Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Acts 26:1
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the Infinitum component, Mission.
The Essential Question (Part 9): Paul's Roman Trial
5 Days
In 50 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover the essential question Paul asked the Lord while he was traveling to Damascus: "What shall I do, Lord?" Have you ever asked yourself, What difference am I making with my life? On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental question. The search for significance is the underlying motivation for virtually all human activity.
How Can I Forgive? A Journey to Authentic Forgiveness
6 Days
Have you ever experienced betrayal or rejection from people you love and trust? It can be debilitating. We question, “How can I recover?;” “Can I ever get my life back?;” “What does God expect me to do?;” “I am only human! Surely some cases don’t require forgiveness, right?” Journey with me down the road to healing as we consider 3 types of forgiveness.
[Acts Inspiration For Transformation Series] Fight The Good Fight
7 Days
The message of the gospel contains such power in it that becomes an unstoppable force. Join the apostle Paul in his last days as he “fights the good fight, ” “keeps the faith,” and “finishes the race.” The struggles and opposition he faced are no different from the ones we encounter today. Learn from him and be inspired to bring transformation fighting the good fight.
Unlikely Fighter
10 Days
Ever doubt God could use you—with your shortcomings, failures, busy schedule…whatever your obstacles may be—to do anything big for His Kingdom? Good news: God specializes in the unlikely. The Scriptures offer ample examples of unlikely fighters—people God used in huge ways, despite (or even because of!) their imperfections. Meet 10 of these unlikely fighters, and discover how the Lord can use you to do mighty things.
Celebration through Stewardship: A 14 Day Journey
14 Days
The words celebration and stewardship are rarely connected. Perhaps that’s because we tend to think about stewardship as giving away rather than caring for—or even enjoying. Through this plan’s daily Bible passage and devotional content, you’ll begin to understand how intentional stewardship springs from—and even leads to—celebration.
The Basic Training Challenge – The Church Then And Now
15 Days
God began by calling a man, then a nation, and finally through Jesus, established a church. The Basic Training Challenge provides you with a starting point to learn about God’s mission here on earth through the Christian church. Similar to your basic training, this plan will challenge you to get spiritually fit in God’s Word.
The Ultimate Peace Mission
15 Days
Every successful mission starts with a vision and a group of people united to fight for it. We seek justice, order, equality, and peace in hopes of creating a better world. God’s vision is to heal a broken world, and he uses the Church to accomplish wholeness. In this study, you will learn about God’s ultimate plan for his people and how his sovereignty throughout history is accomplishing his mission.