Exodus 19

The Ten Commandments and other laws
At Mount Sinai
1-2The Israelites left Rephidim.#19.1,2 Rephidim: See the note at 17.1. Then two months after leaving Egypt, they arrived at the desert near Mount Sinai, where they set up camp at the foot of the mountain.
3Moses went up the mountain to meet with the LORD God, who told him to say to the people:
4You saw what I did in Egypt, and you know how I brought you here to me, just as a mighty eagle carries its young. 5Now if you will faithfully obey me, you will be my very own people. The whole world is mine,#1 P 2.9.#Dt 4.20; 7.6; 14.2; 26.18; Titus 2.14. 6but you will be my holy nation and serve me as priests.#Rev 1.6; 5.10.
Moses, that is what you must tell the Israelites.
7After Moses went back, he reported to the leaders what the LORD had said, 8and they promised, “We will do everything the LORD has commanded.” So Moses told the LORD about this.
9The LORD said to Moses, “I will come to you in a thick cloud and let the people hear me speak to you. Then they will always trust you.” Again Moses reported to the people what the LORD had told him.
10Once more the LORD spoke to Moses:
Go back and tell the people that today and tomorrow they must get themselves ready to meet me. They must wash their clothes 11and be ready by the day after tomorrow, when I will come down to Mount Sinai, where all of them can see me.
12Warn the people that they are forbidden to touch any part of the mountain. Anyone who does will be put to death,#He 12.18-20. 13either with stones or arrows, and no one must touch the body of a person killed in this way. Even an animal that touches this mountain must be put to death. You may go up the mountain only after a signal is given on the trumpet.
14After Moses went down the mountain, he gave orders for the people to wash their clothes and make themselves acceptable to worship God. 15He told them to be ready in three days and not to have sex in the meantime.
The LORD comes to Mount Sinai
16On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning. A thick cloud covered the mountain, a loud trumpet blast was heard, and everyone in camp trembled with fear.#Rev 4.5.#Dt 4.11,12. 17Moses led them out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
18Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the LORD had come down in a flaming fire. Smoke poured out of the mountain just like a furnace, and the whole mountain shook. 19The trumpet blew louder and louder. Moses spoke, and God answered him with thunder.
20The LORD came down to the top of Mount Sinai and told Moses to meet him there. 21Then he said, “Moses, go and warn the people not to cross the boundary that you set at the foot of the mountain. They must not cross it to come and look at me, because if they do, many of them will die. 22Only the priests may come near me, and they must obey strict rules before I let them. If they don't, they will be punished.”
23Moses replied, “The people cannot come up the mountain. You warned us to stay away because it is holy.”
24Then the LORD told Moses, “Go down and bring Aaron back here with you. But the priests and people must not try to push their way through, or I will rush at them like a flood!”
25After Moses had gone back down, he told the people what the LORD had said.

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