tha croods o fowk awa, sae that the' can gang an fin ludgins an a bite tae ait fer thairsels ïn tha clachans an fairm hooses roon aboot. Fer we'r ïn a richt oot o tha wye place here.” 13But Jesus toul thaim, “Yous gie thaim sumthin tae ait.” An the' saed, “We hae naethin but five bannocks an twa fïsh. Or mebbe we shud try an buy sumthin fer aa these fowk?!” 14Thair wur aboot five thoosan men. An Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “Mak thaim aa sït doon ïn groups o aboot fïftie.” 15Sae the' bïd thaim aa sït doon. 16Then he tuk tha five bannocks an tha twa fïsh, an lukkin up tae heiven, he blisst ït an brauk ït, an he kep giein ït tae hïs follaers tae han oot tae aa tha fowk. 17Eftèr the' haed aa et thair fïll, the' gethert up aa tha wee bïts, eneuch tae fïll twal creels.
Petèr kens Jesus ïs tha Messiah
18Yin day Jesus wus prayin alane, tha mair hïs follaers wus nearhan. An he axt thaim, “Wha dae tha croods say that A am?” 19The' saed, “A wheen o fowk say Jhone tha Baptiser, some wud say Elijah, an ithers agane say that yin o tha proaphits frae lang syne haes cum bak tae life.” 20“An whut aboot yersels?” he axt. “Wha dae yous say that A am?” Petèr spauk up, “You ir tha Christ o God.” 21An he gien thaim a warnin, an bïd thaim no tae tell oniebodie.
22An he toul thaim, “Tha Sinn o Man maun suffer monies a thïng an be gien tha coul shoodèr bi tha eldèrs, tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa. An he maun be püt tae deith an be ris up tae life on tha thurd day.”
23An he saed tae thaim aa, “If oniebodie wants tae follae eftèr me, he maun ferget aboot hissel aathegither, tak up hïs cross iverie day, an stïck clase tae me. 24Fer whaiver wants tae save hïs life wull loass ït, but hïm that loasses hïs life on accoont o me wull save ït. 25Fer whut guid ïs ït fer a bodie tae get tha hale warl, an yit desthroy hissel bodie an sowl? 26Fer ïf oniebodie ïs no wullin tae stan up fer me an ma wurds, then tha Sinn o Man wull no stan up fer hïm whan he cums ïn hïs glorie, an tha glorie o hïs Faither an tha halie angels tae. 27A'm tellin ye strecht, thair's yins stud here theday that fer sartin wull no dee afore the' see tha Kïngdom o God.”
Tha figger o Jesus changed on tha Moont
28Yin day, aboot echt days eftèr he haed saed these thïngs, he tuk Petèr, Jeames an Jhone up ïntae a muntin tae pray. 29An whaniver he wus prayin, tha hale luk o hïm wus changed, an hïs claes wus glancin white turnt. 30An then thair wus these twa men taakin wi hïm - ït wus Moses an Elijah, 31fu o heivenlie splendour, an the' taakt aboot tha wye he wud dee ïn Jerusalem. 32But Petèr an tha ithers wi hïm haed drapt aff tae sleep, an whaniver the' waakent up the' saa hïs glorie an tha twa men stannin wi hïm. 33An as tha twa men wus leain Jesus, Petèr saed, “Dominie, A'm gled we ir here tae see thïs. Cum on an we'll big thrie shiltèrs, yin fer you, yin fer Moses an yin fer Elijah.” But he wus jist rannèrin. 34Whan Petèr wus taakin, a clood cum doon an the' wur loast ïn ït. An the' wur hairt-scarred whan that happent. 35An a voice cum oot o tha clood sayin, “Thïs ïs ma Sinn, tha Yin A hae chose. Lïsten tae hïm!” 36Whan tha voice haed stapt taakin, the' lukt an thair wus nae yin thair but Jesus. An at tha time, the' dïdnae breathe a wurd o whut the' haed saen tae onie yin.
