Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 1:47
Bury Your Ordinary Habit Two
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the second habit: Radiance.
Overview Of The Gospels
4 Days
Tony Evans gives you a book summary for each of the Gospels in this four-day reading plan, helping you to gain a broader understanding of this important section of the Bible.
Hope That Lasts: A 5-Day Devotional by Lifewater
5 Days
What is the source of your hope? In this five-day plan brought to you by Lifewater, we’ll explore our true source of hope, and how Gospel hope gives us confidence and security to love others.
Jesus Revealed Series - When Jesus Calls
5 Days
We all have those people that we “know of”. We can’t claim to know them on a personal level, but we have enough information to know who they are. In Plan 2 of 19, we hear John the Baptist’s testimony of Jesus. He didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus but when Jesus was revealed to him, he went from “knowing of” Jesus to being known! Do you know Jesus? More importantly, are you known by Him?
Jesus Changes Everything: A 5-Day Devotional With Randy Alcorn
5 Days
Who do you say Jesus is? Who do you believe, deep in your heart, He really is? In this 5-day devotional centered on Christ, author Randy Alcorn shares his own story of coming to know our Savior, and invites you to also “come and see” Jesus and find joy in knowing Him better. Life will never be the same once you start the lifelong adventure of following Jesus!
The Life of Jesus, Part 1 (1/10)
5 Days
Embark on a journey to learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we will watch short clips from the film, The Life of Jesus, and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. You can read each of the 10 plans separately, but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.
My Story: Part One
5 Days
As a Christian, you may have heard that your identity should be found in Jesus, but have you ever thought about what that actually means? It means that when you chose to believe in Jesus, you chose to make his story, your story. This week, as an introduction to finding your identity, we will first take a look at Jesus' role as prophet, priest and king.
The Hearts of Prophets and Kings
5 Days
The ancient Scriptures, written by the prophets of old, declare that the Word of God was indeed made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus, the Christ, was the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets. This year, may we share His peace and declare goodwill toward all mankind!