Mattha 5

Jesus taiches on tha muntin
1Noo whaniver he saa tha croods, he gaed up tha muntin an sut doon. Hïs follaers gethert roon hïm, 2an he stairtit tae taich thaim, sayin,
Tha Blissins
3“Blisst ir tha puir ïn spïrit, fer thairs ïs tha Kïngdom o Heiven.
4Blisst ir tha yins that greet, fer the' wull be comfortit.
5Blisst ir tha yins that ir gentle, fer the' wull inherit tha irth.
6Blisst ir tha yins that hae a hung'r an a druith fer whut's richt, fer the' wull get thair fïll.
7Blisst ir tha yins that ir merciefu, fer the' wull be showed mercie.
8Blisst ir tha pure ïn hairt, fer the' wull see God.
9Blisst ir tha yins that warks fer peace, fer the' wull be caad sinns o God.
10Blisst ir tha yins that's traitit ïll fer daein whut's richt, fer thairs ïs tha Kïngdom o Heiven.
11Blisst ir you whan fowks baadmooth ye, an trait ye ïll, an miscaa ye on accoont o me. 12Be joyfu an gled, acause yis hae a pooerfu reward waitin fer ye ïn heiven, fer the' ïll-traitit tha proaphits that wus thair afore ye ïn jist tha same wye.
Saut an licht
13Yous ir tha saut o tha irth. But ïf tha saut loasses ïts taste, hoo can ït git bak ïts tang? It ïs nae lang'r onie use, but fer tae be throwed oot an thrampt unnèr fit.
14Yous ir tha licht o tha warl. A toon bigged on a hïll cannae be hïd. 15Ye dïnnae licht a lamp an pit ït unnèr a boul. Na, ye pit ït on a stan, whar ït gies licht tae tha hale hoose. 16In tha same wye, let yer licht shine afore iveriebodie, sae as the' wull see yer guid warks an gie glorie tae yer Faither ïn heiven.
Aboot tha Laa
17Dïnnae be thïnkin that A hae cum fer tae dae awa wi tha Laa or tha Proaphits; A hinnae cum fer tae dae awa wi thaim, but fer tae fülfill thaim. 18A tell ye tha truith, afore heiven an irth passes awa, no tha weeest lettèr, ner even tha weeest stroke o a pen, wull pass awa frae tha Laa afore iveriethin God wants fer ït ïs brocht aboot. 19Oniebodie that breks yin o these commauns, even tha laist o thaim, an lairns ithers tae dae tha same, wull be laist thocht o ïn tha Kïngdom o Heiven, but whaiver keeps these commauns an lairns ithers tae dae thaim, wull be gye weel thocht o ïn tha Kïngdom o Heiven. 20Fer A'm tellin yis thïs: less yer guidness gaes beyont that o tha Pharisees an tha maistèrs o tha Laa, yis'll no git ïntae tha Kïngdom o Heiven, that's fer shair!
Aboot ang'r
21Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed tae fowk lang syne, ‘Dïnnae commït murdèr, an oniebodie that murdèrs wull be judged fer ït.’ 22But A'm tellin ye, oniebodie that's even ang'rie wi hïs brither [wioot onie caas] ïs gaun tae be judged fer ït. Agane, oniebodie that says tae hïs brither, ‘Ye eejit ye!’ - that bodie wull hae tha Heich Cooncil tae answer tae. An oniebodie that says, ‘Ye oul fool!’ wull be rinnin tha risk o hell fire. 23Sae, ïf ye ir brïngin yer offerin tae tha althar, an ye mine that yer brither haes ocht agin ye, 24jist lea ït doon fornent tha althar. Awa an mak ït up wi yer brither furst; then cum bak an gie yer offerin ïn. 25Soart thïngs oot quïck wi yer enemie that ïs takkin ye tae coort. Dae ït while ye ir still wi hïm on tha wye thair, or he'll mebbe han ye ower tae tha judge, an tha judge cud han ye ower tae tha offysher, an ye cud be cloddit ïntae jail. 26A tell ye tha truith, ye'll no git oot o thair afore yer last pennie's pyed!
Aboot adultèrie
27Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed, ‘Dïnnae commït adultèrie.’ 28But A'm tellin yis that oniebodie that even luks at a wumman wi lust haes aareadie commïtit adultèrie wi hir ïn hïs hairt. 29If yer richt ee maks ye dae wrang, hoke ït oot an clod ït awa. It's faur bettèr fer ye tae loass tha yin pairt o yer bodie ner fer yer hale bodie tae be throwed ïntae hell. 30An ïf yer richt han maks ye dae wrang, cut ït aff an clod ït awa. It's faur bettèr fer ye tae loass tha yin pairt o yer bodie ner fer yer hale bodie tae gang ïntae hell.
Aboot divorce
31It's bin saed ïn tha Scrïptures as weel: ‘Oniebodie that divorces hïs guidwife maun gie hir a notysh o divorce.’ 32But A'm tellin ye that oniebodie that pits awa hïs wife - fer ocht ither ner rinnin aff wi anither man - he maks hir an adultèress; an oniebodie that merries a divorced wumman commïts adultèrie as weel.
Aboot oaths
33Forbye, ye ken that ït wus saed tae tha fowk lang syne, ‘Dïnnae brek yer oath, but keep tha oaths ye hae made tae tha Loard.’ 34A'm tellin ye but, dïnnae sweer ava: ether bi heiven, fer ït ïs God's throne; 35or bi tha irth, fer ït ïs hïs fit-creepie; or bi Jerusalem, fer ït ïs tha cïtie o tha michtie Kïng. 36An dïnnae sweer bi yer heid, fer ye cannae mak even yin o yer hairs white or blek. 37Jist let yer ‘Ay’ be ‘Ay’, an yer ‘Na’, ‘Na’; oniethin mair ner thïs cums frae tha wïckit yin.
An ee fer an ee
38Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed, ‘An ee fer an ee, an a tuith fer a tuith.’ 39But A tell ye, Dïnnae fecht agin a wïckit bodie! If summodie hïts ye on tha richt cheek, turn tha ither side til hïm forbye. 40An ïf summodie wants tae sue ye an tak tha shirt aff yer bak, let hïm hae yer tap-cóat as weel. 41If summodie gars ye tae gang yin mile, gang twa mile wi hïm. 42Gie tae tha yin that axes ye fer ocht, an dïnnae turn yer bak on a bodie that's lukkin tha lenn o sumthin.
Love fer yer enemies
43Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed, ‘Love yer nighber an hait yer enemie.’ 44But A tell ye: Love yer enemies an pray fer thaim that traits ye ïll, 45that ye micht be childèr o yer Faither ïn heiven. He maks hïs sin tae rise on tha wïckit as weel as on tha guid, an he senns rain on thaim that daes whut's richt, as weel as on tha yins that daesnae. 46If ye jist love thaim at loves you, whut reward wull ye get? Shair even tha tex men daes that! 47An ïf ye onlie pass tha time o day wi yer ain yins, whut ir ye daein mair ner ithers? Even pagans daes tha same, dae the' no? 48But you maun be perfait, jist as yer heivenlie Faither ïs perfait.”

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