Tha wee lad bothert wi a wïckit spïrit
37Nixt day, whan the' haed cum doon aff tha hïll, a hale crood o fowk cum tae meet hïm, 38an thïs man caad oot frae tha crood, “Maistèr, A beg ye, wud ye tak a luk at ma sinn? He's tha ainlie chile A hae. 39An a wïckit spïrit ïs aye takkin houl o hïm, an whan ït daes, he lets oot a guldèr, an he stairts tae fït an foam at tha mooth, an ït's onlie eftèr he's bin hurt baad that ït leas hïm. 40A brocht hïm tae yer follaers tae rïd hïm o tha spïrit, but the' cudnae dae ït.” 41An Jesus saed, “You fowk ir sae faithless an aisie led! Hoo lang wull A be wi ye afore yis believe? Hoo lang dae A hae tae pit up wi ye? Brïng yer sinn here tae me!” 42Jist as tha wee lad wus cumin, he faad doon tae tha grun fïttin, an Jesus gien tha wïckit spïrit a richt barjin, an hailt tha wee lad an gien hïm bak tae hïs faither. 43The' wur aa pure dumfoonèrt at tha pooer o God.
But whiles the' aa wunnèrt at tha thïngs Jesus dïd, he saed tae hïs follaers, 44“Wull yis tak heed tae whut A'm sayin, an let ït sink ïn. Tha Sinn o Man ïs gaun tae be pit ïntae tha pooer o men.” 45But the' dïdnae unnèrstan whut he wus sayin, an the' cudnae fethom ït oot; yit the' wur feart tae ax hïm whut he meent.
Wha wull be tha maist thocht o?
46Then the' begun queeryin amang thairsels wha wud be tha maist thocht o amang thaim. 47An Jesus, knowin whut the' wur thïnkin, tuk a wean an set hïm doon aside hïm. 48An he saed tae thaim, “Whaiver maks thïs chile walcum ïn ma name, walcums me, an oniebodie that walcums me, walcums hïm that sent me. Tha yin regairdit o nae accoont amang ye, that's tha yin that'll hae tha maist honour.”
49Jhone saed tae hïm, “Dominie, we saa a bodie drivin oot demons ïn your name an we made hïm stap, fer he ïsnae yin o us.” 50But Jesus saed, “Dae nae sitch thïng, fer oniebodie that's no agin ye ïs wi ye.”
Samaritans agin Jesus
51An as tha time wus cumin roon fer Jesus tae lea tha irth, he set hissel tae gang up tae Jerusalem. 52An he sent some messengers on up aheid o hïm, an the' went aff tae a Samaritan vïllage fer tae mak readie fer hïs cumin. 53But tha fowk thonner wudnae mak hïm walcum, acause the' cud see he wus bent on gaun tae Jerusalem.
54Whaniver Jeames an Jhone heerd thïs, the' saed, “Loard, let iz caa doon fire frae heiven an burn thaim aa up, [jist as Elijah dïd.]” 55But Jesus toul thaim aff, [an saed, “Ye hae nae unnèrstannin ava, 56Fer tha Sinn o Man haesnae cum tae desthroy men's lifes, but tae save thaim.”] Sae the' went on tae anither vïllage.
Coontin tha coast
57An sae ït wus, as the' wur on thair wye, thïs bodie saed tae Jesus, “A wull follae ye, nae mettèr whar ye'r fer!” 58Saed Jesus tae hïm, “Foxes hae holes an burds hae nests, but tha Sinn o Man haes naewhar he can caa hame.” 59An he saed tae anither yin, “Follae me”. But he saed, “Loard, let me gang an burie ma faither furst.” 60But Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “Let tha deid burie thair ain deid, but awa you gang an praich tha Kïngdom o God.” 61An yit anither yin saed, “Loard, A'll follae ye, but let me gang an say aa ma guidbyes tae ma fowk bak hame.” 62But Jesus toul hïm, “Oniebodie that stairts tae ploo, an keeps lukkin behin hïm, ïs nae guid tae tha Kïngdom o God.”
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