Yohanes 1
Yesus tait Bokyas ro Allah
1Tiwya tinyi tabam refo mkah bombra beta marak fares. Menohe Ait sait ro raa mtu 'Bokyas ro Allah' yhau soo bait wia oh. Ait yhau su ysya Allah, tna Ait fi Allah. 2Tiwya tinyi Ait yhau su ysya Allah. 3Ait tait raa mtu 'Bokyas ro Allah'. Ait tait yfen bombra beta ro mhau mam tabam refo to. Bo sau mbam iso roto aro fee. 4Ait yafos rAit mhau sai yum. Ait yhau yroon yawyos. Ait fi ybo raa mafos wana msya bombra beta. Yafos ro mhau kʼAit to mnan fi kek. Tna yafos rAit reto mno raa mmat Kek reto. Mno masu maah. 5Tiwya Kek reto mama tna mait mram amur. Tna amur reto to, matak mikabuk Kek reto fee. Mno tna Kek reto mhai fee. 6Tna Allah ybis raa sait yama. Raa retait yasom Yohanes. 7Ait yama mkah bo ykyas 'Kek' reto. Ait ykyas bo ro yesait ymat. Tna ait yama ykyas bo ro ymat reto afo re raa mhar mawe mabo oh. Afo re raa beta smot 'Ait ro ynan fi Kek.' 8Yohanes fi Kek reto fee. Yohanes raa ro yama mkah bo ykyas Kek reto sai. 9Kek ro ati refo mamaʼt tabam refo. Mama mram raa sait-sait.
10Raa ro Ynan fi Kek retait, tiwya yfen tabam refo. Tna yama yhau mam tabam refo ye. Menohe raa ro tabam refo wase Ait. 11Yesus yfen tabam refo. Tibyo bombra beta to bo wAit. Raa wAit ro tii yfen to, Yesus yama yo kʼana. Menohe raa wAit weto to, ana mawat hawe bo mmat Ait. 12Menohe raa baro mmat Ait. Ana mmat tna smot Ait to. Yesus ykyas ana yawe, “Ana weto oh mi mamo ku ro Allah wAit.” 13Raa mamo ku ro Allah wAit to hayah. Tna iso ro fnya mabe ku to hayah ye. Mnan anya fee. Ku ro fnya mabe to, ana mbam raa sei sai. Menohe ku ro Allah yabe to mbam raa mana sau fee. Ja raa ksoh rana mabe kube aro. Tibyo ana mabe ku. Menohe ku ro Allah yabe to hayah. Ku weto to mbam raa ksoh wana to fee. Raa sme ja ksoh yawe yjin ysya fnya. Yno tna au mhaf tna au mabe ku. Menohe raa mamo ku ro Allah wAit to mnan feto fee.
14Bokyas ro Allah reto haberek mamo raa. Raa retait yama yhau mam tabam refo su ysya anu.#1:14 Yesus yabo rAit reto mnan fi yuk ro Allah ja yhau. Keluaran 25:8, 40:34 Tna amu nmat bo yase rAit oh. Ait tait Ku bum ro Allah yare. Ku rAit sait tomu. Tibyo Allah ysan bo yase rAit beta Ku retait. Ait yhar bo ro ati miwer. Tna Ait tait Raa ro yatmof raa miwer.#Keluaran 33:19; 34:5-7. 15Yohanes ykyas Yesus yasom kʼraa. Ykyas bo ro yesait ymat feto to, ait yhar yawe mabo oh. Mkah ymai fari Yohanes yawe, “Ait ro tiwya tkyas kʼanu to Ait oh mefi. Jõ tama tkyas Ait wia matim. Tna Ait yama. Menohe Ait fi yase yiwrek jõ. Tiwya fnya mabe jõ fefares to, Ait yhau tuu oh.” 16Ait yatmof raa miwer tibyo yno bo moof kʼanu beta. Tna anu fri bo mafer mninon. 17Watum ranu ro agama Yahudi to#1:17 Hukum Taurat, tiwya Allah ykyas kʼMusa. Tna Musa yoo yee kʼanu. Menohe mfo refo Allah ybis Yesus yama yo kʼanu. Ybis yama afo re yerif boatmof rAit. Tna ybis Ait yama afo re kbe raa mhar Allah yhaf, srau rAit.
