پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە ئاشکراکردن 21:1

It Is Well With My Soul the Shocking True Story
3 Days
Explore the shocking true story and inspiration behind one of the world's most loved hymns, It Is Well With My Soul. David Maegraith has published a new retelling of the story and in this plan unpacks the biblical inspirations behind the hymn. "Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well with my soul."

Bringing Pain to the Cross
3 Days
God understands your pain. He cares…and he wants to help you find healing. In this study you will explore God's Word and reflect on: lamenting, expressing grief and sorrow, bringing your pain to the cross, and helping others. This study is part 4 of the Never Alone: Trauma Healing series. While written for the military community, the themes apply to anyone who has experienced intense trials and wants to heal.

Jesus Is the Soon Coming King
3 Days
This Bible Teaching series will take you on a Biblical journey exploring the truth about Jesus as our soon-coming King!

Beyond Saving Souls
4 Days
Jesus talked about his “Kingdom” fifteen times more than he talked about personal salvation. As important as sharing the gospel is, there are many ways in which your work can contribute to God’s mission for the world. In this plan, we will explore four of the ways your work matters for eternity beyond “saving souls.”

N.T. Wright On Faith And Work
4 Days
N.T. Wright, the world’s leading New Testament scholar, was recently interviewed on The Call to Mastery podcast with Jordan Raynor. This 4-day plan includes excerpts from that conversation, with Wright explaining what the Bible says about the new heavens and new earth and how our vocations play a part in building God’s Kingdom. Through this plan, you’ll learn that your work in Christ is not wasted—not today, not ever.

Half-Truths About Heaven
4 Days
Christians live in light of eternity. But do we really know what heaven is? Where it is? When it is? What it will be like? And what we will do? I’m afraid many of us have settled for answers to these questions that are only half-true. In this reading plan, we’ll replace four half-truths about heaven with whole-truths that fuel our hope for our lives and work in the present.

Hope: Exploring God’s Plan
4 Days
It’s likely you’ve expected something that never came to be, or believed a promise before sadly realizing you’d misunderstood. How can you cling to hope even when you face disappointment like that? In this 4-day plan, Karen Sawrey will walk you through a biblical perspective of hope and give you three ways to find it in God’s promised plan.

The Story Short Film
5 Days
Many of us know stories from the Bible. But tying together all the characters and happenings can be difficult. During this five-day plan, you’ll watch The Story Short Film then read Scripture passages and a devotional to follow the Bible’s plot line from Creation to Fall to Rescue to Restoration. You’ll grasp the beauty of God’s Story and see how to share it with others.

A Fresh Infusion Of Joy
5 Days
Bestselling author Sheila Walsh invites you to discover daily joy. Through funny and inspiring stories and a powerful one sentence daily takeaway, Sheila reminds us of a variety of sources of daily joy. Devotionals are drawn from 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy.