Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 12:2
Ready or Not for Foster & Adoptive Families
7 Days
Through scripture and personal transparency, Ready or Not helps families growing through foster care and adoption to explore God's heart for the fatherless. In both the beauty and the brokenness of foster care and adoption, God is near. This short plan is designed to help you count the cost of God's call to minister to the fatherless and the orphan.
God's Word For Life: Second Week Of Lent
7 Days
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent—a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal when Christians are invited to prepare themselves for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. Throughout the forty weekdays and six Sundays in Lent, pray and reflect on God’s renewing power.
7 Days
Scripture is God's love letter to us. Every promise He makes, He keeps. Everything He asks of us, He redeems. But that doesn't mean life is easy, so we need to be reminded that we serve a faithful God who equips us to prevail. Beloved author and speaker Susie Larson guides us through Scripture while encouraging us to feel and to trust God’s presence in our everyday lives.
World Changers
7 Days
A world changer is simply a person who chooses every day to be available to God. In this week’s devotional, we’ll look at why faith is the key to living that kind of life. As we’ll see in Hebrews 11, world changers make a difference because they have more trust in God than in themselves—and end up in amazing situations they never would have dreamed possible!
7 Days
We live in tumultuous and uncertain times when the entire world has been shaken by a pandemic. No matter how bad things get we can still look into the word of God to find inspiration on how the men and women in there, faced their fears head on and still lived out their callings in faith.
Christ Manifested in Us—Part 1
7 Days
In this plan, we will talk about being grateful, not just for our blessings, but for Christ being manifested in us. There are several things that we should be grateful in this regard, for example, we have the mind of Christ, the faith of the Son of God, the life of the Son, and the Spirit of the Son.
How to Encounter God - a Practical Guide
7 Days
Do you yearn for more of God? Do you desire more of His Presence in your life? Do you see others experiencing God in powerful ways and wonder why not me? God promises that we will find Him if we seek Him. This plan shows you how to unlock this promise in your life!
[Great Verses] Determining verses for your life and humankind
7 Days
I hide in all kinds of ways, some of which I’m unaware. I hide so well that sometimes I hide from myself that I’m hiding. How about you? How are you hiding these days? Here’s the good news: you can stop hiding. Hiding is the fundamental human strategy of dealing with sin; God’s strategy is better. Confess your sin and receive God’s overwhelming grace. Don’t be afraid, receive his love.
Worthy-Breaking Free From the Lies of Worthlessness
7 Days
If the lies of worthlessness have snuck into your soul, then roots of worthlessness can impact significant areas of your life. As you move into your position of worth with Christ, you will inspire others to be free and feel worthy as well. This battle is not only worth fighting for yourself and those you love, it's also worth winning!
7 Prayers for Your Nation
7 Days
7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.