Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Exodus 3:2
Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable Or Fireproof?
7 days
There is a dynamic, dead-raising power on the inside of you. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has penned some strong teachings on the Holy Spirit for you and has written dynamic Points of Power on the Holy Spirit. This 7 Day Study will challenge your thinking on the Holy Spirit and inspire you to believe in the amazing power of the Spirit within you.
You Are No Accident
7 Days
We have all at some point, asked the question – what is the purpose of my existence? At other times we have also run from what we know we are called to do. This seven-day reading plan reminds us that God has created each one of us and that not one of us is an accident. It also encourages to seek Him and live out His will each day.
Success Secrets From The Bible
7 Days
While success can be described in many ways and means different things to different people, whatever you call it and whatever it means to you, God wants you to achieve it. In His word, He has given us principles that make success inevitable. When you follow them, these principles will produce success with mathematical accuracy.
Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable Or Fireproof?
7 Days
There is a dynamic, dead-raising power on the inside of you. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has penned some strong teachings on the Holy Spirit for you and has written dynamic Points of Power on the Holy Spirit. This 7 Day Study will challenge your thinking on the Holy Spirit and inspire you to believe in the amazing power of the Spirit within you.
Commitment - Re-Commitment
7 Days
Only God can give us a new beginning. Commitment to Him is essential to become a new person. In this devotional material written by the three pastors of LifeCity Church, Arnold Gamboa, Mike Medlin and Prudy Verzo. They poured their hearts about Commitment and Recommitment to God.
In Want + Plenty by Meredith McDaniel
7 Days
When life doesn’t go as we planned, we have a tendency to doubt that God is with us. Thousands of years ago, the Israelites had the same fears as they wandered for a generation in the desert, longing for the land of milk and honey that God promised. In this week’s devotional, Meredith McDaniel reminds us through the Israelites’ journey how God provides in the times we need him most.
Made for More: Part Two
7 days
When part one of MADE for MORE was launched, we looked at what God MADE us for. In the next seven days we will explore the MORE we have all been made for. Over the next week, Dr. Kent Ingle, President of Southeastern University, will show us some of the ways that God’s Spirit works in his people and leads us into MORE.
7 Days
A.W. Tozer was a man who walked closely with God, who prayed often and shunned distraction so he could gaze more purely upon his Creator. In these daily meditations on Scripture, Tozer urges you to do the same. He will stir you toward humility and full surrender. He will expand your faith in a God so great that words fall short to describe Him. He will nourish you with truth.
Making Choices Together With God
7 Days
In this plan you will learn how Joshua and Caleb, two of the twelve spies, fulfill the promises of God in their lives. There are seven hidden wisdoms that you can incorporate beautifully into every choice you make.
God's Manifest Presence
7 Days
God’s presence is full of love and completely transformational. It takes what was lost and guides us to our rightful place in the Father. It satisfies the weary and pours out the refreshing rain of God’s love on the deepest parts of the soul. May you respond to God’s word by seeking out that for which you were made: continual encounter with your heavenly Father.