Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 17:9
Exercise Your Faith
3 Days
Like your muscles, if your faith is not used it will atrophy. So you have to exercise it regularly. Start with this 3-day reading plan! Let your faith work and receive the grace from God!
[Uniqueness of Christ] Jesus' Unique Relationship
3 Days
No relationship is as unique and special as the one shared by God the Father and God the Son. Let's examine that heavenly relationship closely in this three–day devotional plan and reflect on how we can apply it to our personal walk with Christ and our relationship with others.
[Uniqueness of Christ] Jesus’ Unique Record
3 Days
What might you find in your medical history, or in your school transcript, that sets you apart from everyone else? What makes you unique? In this last part of the “Uniqueness of Christ” series, pastor Mark Rae lets us dive into Jesus’ unique record. Three events make Him unique. This devotional dives into them.
Discerning God's Will in Relationships
3 Days
There are Biblical principles on how to Define and Discern Godly relationships. As believers, we honor God in how we choose and steward the associations entrusted to us. In this devotional, we walk through three principles: Defining, Discerning, and Disconnecting from ungodly connections that hinder our growth in Christ.
Making a Difference in the Shadows, Not the Spotlight
5 Days
There are some names in the Bible that everyone knows: Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Mary, Peter, Paul. But the Bible is also full of stories with unnamed characters. People who made a difference not in the spotlight, but in the shadows. We often think they and we are insignificant if the spotlight is not on. But here's the good news: God chooses and uses shadow Christians.
Iron Sharpens Iron: Life-to-Life® Mentoring in the New Testament
5 Days
Do you long to “make disciples who make disciples,” to follow Jesus’ mandate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)? If so, you may have found that it can be difficult to find role models for this process. Whose example can you follow? What does disciplemaking look like in everyday life? Let’s dive into the New Testament to see how five men and women invested in others Life-to-Life.
Hope in Times of Hopelessness
5 Days
We can either allow our hardships to drag us down into hopelessness, or in our hardships, we can allow the gospel to lift us up into the New Testament hope that we have in Christ.
Mountains: Find Hope and Vision in God’s Presence
5 Days
Mountains are one of God’s favorite places to meet with his people. From the Mount of Creation in Genesis 1 to the Mount of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, mountains regularly serve as holy ground for connecting with God. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong guides readers through five mountaintop Bible stories. Watch as God reveals His character and invites His children to enjoy His presence.
The Best of Friends
5 Days
From "Let there be light." to the final "Amen", God’s big story is about friendship. In this inspiring five-day reading plan, Phil Knox explores the power of friendship, and it's pressures. Learn how to manage relationships the way Jesus did, and how making friends with a diversity of people proclaims the gospel to a lonely, fractured world. Discover the truth; the best of friends is Jesus Himself.
EquipHer Vol. 3: "Intentionally Crafting Connections"
5 Days
Success in our professional and spiritual life isn’t just about our commitment; it’s also about the relationships we intentionally build. The connections we nurture can either propel us forward or hold us back. As women seeking growth in all areas of life, it’s essential to surround ourselves with people who align with our values, support our purpose, and inspire us to become who God has called us to be. This devotional will help you reflect on your relationships, and show you how to cultivate intentional, life-giving connections.