Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ephesians 5:24
Three Questions for Husbands
3 Days
Men, do you want your marriage to be better but don’t know what to do? This plan will ask you 3 important questions about being a husband and give you practical ways to be an awesome one. This plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling will help you relate to your wife on the relational level that she needs.
From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.
Money And Marriage
3 Days
Discover key spiritual principles on both money and marriage through this 3-day reading plan by NY times bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair.
How to Protect Your Wife
3 Days
As husbands, we represent Christ in our marriage and our wives represent the Church. Our protection of our wives should encompass much more than just physical protection. In this 3-day reading plan we will look at ways to protect your wife other than just physical protection.
Three Questions for Wives
3 Days
Women, do you want your marriage to be better but don’t know what to do? This plan will ask you 3 important questions about being a wife and give you 3 practical ways to be an awesome one! This plan, written by our Content Editor Lindsay Few, will help you relate to your husband in the ways that he needs and will help you build your marriage.
Spiritual Leadership in the Home
3 Days
The Word of God gives men more than one responsibility. They are to lead, provide for, and protect their family, instruct their children, and love their wives. That is a man’s God-given role concerning his family. God has given men a position that is servant-oriented. Just as Jesus served His church, men are to serve their families.
Connected: A 3-Day Journey to Build Your Marriage
3 Days
The hardest and most rewarding relationship? Marriage. Told from the perspectives of both husband and wife, this 3-day devotional by the Synns uses personal experience and examines Scriptures to help guide you and your spouse toward a biblical and enjoyable marriage.
Momma's Boy
3 Days
Being a single mom might be the hardest job in this world. Perhaps it is even more so when combined with raising a boy in today’s society. Despite the challenges, God has provided a way. This devotional is meant to equip all the loving moms with the tools they need to help their sons become men of God.
Marriage as God Intended
3 Days
Whether you’re married or want to be married, this three-day reading plan is a helpful guide to discover God’s good design for the lifelong devotion of a husband and wife. Kip’ Chelashaw stirs our hearts to mirror Jesus’ love for His bride, the Church, by exploring the five Ps of marriage still relevant to us in the 21st century: partnership, procreation, proclamation, purity, and pleasure.
The Covenant Relationship of Marriage
3 Days
Scripture parallels the relationship of Christ and His Church, to the marriage union showing us the strength of covenant relationship. Jesus submitted to the will of the Father and demonstrated His love for the Church when He laid down His life. Marriage is a covenant that calls for the couple to relate to one another as exemplified by Jesus. This 3-day plan by Donna Templeton addresses some very necessary relational aspects of marriage.