Yuj wal cha, ma'ix in te'wtzej in b'a in 'at wal 'aych yuj jun in moso tic. Ton̈j cab' tza'cn mandar, ax sb'ox can sc'ojl o'oj. Yujto an tic, 'ay eb' wajlil tzin 'a'n mandar. An̈jtona', 'ay pax eb' soldado tzwac' mandar an tic. Toto 'ay mach 'aj tzwala, to tz'ati, tz'atn̈ej. Toto 'ay pax mach 'aj tzwala, to tzcoti, tzcotn̈ej. An̈jtona', toto 'ay tas tzwac' sb'o junc in moso, tzb'on̈ej. Yuj cha, wojtac 'icha tzwutj wa'n mandar eb', 'ixta tzotj a'n pax mandar smasnil tas ach tic, xchi win capitan̈ cha, xchi eb' 'a Jesús.
Ax yic 'ix yab'n jun tzo'n̈ cha, caw sat sc'ojl yab'ni, yuj cha, 'ix 'och q'ueln 'a eb' ajun xon yet' cha, 'ix yaln 'a eb' 'ixtic:
—Wal yel tzwal 'ayex, mant 'a junc israel tzwil ya'n 'och sc'ojl 'a Dios 'icha jun winc cha, xchi Jesús.