18Raa aro ymat Allah fefares. Menohe Ku bum rAit yno re anu bhar Allah. Ait tait yesait aran Ku ro Allah yare. Tna Ait hre kut-kut ysya Yaja
Yohanes Pembaptis
19Yohanes ykyas Yesus yasom. Ykyas bo ro yesait ymat feto to, yhar yawe mabo oh. Tna ti sau mam Yerusalem to, raa manes ro agama Yahudi mbis raa wana baro masen mamo mo kʼYohanes. Raa ro ana mbis to: Imam wana msya raa mana ro Lewi baro. Mbis ana mamo mtu bo kʼait mawe, “Nyõ fi awya?” 20Raa weto mama mo kʼYohanes. Tna mtu bo kʼait. Tna Yohanes yasen yawe abyõ si kʼana yawe, “Jõ fi Mesias#1:20 Som reto to, “Ait ro Allah ysok tna yawe yamo Raja.” Mai ro Ibrani mawe Mesias, tna mai ro Yunani raa mawe Kristus. ro ja anu nwof to fee.” 21Tna ana mawe, “Feto to nyõ fi awya? Amu nwof nabi Elia#1:21 Maleakhi 4:5mkyas mawe meen Allah ybis nabi sait yasom Elia yama. Yawe nabi Elia yatim wia tna Tuhan yama. Feto to raa ro agama Yahudi beta mwof nabi retait yama. Ana mhar mawe Elia yama wia yatim tna Mesias yama. Nmat Lukas 1:17 ye. hah yama u. Nyõ fi bi Elia fe mfe a?” Ait yawe “Mfe.” Tna ana mawe, “Allah yawe meen Ait ybis nabi roto sait yama ye. Nyõ fi nabi retait, fe mfe a?” Ait yawe, “Mfe.” 22Ana mtu mawe, “Feto to nyõ fi awya? Kbe amu hah ne nmo nkyas kʼraa ro mbis amu nma to, tna kbe amu nkyas nwe bawya?” 23Tiwya Allah ybis nabi Yesaya yama ykom bokom sau. Bokom reto mkyas raa sait ro meen yama. Tna Yohanes yawe, “Jõ fi ait ro tiwya nabi Yesaya ykyas yawe,
‘Kbe raa sait yamoʼt tabam ro riamo sau tna ykyas bo ro Allah matim wia. Ykyas yawe, “Mbetrot iso mkah Tuhan yama!”’”
Yesaya 40:3
24Ana ro raa mbis weto to taro raa ro Farisi. 25Tna ana mawe kʼYohanes mawe, “Nyõ fi Mesias fee, nabi Elia fee, tna nabi roto sait reto fee ye. Awya ybis re nyõ baptis raa fo?” 26Ait yawe, “Jõ fi raa ro baptis anu mkah aya sai. Menohe raa roto sait yros su ysya anu wefo ye. Tna anu wase Ait fares. 27Jõ tama tkyas Ait wia matim. Tna fo Ait yama. Ait retait yase toni yiwer Jõ. Tna jõ toof mkah bo skur sandal rAit to fee.#1:27 Mam wore weto to ja sryan skur hri marak ro bobot rait, tna yyon yaa. Menohe Yohanes yhar yawe Mesias retait yase toni, ynan fi bobot rait tna ait yesait ynan fi raa ro yaku.”
28Bo weto to, Yohanes ykyas mam Betania. Remo reto mhau mam Aya Yordan majoh ti brat, ti ayõ maut. Ait baptis raa mam beto.
Yesus tait yfi Domba maku
29Rabu ti fo, Yohanes ymat he Yesus yama. Tna Yohanes yawe kʼraa ro hre mari ait yawe, “Nmat, Ait ro yama fi. Ait ynan fi domba maku#1:29 Tahun aro rau-rau to, raa ro agama Yahudi ja moo domba maku msan kʼAllah. Mno afo re Allah yyon iro wana. ro Allah ybis yama. Ait tait Raa ro yama yyon iro wanu beta. 30Ait oh mi riwai tkyas kʼanu tawe, ‘Jõ tama tkyas Ait wia matim. Tna fo Ait yama. Menohe Ait refi yase yiwer jõ. Tiwya fnya mabe jõ fefares to, Ait yhau bait wia oh.’ 31Jõ tama baptis raa mkah aya afo re raa ro Israel mhar Ait. Tinyi rau to, jõ wase Ait ye.
