Psalms 23
Every divvus with the Kushti Bokkengro
Psalm 23:1-6
1The Rai, mi-Duvvel is my bokkengro. He dels mandi all I need. 2He kers mandi to atch in green puvs. He kurs me alongside shukar pani. 3He kers mandi kushti. He brings me along the kushti drom, and everyone dels him a kushti nav. 4I jel down between the mountains where mullering hangs over the tan like a cloud, but I ain't trashed of no wafedipen, because tutti's adoi with mandi. With a tikni kosh and a bori kosh, you make me feel safe. 5You ker hobben for mandi even when our enemies are dikking us. You ker my bal rinkeni with oil and del mandi more to pi than I can kur in my dui-dass. 6Tatchipen, I shall get komoben and kushtipen sor the divvuses 'dre my jivapen. I shall atch in mi Duvvel's ker forever.
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Psalms 23: SGM1985
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© SGM Lifewords Ltd 1985, used with permission
Psalms 23
Every divvus with the Kushti Bokkengro
Psalm 23:1-6
1The Rai, mi-Duvvel is my bokkengro. He dels mandi all I need. 2He kers mandi to atch in green puvs. He kurs me alongside shukar pani. 3He kers mandi kushti. He brings me along the kushti drom, and everyone dels him a kushti nav. 4I jel down between the mountains where mullering hangs over the tan like a cloud, but I ain't trashed of no wafedipen, because tutti's adoi with mandi. With a tikni kosh and a bori kosh, you make me feel safe. 5You ker hobben for mandi even when our enemies are dikking us. You ker my bal rinkeni with oil and del mandi more to pi than I can kur in my dui-dass. 6Tatchipen, I shall get komoben and kushtipen sor the divvuses 'dre my jivapen. I shall atch in mi Duvvel's ker forever.
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© SGM Lifewords Ltd 1985, used with permission