32,33Ati ro Allah ybis jõ baptis raa mkah aya to, jõ wase Ait fares. Menohe Allah yerif Ait kʼjõ yawe, ‘Soh nyõ nmat Har aJõ mroh mhau abyõ kʼRaa sait to, Ait oh metait kbe baptis raa mkah Har aJõ.’ Tna mabo oh. Tkyas bo ro jõ tmat kʼanu tawe: Tmat Har ro Tuhan haberek mnan fi ruu merpati sau. Tna fru mbam uu mama mroh abyõ kʼAit. 34Bo refo tasu tmat tna tkyas tawe Ait tait Ku ro Allah yare.”
Kuber Yesus wAit ro tinyi
35Tna rabu ti fo Yohanes ysya kuber (murid-murid) wait mabo ewok mros mam weto. 36Tna Yohanes ymat he Yesus frit yamo tna yawe, “Nmat, Domba maku ro Allah yama oh metait.” 37Kuber ro Yohanes mabo ewok reto mari bokyas reto tibyo sikba ait tna kro Yesus. 38Yesus siur, ymat ana mbewok reto kro Ait mamo mam tis tna ytu kʼana yawe, “Anu mbewok saso bawya meto?” Tna ana mtu bo kʼAit mawe, “Guru; nyõ njin mam woyõ?” 39Yesus yawe, “Nma nmat.” Tibyo ana mbewok msya Ait mamoʼt amah ro Ait yhau. Ayõ ro jiit hreha bo feto. Tna ana hre mkyas bo su mamo snok mam ayõ hawer. 40Kuber mabo ewok ro masen kro Yesus reto to, sait yasom Andreas. (Ait tait Simon-Petrus yao.) 41Tna Andreas yamo fooh saso yao Simon tna yawe, “Amu tru Mesias oh!” (Reto oh mi Kristus.) 42Tna ymen yao yakah yamo yo kʼYesus. Yesus yasu yrom Simon tna yawe kʼait yawe, “Nyõ fi ku ro Yunus yare. Kbe raa mtu nasom ‘Kefas’.” (Reto oh mi Petrus.)#1:42 Yasom Kefas to mai ro Aram. Yasom Petrus to mai ro Yunani. Mai sai ranu to, raa mawe 'fraa manes ro ja mros matak'.
43Tna rabu ti fo Yesus yawe yamoʼt provinsi ro Galilea. Ait yamo saso Filipus tna yawe, “Nama kro Jõ.” 44Filipus tait raa ro Betsaida. Betsaida to remo ro Andreas ysya yao Petrus rana. 45Tna Filipus yamo saso Natanael tna yawe kʼait yawe, “Amu nkai Ait ro tiwya Musa ykyas mam Watum ro Allah. Ait ro tiwya nabi na mkyas ye! Yasom Yesus. Ait retait tait Yusuf yare ybam remo ro Nazaret!” 46Menohe Natanael yawe, “Hemba! Feto to bo ro moof aro mbam Nazaret oto?” 47Tna Filipus yawe, “Nama bmo tna kbe nyõ nesait nmat!” Ati ro Yesus ymat Natanael yama to yawe, “Ait retait raa Israel ro yhaf moof. Bosruf aro mhau kʼait fee. Ait ja yno bo mnan si raa Israel ro yoof.” 48Natanael ytu bo kʼYesus yawe, “Fyi re Nyõ nhar jõ to?” Tna Yesus yawe, “Riwai Filipus ytu nyõ fefares to, Jõ tmat nyõ oh hre mam ara mair tno.” 49Natanael yawe, “Bi Guru: Nyõ fi Ku ro Allah yare, Nyõ fi Raja ro nbo raa ro Israel.” 50Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Riwai tawe tmat nyõ hre mam ara mair oh mi nyõ smot Jõ to? Bo sair reto maku sai. Jõ kbe terif bo ati ro mase aro hair kʼnyõ. 51Kbe nmat ayoh mato nkro tna nmat malaikat na maut mroh abyõ kʼJõ. Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'.”
S'ha seleccionat:
Yohanes 1: ayz

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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005